Chapter 193: Warnings

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 193: Warnings

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


9th March 2012, New York City

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

I chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm not here to fight any of you. I need to talk to Thor for a few minutes. I will leave with him to Asgard. I removed my protections against Heimdall's scrying for now. I believe I have left him enough time to warn your father of my incoming visit."

Thor looked at me nervously, "Are you planning on harming Asgard in any way?"

I shook my head, "All I need, is to have a conversation with your father. We will come to an agreement. A war with Asgard, especially now, will spread chaos across the universe. Trust me, the arrangement will be beneficial for both factions."

He nodded, "Then, I, Thor son of Odin, Crown Prince of Asgard, accept your request."

"So be it."

I then immediately smiled, "Alright, with that out of the way, there's something I wanted to talk to you all about."

The Avengers looked at me, with nervous looks on their faces. I almost burst into laughter, "relax, it's nothing bad, but there will be ramifications to what happened today."

Barton looked confused, "Like what?"

"People were aware of superpowers before, with Captain America being a thing, and the mutants being revealed a couple of years ago. And while some of the reception was positive, most people were afraid, especially governments, and with good reason. The truth is that power, until the reveal of those people, was in the hands of the rich and the politicians. It's quite simple, they have law enforcement to deal with people who break the law, the army for serious threats, and so on. Even Steve Rogers, the Captain America, while impressive, is still within somewhat human imagination. But with superpowers being gained by mostly teenagers left and right, they don't feel safe anymore. Their neighbor's kid could read minds, destroy tanks without breaking a sweat, and cause a lot of property damage. It makes sense; newly awakened mutants are mostly either children or teenagers, who rarely tend to listen to the rules."

They were starting to look apprehensive now and Barton still asked, "But things were like that for years now, what does this invasion have to do with this?"

Stark was the one who answered him, "We opened their eyes to the dangers out there."

I nodded, "Oh, I'm planning to. For now, this little rock is in the center of events that would shape the entire universe, and even beyond it. And unfortunately, I can't trust you not to mess things up. This is too important, so I'll have to stay here for the next couple of decades. And if this planet survives what is coming, then you won't hear anything from me anymore. If it doesn't, well, I guess we'll all be too dead to care."

I motioned to Thor, "Blondie, get your things, you're going home."

The man looked startled for a second and actually jumped when I addressed him. He quickly straightened his back and processed my words. He nodded and went to get Loki. As he went away, the rest of the Avengers were staring at me, startled by my little speech.

Romanoff chose to change the topic of the conversation entirely, "do you still have Loki's staff?"

I nodded, "Yes, it is currently in my possession."

"SHIELD is going to want to get that."

I snorted in derision, "That's cute kiddo. You think I'd let them near something that dangerous after the mess they made. It's not like they misused powerful artifacts in the past. Oh wait, they did."

"What happened with the Tesseract was a mistake" she protested.

I raised an eyebrow and interrupt her, "You're seriously asking me if SHIELD, an organization famous for trying to weaponize pretty much anything they had a hand in, wouldn't try to use a staff that's only good for controlling minds. That's not even scratching what that thing can really do. Even Loki had no idea what that thing is. No, I'm going to hide that thing in the deepest hole I can find. No one is going to get it on my watch."

She didn't have time to argue with me because Thor entered, holding the still bound and unconscious Loki, and the Tesseract in an Asgardian artifact designed to temporality use the space stone in a very limited manner. It should be enough for what I had in mind. With a wave of my hand, I dispel the bindings and wake him up.

Immediately, everyone got to their feet, worried. I just raised my hand, "Don't worry, he won't do anything. I just couldn't leave him bound like that where we're going."

Thor looked confused, "I thought we were going to Asgard?"

I nodded, "Yes, but first, I'll need to check on something and it's in what I would call a hostile environment."

Loki blinked at me, still disorientated, and glared, "And where would that be?"

The malicious grin on my face must have scared him because he paled when he saw it. Even Thor looked nervous, and his eyes widened when I said, "We're going to Nifleheim."

"Wait, what"

Before he could finish the sentence. I turn the Asgardian artifact, and teleport myself and the two Asgardians to one of the most dangerous places in the universe.