Chapter 211: Acquisition

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 211: Acquisition

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

Well, thankfully, Webnovel seemed to undo whatever they did to PC readers, but this is kinda making me wary of what happened, so I'm still going to post the story on other platforms, since I kinda already started doing it. Don't worry, nothing is going to change on here, I just wanted to let you know in case you see this story on another platform.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


16th March 2012, New York City

(Jasmine Sayre POV) The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

I open a drawer and give him a necklace. It wasn't just a necklace though, it was a dog tag, specifically, Bucky's own. He looked at me gaping, "Where did you find this?"

I chuckled, "Believe it or not, I stole it from Captain America's exhibit in a museum here in New York. I snuck in last night and left a replica there. But I didn't give you that just for nostalgia's sake, I added a spell to it. I want you to put it on and pinch the tag."

Bucky followed my orders, and gasped as he turned invisible. He pinched the tag again and returned to view, "This is awesome."

I snorted, "This is what you're going to be using to bypass the security cameras. You're going to pick the locks, sneak in and just leave the rocks in the bunker. The moment you leave, call me, so that I activate them properly. With this, we will have made our first step in destroying Hydra permanently."

So, I chose to use the opportunity that was presented in front of me. I was going to destroy SHIELD and Hydra at the same time, two international organizations with high tech weaponry and an even more impressive budget.

Finding James Barnes was a treasure; he was the scalpel that I was going to use to cut apart his former master. He had already completely killed Arnim Zola and set a trap for the Hydra agents that will probably check on him when things go to shit.

He completed his mission perfectly and wasn't noticed by even a single security camera. With that, I let him get ready for the next mission, killing the head of the snake.

As for now, I walked towards the meeting room, as Jasmine Sayre, Morgan Evanshade's niece and named heir to all her possessions in her will. I was immediately greeted by 'Morgan Evanshade's' attorneys, and I sat down waiting for Pierce's arrival. The man wasn't far behind. I watched through Bucky's eyes, using my telepathy, to see him recognize Pierce's presence, and walk towards him to look for the invitation. He used the small needle I gave him to surreptitiously prick him as he shook his hand. There was a numbing charm on the needle, meaning that the man didn't even feel a thing, and after seeing the invitation to the meeting, he gave the Secretary of the World Security Council directions to the meeting room.

This was it; Alexander Pierce was a dead man walking. The truth was that all the needle contained was a small serum. Barely any poison would be enough to kill him with this little volume of it, which is why I didn't use a poison at all. I enchanted a small serum that'll completely integrate itself into his blood, with no traces. The serum would force the cholesterol in his blood to gravitate near a single point. After five days, he will end up having a heart attack, seemingly from natural causes, which will kill him.

It was a dirty little assassination trick, but it works, and no one would even suspect anything and if they did, they would have no way of knowing how this happened.

With that, Hydra's fall will be inevitable. I have Alfred ready, having spent that last few days searching for the assets that are solely Hydra's not SHIELD's, in all the countries. He isolated them, found the accounts and was ready to corrupt the data, to destroy any traces of their existence at a moment's notice.

When Pierce inevitably dies, Hydra's high command will start to fight for his role, both in SHIELD and in Hydra. While they do this, the main funds of the organization will disappear, which means that their soldiers will not be getting paid, removing their armed forces. The only money left will be the physical stuff, that's hidden in various caches. It wouldn't be even a fraction of their previous fortunes. But with this, the organization will start to fragment into multiple factions led by whoever finds the money first. With that done, it will be easy to find every faction and kill them one by one, alongside the high command. This will be Barnes' job in the termination of Hydra.

While I was daydreaming about Hydra's inevitable demise, Pierce walked into the room in an overly expensive suit, like he owned the place, and he sat down in front of me.

I could see his eyes widen in recognition and horror when he looked at me. Pierce had no idea who Morgan Evanshade named as her heir. The letter with the meeting was sent to her attorneys. He had no clue that Jasmine Sayre was her niece, or that she was the one who inherited the empire that is Marvel Media. Looking at him now, I stifled a chuckle; Nick Fury must have told him about our little conversation a few years ago, where I scared the crap out of him, Barton, and Romanoff.

The man couldn't help himself and cried out, "You?"