Chapter 113: The Return

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 113: The Return

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23rd February 2006, New York City

"Perhaps I do know who you are, perhaps I don't. It shouldn't matter either way. You are who you are, just as I am who I am. Who you were previously is not more important than who you are now. Appreciate what you have for you will find only pain and sorrows if remember."

The man looked at me and unsealed his metal claws, "Please, you're the only lead I got."

I sigh, and with a snap of my finger, Logan's claws retract. "Farewell, James Howlett."

I turn around and leave, with my apprentice following me. They do not attempt to stop me.


(Jean Grey POV)

Jean Grey watched as her history teacher slash mass murderer slash avatar of Death, walked away from the mansion, leaving everyone uncomfortable and quite confused with what just happened. What she just experienced was so contradictory to her personality that the redhead was seriously starting to doubt if it actually was Ms. Sayre that came and defeated the Juggernaut.

This was a woman who had frightened Jean to the core, whose tales terrified even the bravest sorcerers to their cores. It was a being who has walked in blood and death for as long as man was able to record history. For as long as their civilization existed, the Morrigan was there to punish the wicked, destroy evil, with extreme prejudice. She went by many names, each more infamous than the previous, from Wadjet, to Medusa, to Hecate, to Morganna. Each of these personas has shaken the world, destroyed civilizations, and now, the redhead watched as one of the most terrifying that ever walked on the surface of the Earth, wear a silly T-Shirt and act like a ditsy idiot.

Evan, bless him, expressed her thoughts in a single sentence, "What the fuck just happened?"

Before he could get up, Dr. Mcoy interjected, "Logan, I believe she has already given us what we need. I looked up the name James Howlett. He was a member of the Howling Commandos, Captain America's team during World War two. But that's not the interesting part. Take a look at his picture." He turned around his tablet he usually has with him, in case he needs to look up something.

Inside was the picture of a team in black and white. In front was a man wearing a tacky uniform riddled with stars and stripes. He was holding a circular shield with a giant star in the middle. It was Captain America, every idiot who lived in this country would recognize him.

But when Dr. McCoy zoomed in on one of the faces in the background, they found him. It was an exact replica of Logan, who was wearing a military uniform and smoked his usual cigar. What the hell?

Logan muttered, "That's me. How the hell did she know that this was me? What about that other name, Stricker? She said that he's the one who made me lose my memories."

Dr. McCoy tapped on the tablet for a minute and afterwards he spoke. "The only person I found that looks even remotely interesting is William Stryker, a Sergeant in the American Military. Most of his file is severely classified. But he was part of something called the Weapon X program. No further description. Almost everything public is somehow redacted. Logan, are you sure you want to pursue this? Ms. Sayre said that it wouldn't change anything and that you won't like what you find."

Logan just grunted and left the room. No one dared to stop him; they wouldn't risk being stabbed because he's emotional. The man had his issues, and had always hoped for a lead on his previous life, before losing his memories.

Back to the Wanda situation, Jean still had questions. Wait a minute, the Professor knew that she wasn't guilty and yet approved of sending her to what sounds like a glorified prison for people with powers, "Professor, why was she imprisoned anyway. Did she do anything bad, other than not being able to control her powers? Ms. Sayre said about her being in the Vault. Isn't that where the Juggernaut was being held?"

The professor sighed in exasperation and Jean had the suspicion that he wished to just remove everyone's memories of this using his telepathy. "Yes, Both Cain and Wanda were both held in the same facility. But that was because it was the only place that could contain both their powers. As for why, you have to understand that young Wanda's abilities are a mystery. She was able to use multiple powers. We believe that her powers stem from some sort of reality manipulation. I couldn't simply let someone with obvious mental issues and with no control over her powers, especially ones like this, to live among people. She could have hurt or even killed a lot of people and the mental damage that this would cause could overwhelm her psyche even more so. Even then, I was asked by her father to not let her out unless she has a good control over her powers. You have to understand, she wasn't admitted as a prisoner but as a patient."

That made sense, somewhat. But Jean felt a twinge of guilt at thought. Wanda's situation was eerily similar to hers. They were both feared for their powers and were imprisoned because of it. Wanda was locked up inside a genuine prison and Jean inside her own head. Is this what the Professor would have done to her as well? Would she be in prison if she wasn't able to control her powers properly? Whatever respect she ever held for the man disappeared. Charles Xavier was a coward that always chooses the easy way out.

Dr. Strange once told her that often in life, one must choose between what is right and what is easy. Neither are the correct choice, or the wrong on either. Either way, you have to live with the consequences. Charles Xavier will always choose the easy path. Always.

Would he do the same if one of her friends was in danger? Would he just abandon them in their time of need? Who will be the next one in prison? Would he send Rogue away just because she still can't control her powers? The redhead wouldn't let him do it. They were her friends, as annoying as that may be. And she would stomach time with Scott Summer just to make sure they would be safe.

Adding in the mass murdering powered brother, Charles Xavier had secrets. Too many secrets, in fact. Secrets that could bite them in the ass, like the day before. Without Wanda and Ms. Sayre, they would have been crushed. So, Jean made a decision. She didn't like it, but it was the only way to keep her family safe. She was going back to the X-men. It was to protect them from the threats from outside and from within. She was still going to be training under Dr. Strange and she was going to ask him to up her training. Plus, it would be nice to be part of a team again.

"Professor, I would like to return to the X-men."

She was going to protect her family no matter what.