Chapter 182: Sparks Flying

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 182: Sparks Flying

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


3rd March 2021, Illuminati Headquarters Earth 838

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

Rambeau didn't seem to like it and sent a photonic beam my way. I open a portal and send it towards the back of Black Bolt, after which, I hit him with a silencing charm and a stunning spell.

Huh, that's two down in less than a minute. Seriously, this was the Illuminati, the team that was protecting the world from higher level threats. Even my Wanda would be able to take them down alone, let alone a fully realized Scarlett Witch with years of being corrupted by the Darkhold.

I look at them with disappointment, and turn to my new charge, "Don't worry, kiddo, I got this."

The young girl smiled hesitantly at me, "Kick their asses."

I smirk, who was I to say no to her?

I look towards my remaining opponents, Reed Richards, Peggy Carter and Maria Rambeau and smile. I turn back towards my newest charge and smile at her, "Consider this to be your first lesson in fighting multiple opponents. You always need to take out the heavy hitters first, the ones who are able to make the most damage. In this case, it's Black Bolt and Xavier. Don't let the old man fool you, he could melt you brain, take over your body and take you as a hostage, which is why they were the first ones I fought. Now, I have three opponents."

This universe's Captain Marvel was getting impatient and sent another photon blast at me. Again, I created a portal to hit Peggy Carter in the back. However, the super soldier was experienced in this regard and put up her shield to nullify the attack.

"Lesson two, always use your opponents' attacks against them. It's very cost effective."

Peggy Carter sent her shield back at me, and I grab it using my telekinesis, and use it to stop another blast from Rambeau. I sent the shield flying towards the floating, glowing woman, but it was intercepted by Reed's stretchy hand, who caught it.

The smartest man in the world spoke to me, "You do not have to do this. The girl is a danger to the multiverse itself; we need to study her and neutralize her abilities before she could cause any more incursions."

I shook my head, "You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you? Incursions don't occur because of dimensional travel; they happen because of the Darkhold and how Dream walking works. You think that the Darkhold of all things wouldn't have a steep price for giving access to the multiverse? The ultimate irony, if you find your ideal universe, the more you look at it, the faster you destroy it."

The man didn't look convinced, "This is barely more than a baseless theory. You don't have proof for that."

"Well, I don't believe I exist in your universe, this one or the one you're possessing this young woman from, but in my universe, you are my daughter."

The woman looked at me weirdly, "Daughter?"

"Adopted, don't worry. I don't think I can have children, really. But I adopted you after your asshole father put you in an insane asylum."

"Do not speak of my father!"

I shook my head with a small smile, "Relax, kiddo, different universe, different father. Your father in my universe, is a metal controlling maniac who wears a bucket on his head and routinely tries to destroy humanity. Even Pietro was getting disillusioned from the crap he spewed every day."

"Pietro is alive?"

"Oh yeah, a bit of a delinquent, to be honest, but a good kid in the core."

Wanda shook her head, "I want the girl!"

I gave her a disappointed look, "What are you doing, Wanda? Possessing a woman, using the Darkhold, just to bring back something that wasn't real in the first place?"

She growled at me, "My children were real."

I shook my head, "The first lesson I ever taught you was that reality was an illusion, and you could very easily catch yourself in them. Your children may have been real for you, but they had no soul, no substance, they were just pieces of your subconscious manifesting. Being alive is more than just existing, and when you weren't there, when you didn't have them in your line of sight, they ceased to be. It would be worse if they somehow had souls or a conscience of their own, because it means that you were killing again and again every time you didn't think of them."

"You don't understand, you've never lost children of your own."

I chuckle bitterly, "I don't understand? I understand perfectly. I have lost children before, to war, to fate, to death. And unlike you, they were real. I understand the agony every time you wake up and realize that they were gone, that you'd never hug them again, hold them again, hear them laugh again. It's the small things that remind you of your failure in protecting them. But I would never replace them with another model, it would be a cheap imitation, at best. And to deprive them of their mother just so that you could take her place, will make you exactly what you hate, a woman who deprived children of their mother."

"I don't care. I'm done caring. I need my children back."

"Then go and get pregnant or something. You don't even have to fall in love or something, just get to a sperm bank and choose a sample and get pregnant. Don't use one of the most dangerous and vile magics to kidnap alternate versions of the children you made up in your head."

Wanda didn't look convinced, "It wouldn't be the same, it wouldn't be my boys."

"Your boys don't even exist, they never existed. They were projections of your subconscious, of your desires. They had no genetic makeups, no soul, no real body. How could they, when their father was a synthetic being with no DNA. They were just a projection in that made up world of yours. Even if you, for some reason, find children that looked exactly like your subconscious and had the exact names you gave them in your little dream world, they wouldn't be the same, they wouldn't have the same personalities, they wouldn't obey your every command like they did in your dream world. They would rebel like children did, in ways that you would never expect. Your children were never real, Wanda, but the ones you will take over will be. And how would you take care of them, you're volatile, extremely quick to anger and tend to escalate things quickly. The truth is, with the way you're acting, you'd be a terrible mother."

The deranged woman flew at me with a cry of anger, with red energy coming from her hands, ready to turn me into paste. I shook my head in disappointment; she was too far gone. This should be an interesting fight, at the very least.