Chapter 223: Space Gods

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 223: Space Gods

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


21st March 2012, Missouri

(Rose Potter POV)

It wasn't magic, not really, but it was some sort of energy that far eclipsed it in power and density. Now that she could feel it properly, it was amazing how well the little plant was able to hide its energy output. Every single thing that is charged with any energy will let some of it out, it was a fact with magic just as it was with all other kinds of energy. Perfect insulation is almost impossible. With that said, this is as close as Rose ever imagined perfect energy insulation to be. It was like someone had hid the entirety of Hogwarts inside this plant and yet the energy loss was almost unnoticeable.

All in all, Rose had no idea what they hell what this thing was, "What is that?"

"That, my dear sister, is a seedling of one of the most powerful beings in the universe."

Rose was both awed and confused at this, "I don't understand"

Jasmine started explaining, "A few decades back, I detected something landing on the planet. It was extremely powerful, absolutely terrifying, but it wasn't whole, so to speak. It was like a projection of energy, a shard of a whole, that decided for some reason to see the world. It was like a tourist, one that happened to be powerful enough to blow up the planet on a whim, that's it. He traveled all over the country, visited the wonders of the world, he went to bars, got drunk and met a woman. They started dating and even had a son. The entity then left the planet, leaving behind a wife and a son. That man was a projection of one of the strongest entities native to this universe. They're the closest thing to gods that inhabit this reality, we call them the celestials."

"What are they?"

Jasmine had a smug look on her face, "Nothing much, I discovered this situation a few thousand years ago and found that the flow of life force was just unnatural. Using an old artifact of mine, the soul stone, I was able to redirect the flow back to what it was supposed to be. Sadly, I have lost the artifact, but I haven't been in a situation that will need it in a very long time. Anyway, by doing this, I just made sure that the life force never reached the celestial egg, meaning that it's still inert and will remain so until someone undoes my work. Arishem was furious with my actions and asked the eternals to put us in contact. Things were tense, but since I was under Death's protection, there was nothing he could do to punish me. I think he's just waiting for me to die, and he would undo my spell then; even for someone as long lived as me, it's barely a blink of an eye for Arishem who is one of the oldest celestials. Even after my death and my spell being undone, it would take thousands of years for the celestial egg to mature properly. It should be enough time for humanity to have perfected space travel and terraforming planets which would mean that the grand majority of humanity would live on other planets, meaning that humanity will survive."

"So, you're just going to leave them to die?"

Jasmine gave her sister an incredulous look, "What other choices did I have? Kill the egg, which would probably result in Arishem destroying the planet in spite or fight Arishem himself, a being who could quite literally destroy our solar system with a snap of his fingers? This was the best solution I could find with the human race surviving. Trust me, if you have any other idea, you're welcome to share it."

Rose stayed silent and averted her gaze.

Jasmine snorted, "Yeah, I thought so. Now, with what we've learnt, it would be a good idea to speak with them. After this mess is done with, I'll track down one of the Eternals and try to get an audience with Arishem. Maybe he, and the other celestials could help us."

Rose nodded and changed the subject, "You still haven't told me what this seed plant thingy is"

"Oh, right. At its base, it's a self-replicating biological agent that absorbs all matter around it as it expands. In other words, it's a world ending weapon that could be activated with enough cosmic energy."

Rose had a horrified look on her face and actually took a few steps back in fear, "Why the hell didn't you destroy it yet?"

Jasmine shrugged, "I had very powerful wards around this place and an empty dimensional pocket created to contain it if it ever goes off. Killing it could send a signal to the celestial letting him know that something happened. Truthfully, the most likely scenario that would happen is him returning and putting in a new one considering how he didn't add any protections on it. But the worst-case scenario is that he would kill whoever is responsible for the death of his seed and make another one too."

Rose sighed in relief at her sister's explanation. Of course, Jasmine had a plan, she always had a plan. She would never risk the safety of the entire planet like that, "And what's your plan with this?"

"Well, that's easy. I'm going to absorb it."

Wait, what? All thoughts of her sister's sanity and forethought disappeared from Rose's head. It was funny in a way, to watch as her faith in her sister plummeted entirely. Was she out of her mind? She had just said that killing the seed would probably alert the cosmic entity, why the hell is she planning on taking over a fraction of the power of what she had already described as one of the most powerful beings in the universe.

And Jasmine isn't just killing the seed, she's planning on stealing its power, meaning that the celestial will be enraged with Jasmine. It's a frankly stupid idea to do and Rose had no qualms to say that to Jasmine, "No offense, Jasmine, but this has to be one of the stupidest, most reckless, and absolutely ridiculous, ideas I have ever heard of in my life."