Chapter 127: Fighting a Gambit

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 127: Fighting a Gambit

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, Lucodarkknight G, for his help in this chapter.


1st March 2006, New York City

(Wanda Maximoff POV)

Wanda was somewhat dubious in accepting Jean's request.

"Jean, you're the one who agreed to go with him, I don't see how I have to ruin an entire night because of it."

The telepath had, for some reason, accepted to meet with an old friend of Scott the previous night when she came back from Sayre manor. Apparently, she was too tired and wanted to just go to sleep while Scott Summers kept droning on about something, so she just said yes so that he would leave her alone. And now, she was stuck with him for a night, with no way out.

The redhead shook her head, "I just have a bad feeling about this."

Kitty giggled at this, "If you didn't want to go, you shouldn't have said yes."

"Again, I wasn't in my right mind. I just wanted him to stop whining and go away." Jean protested.

Wanda interjected, "Look, just go to the damn thing and leave as soon as you can."

"I'm going, but I just can't shake this gut feeling that something is wrong."

Kitty replied, "Jean, we all know that Scott is a creep, but I don't see him actively try to hurt you or something. If he actually does something, you could easily kick his ass. You don't need us there."

"Please, guys. I'll feel a lot better if I know you're around." Jean practically begged.

Kitty and Wanda looked at each other and then nodded, "Alright, Jean. But you owe us big time."

Jean leapt and hugged both her friends. Wanda sighed internally, they were just gonna stand there and do nothing but watch Jean and Scott for a few hours in some Caf. Sounds like fun. Note the sarcasm in her mental voice. But she couldn't hang her friend out to dry just after a few weeks of friendship. This is gonna suck.

And suck it did. They spent almost an hour looking at the window of a coffee shop, watching Jean and Scott talking and laughing with an older man.

"Is it just me, or do they look like they're on a date?" Kitty asked, breaking the silence.

For some reason, this question made Wanda uncomfortable, "She does look happy. Doesn't she normally hate the guy?"

"Yeah, she does. But the guy has redeeming qualities, if you're looking for them."

Wanda frowned, "Like what?"

"He's charismatic when he needs to, he's a good leader to the team and he takes it very seriously. He can be very kind. For some reason, all of these traits disappear the second Jean is involved. It's like he becomes a different person altogether. He also absolutely freaks out if she so much as gets a papercut. This annoys the hell out of the rest of us, especially if she gets hit during training. The guy just loses it. It's a shame you never saw him without Jean being there because he's a lot more agreeable then, and he's actually kinda nice, you know, for an angsty teenager who bemoans the fact that he could only see the world in shades of red."

Huh, Wanda couldn't see it. She had automatically categorized the boy as a hostile when he yelled at her mother and agreed with the bald man to send her back to a mental assignment. Looking at the boy, now, he was grinning, laughing alongside Jean, who had a genuine smile on her face. It was a carefree smile, one without any burden or hidden sorrow. It was the smile of a typical teenaged girl on a date.

The man grinned at her, "You're a, exceptional fighter, ma Cherie, may I have the honor of your name?"

Was he trying to flirt with her? She so didn't have time for this; she had a friend to save.

"Get out of my way, I'm going to get my friend back, whether you like it or not."

The man gave her a smug smile, "You could beat me, that's fair, girly. But if you think for a second that you have a chance with Monsieur Sinister, then you're delusional. Whether you beat me or not, doesn't matter; you have already lost."

Wanda responded to the man, "I don't care. Let me through, now, this is my final warning."

Gambit grinned at her, "Funny, I was about to say the same thing. Don't worry about your friend, now, you should worry about your own life, after all, it going to be ending soon. A shame, you were so young, with so much potential."

Wanda asked confused, "What?"

Before she could finish her question, a giant metal spike impaled her from behind. It went through her chest. The witch looked back and saw the woman she had beaten before, Polaris. She was bleeding from her head and her outfit was ripped all over.

The man looked genuinely sad, "You should never take your eyes off your opponent, ever."

Wanda smiled at him while coughing out blood, "I was about to tell you the same thing."

Suddenly, a spike went through the man's chest from the back. The man looked disbelieving for a second, not registering the attack. Wanda's figure then started to turn into some sort of red energy and an invisible Wanda appeared behind him.

"Gambit," Polaris exclaimed.

Distracted, the metal wielding mutant didn't see the telepathic blast coming which hit her head and broke her neck.

Wanda didn't have time to deal with the fact that she has just killed her first man. She had a friend to rescue. Slowly walking towards the entrance, the witch composed herself and found an unconscious Kitty near the entrance. There was no sign of fights which meant that there was some sort of trap against her phasing. Jean woke the girl up with her telepathy, 'Kitty, get up; we need to get Jean now!'

The catholic girl stirred and suddenly jumped up, "What happened?"

"Anti phasing trap, I'm guessing. You sure you're up for this, apparently, this guy is no joke?"

Kitty glared at the witch, "I'm not gonna abandon my friends, Wanda."

Wanda nodded and the walked forward but were interrupted by some sort of force field.

The witch was starting to get angry, "I'm starting to get angry at those damn things."

Wanda gathered what must be her most powerful telekinetic blast yet and threw it at the entrance. It obliterated the force field along with the entrance. Slowly, both mutants walked inside the Caf and saw the man, Nate, carrying Jean, preparing to get out.

Wanda spoke to the man, in a threatening voice that even frightened herself, "Put down my friend if you know what's good for you."


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 10 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.