Chapter 184: Dimensions

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 184: Dimensions

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


3rd March 2021, Illuminati Headquarters Earth 838

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

"She's gone for good; I took care of it."

He looked at me in surprise, "She's not in this universe, she can come back."

I shook my head, "Like I said, I took care of it."

He gave me a disbelieving look. When he tried to protest further, I interrupted him, "But you're right. We need to get back before the asshole Illuminati people wake up.

Stephen looked back and saw the knocked out figures of Charles Xavier, Reed Richards, Black Bolt, Captain Marvel and Captain Carter.

He turned towards me, "What the fuck happened? I was barely gone for ten minutes"

I gave him a cheeky grin, "Hah, you missed all the fun. Now, let's get out of here."

I created a portal that took us away from the city, into an empty field. I knelt down and touched the ground and slowly a wooden hut sprung from the ground and built itself. I added a few features, like a working bathroom, and water. I would have tried to add some electricity, but I had no access to any grid, and I didn't want to risk Reed Richards finding us with some bullshit algorithm he made up. We needed to be completely off the grid. The privacy wards were immediately set up as soon as I started creating the house.

I look back to my gaping companions, "This should suffice us until we're able to leave this universe for good."

Strange nodded, "who are you, really?"

I shrug, "Someone you don't want to mess with, but for now, let's stick with Jasmine Sayre."

"So, that's not your name?"

"My name is a very well known one, at least for those who have studied the magical arts, or who know their history. I'd rather not spend the entire time talking about my life. Let's just say that I'm older than your teacher was."

Strange's eyes widened, "How do you"

I interrupt him, "I know your counterpart from my universe. He's still a bit of an arrogant asshole, but he's scared shitless of me. Me and the Ancient One had a pretty good laugh when he yelped and ran away when we were introduced properly."

America burst into laughter at that, "I would pay to see that!"

The girl looked at me confused, "Magic? I don't do magic."

I snorted, "Kiddo, what do you think magic is?"

"I don't know, spells and stuff."

I gave her a chuckle, "No, while it does look like that, the exact definition is the manipulation of an unknown energy with the effect of breaking the physical laws of the world. Your portals do not occur naturally, and the energy to punch a hole in the walls between universes has to come from somewhere. Which means that what you're using is magic. Better yet, I can feel the energy inside of you, filling up every cell in your body. Slowly, you're becoming stronger, faster, more resilient, with faster healing. There's a phenomenon that mages call Accidental Magic, it's commonly seen in children with no training, who when they feel an intense emotion, emit some raw magic that could have some unpredictable effects."

"So, my moms"

I gave her a reassuring smile, "It wasn't your fault. You were a child with barely any control over your emotions and more power than you could possibly handle. Now, the difference between you and the average mage, is the fact that you don't absorb magic from the Earth itself, but from the space between universes that's full of energy that's used in the creation of new universes. The truth is, you've barely scratched the surface of your powers. You could use them to scry into different universes, you could use them to enhance your strength dramatically, make you faster, or just teleport in a single universe. You could probably do a lot more, but for now, let's focus on those."

"Are you sure about this?"

I nodded, "Think about it, why does your energy look like stars? Trust me, breaches in space and time don't look like your portals. It's probably your favorite shape, and subconsciously, you shaped your energy to look like it. Truth be told, Strange, while he uses magic differently, something called sorcery, could probably teach you, but it'd take some time, and while he's a genius when it comes to sorcery, he's a shit teacher. Our kinds of magic are a lot alike, and I have had apprentices before, and even created a school of magic in my universe, so trust me, I can show you enough for you to have a little bit of control, but you'll probably have to continue to learn the rest on your own."

America nodded, and got up, "Alright, show me what you got."

I grin at her, "First things first, you need to be able to call on your energy, on your magic, at will. To do that, you need to find it first."

She looked confused at that, "I don't get it"

"Normally, I would have taught you to meditate and slowly manipulate your magic, but we're pressed for time, so, I'm going with a shortcut."

Before she could do anything, I touched her forehead. Immediately, I was able to find her magic, it was like a bonfire of chaotic energy, trying escape at any cost. I kept the connection going for a good minute before letting it go.

The girl stood up gasping, "What the hell was that?"

"That was me finding your energy. What you just felt, that's your magic, the source of your powers. I activated them for you, now try to remember the feeling, do it before you start to forget it, and call upon it yourself. Remember the warmth, the power that spread through your entire body and call upon it."

It took a few tries, but after an hour or so, the girl was grinning at me, "I felt it, I can feel it."

"Keep doing it, again and again, until it becomes second nature, until you can feel it in a fraction of a second, until it becomes an extra limb that you could use. The power is yours, America, take control of it."

By the end of the day, America was able to call up on her power at will. But she still had no idea how to use it. She gave me a look, as if challenging me to give her something more. I chuckled and ruffled her hair, "Now, let's get you to use them. Now, let's ignore the multiversal aspect, we'll do that when you have more control. I want you to call on your power, like before but then try to move it into your hand. And then, I want you to punch the wall, in front of you."

The girl nodded, and punched the wall, to no avail. I snorted, "You found your energy, directed it, but let it go before the punch. You need to trust yourself. You can do it, America, I know you can. You know deep down that you can. Now, do it again and punch that wall."

The girl eyes looked determined, she closed her eyes for a second, brought back her hand, and punched the wall. Immediately, a star made of some sort of blue energy empowered her punch, destroying the wall, as if the Hulk had punched it with full force.

America gave me a grin, "That was awesome."

I nodded, "Yes, it was."

It was close. I was going home soon.