Chapter 105: Savior

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 105: Savior

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3rd September 2005, New York City

(Wanda Maximoff POV)

For the first time in years, Wanda had hope. It eclipsed her rage, swallowing it hole. Wanda wasn't alone and she wasn't going to let go of this woman anytime soon.

"I'm in!"

The woman smiled at her and the wall behind her started to slowly melt into a door. But instead of leading to the outside of her prison, there was a giant house on the other side. It even had a large garden around. Could she do this as well?

"Well, what are you waiting for? Allons-y!"

Wanda jumped forwards.

The first thing that surprised her was the lack of rain. The sky was still cloudy and she could see bolts of lightning illuminating the dark sky, she could hear the thunder shaking the ground, yet there was no rain. Well, that's not exactly true; droplets of water were falling from the sky but for some reason it seemed to evade her and the kind woman. Like the rain itself didn't want to get them wet.

"How?" she wondered out loud.

The green eyed lady smiled at her wonder, "By the time I'm done with you, you'll be able to do much more than this little parlor trick."

Wanda had a warm sensation in her chest. She almost forgot what it felt like. Happiness. It's such an intoxicating feeling. She missed it dearly even if she had given up on it entirely. For now, she basked in the feeling, enjoying it while it lasts.

Wanda suddenly found herself rising into the air, floating above the ground. She almost screamed in surprise and tried to hang on to anything. She heard the sound of laughter next to her. She turned to find her savior giggling at her situation. What was surprising was that she was floating as well.

The nice lady smiled at her once more, "Don't worry, I just didn't want to walk through the garden. Everything is muddy. I would have stopped the rain but every plant needs water, after all."

Wanda was still silent but she found herself smiling in joy. Who wouldn't want to be able to fly? It felt better than she thought it would. Did her father feel the same way when he floated around using his powers? At the thought of her father, whatever happiness Wanda had was immediately replaced by her usual rage. She wanted to kill the bastard and show him how wrong he was when he abandoned her.

"How are you doing that?" Wanda questioned.

"With my magic, of course."

Magic? What was she talking about?

"But I don't know magic"

Jasmine laughed heartily at this, "My dear, Magic isn't something one knows, it's something one has. And you are without question a mage. Just like I am."

Wand was scared now. Was there a misunderstanding? She was a mutant not some sort of magician. Has Jasmine made a mistake? Will she kick her out?

"But I'm a mutant not a witch?"

"Silly girl," Jasmine answered playfully, "A mutant is just a mage who only knows one spell. They're like the downgraded version of mages. But you're different then your father and your brother, you're more. You have magic and a lot of it. It's why no one taught you how to control your powers. Learning your whole life to control one spell is easy but learning to control thousands is a lot harder."

Wanda felt her anger return at the mention of her family, "You know my father?"

"Yes. I don't like him much. We haven't interacted formally yet. Not that I want to, anyway."

"Is it magic? What I can do?"

Jasmine hummed, "Yes and No at the same time. Your magic is very special. Sometimes when your magic was forming, you were exposed to a lot of Chaos Magic or as I call it Reality Magic. Your magic was flexible at the time so it can easily be influenced by the surrounding ambient magic. Using it became like a reflex to you. Unfortunately, it's a very delicate and chaotic field of magic. It's extremely hard to control if you don't have a full understanding of it. And Magic is extremely sensitive to your emotions, especially when you're powerful, which you are by the way. Other than you, I am the only other person capable of using this type of magic. Which is why, I chose you as an Apprentice."

Wanda felt oddly uncomfortable at this, "Is this the only reason?"

"Well, no. Other than your powers, you remind me of myself. I too was abandoned by my parents, like you were abandoned by your father. I too lived in a cold dark place for years, in misery. I look at you and I see a younger version of myself. I wish to help you like I was helped; I wish to show you how to truly appreciate life as you know it."

Wanda was starting to tear up at the ravenette's words. The green eyed woman cared about her. She wanted her, acknowledged her.

"What I am offering you, is the opportunity to learn how to manipulate the world around you. Magic is limitless. With a proper understanding of magic, you will surpass any other mutant. As long as you learn properly, that is. I know that you're probably excited but if you're going to accept my offer, you'll have to respect my authority when it comes to magic. If I tell you not to use a spell, don't use it. Magic is complicated and until you have a very good foundation, you shouldn't experiment with it. Is that clear?"

Wanda nodded, "Yes, it is."

Jasmine smiled erasing the previously serious look on her face, "Alright, now that we're done with breakfast, let's start. What do you think magic actually is?"