Chapter 88: Plans to Fight the Devil

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 88: Plans to Fight the Devil

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1st September 2005, Bayville

(Jean Grey POV)

Suddenly, Jean's mind was assaulted by a powerful presence. It was some sort of psychic attack and it went through Jean's meager shields. It was the Professor. {Jean, I don't have much time. You need to stop him! Stop Apocalypse! I don't know how long I could keep fighting him. He already has Eric. He's so strong! So powerful! You're our only hope, Jean. I'm sorry!}

After the message was over, some coordinates appeared in her mind, probably from the Professor. She knew where he was.

When the message had ended, Jean found everyone at each other's throats. "EVERYONE STOP!" she bellowed. They all quieted down, looking at her in surprise.

"Just stop," she continued, "The Professor just contacted me. We're in trouble. He said something about him having Eric," Jean noticed that Mystique paled when she said this, "he said he was fighting him somehow and that he was losing. Doctor McCoy is right, it's Apocalypse and I know where the Professor is."

"Where is he exactly?" asked Mystique in a hurried tone. She was obviously worried about that Eric guy. From a quick mind scan, she figured out that the Professor was talking about Magneto. Jean snorted, what a ridiculous name; he must have been a kid when he chose it for himself. Jean still had almost no control over directing her telepathy; she just turned the volume up a notch and started to make out the thoughts that were being projected.

It was better when there weren't too many people around. As composed as she looks now, Mystique was very anxious inside and was pretty worried about Magneto. They must be close or something.

"Some place called the valley of kings, in Egypt. I have the exact coordinates if you need them," Jean answered them. She sensed the fear in Mystique spike; she was thinking about her impending fight with her now former boss.

She was right to be scared, of course. From Logan's description of the guy, it would be a hassle to fight just him, let alone with an unknown number of mutants, one of which is probably the most powerful mutant who ever lived. Jean missed the days where her biggest problem was fighting Toad or Blob. She so isn't ready for something like this.

To be honest, Jean doesn't want to involve herself in this fight. She knows that this is far above her level, and so beyond her that it's crazy. It would be like going from her high school soccer team and start playing with professionals. The only reason she wasn't protesting about this mission is the fact that the Professor was at stake and with him, the knowledge of what he did to her. He was her chance at lifting the fake life she's been living and becoming herself. She would no longer be a puppet but her own person and that is enough for her to risk her life in a dangerous mission.

To be honest, with the recent revelation, Jean doesn't think she wants to remain in the X-men. Her priorities have shifted somewhat and her desire to join the Professor's cause could be similar at her desire to be a cheerleader; she could have instinctively picked it up from her teammates telepathically, or maybe even from Logan or Ms. Monroe. She needs to figure out what she wants in her life before committing to anything. Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Jean nodded, understanding the logic but still finding flaws in it. She didn't have a good control over her powers and Logan knew it. But still, the Professor was her only chance at getting her answers. She would still go.

Scott, as usual, decided to act all protective of her, "What? No. It's too dangerous for her to come."

Logan just gave him a deadpan stare, "Kid, the girl can kick your ass in a fight without even getting a scratch. You're saying that you're strong enough to come and she isn't?"

That shut him up. After this mess is over with, she'll have a long conversation with Scott about boundaries because recently, he's been acting like a mix of a jealous boyfriend and an overprotective father, and it was driving her insane.

Mystique spoke up, trying to defuse whatever teen drama was going on, "on my side, Pietro, Avalanche and Blob are coming. Toad will only be a liability in a fight in this scale. Pietro will act as damage control and try to save us if one of us is in mortal danger or is injured. Avalanche's powers could be useful if used from a long range. He'll join Summers. Blob is strong enough to take care of himself. He could protect the other kids if they're attacked."

Storm nodded, "Agreed. But what about the other kids in the Institute? I for one refuse to let Evan join this mission. He's too inexperienced, all of the rest are."

Logan replied to her, "Kitty also isn't ready. The only one I'm thinking of bringing are Nightcrawler and Rogue."

"No," Mystique exclaimed with a panicked look on her face. She composed herself quickly; in mere seconds her face showed her usual aloof expression, "I refuse. This isn't a good idea. They would all be a liability. Rogue needs contact for her powers to work and I don't think she's experienced enough in close combat to actually be able to touch him. Nightcrawler is barely sixteen years old, he can't make a decision like this. Someone this age shouldn't be part of a fight like this."

Jean narrowed her eyes at Mystique's reaction to Logan's words. This was out of the norm. Not trusting the shapeshifter's motives, she turned on her telepathy once again and what she discovered stunned her. The woman wasn't trying to deceive them but she was worried about her children. Yes, children. Rogue and Nightcrawler are unknowingly Mystique's children. Although, Rogue was adopted. This was unbelievable and something that will probably end up a problem down the line, but is irrelevant now. She'll deal with it later. For now, she will not argue Mystique's decisions; she was their mother and they were still minors.

Logan ignored her protests, "I agree with you about Rogue but not about Nightcrawler. He could help Pietro with the damage control. We might need his help."

Mystique looked like she wanted to protest further but just nodded her head.

Logan frowned at the shapeshifter's reaction but ended up ignoring them, "Alright, we have our lineup. Scott and Avalanche are on long distance with Blob protecting them. Quicksilver and Nightcrawler are on damage control and will act as backup to anyone who needs to be rescued. Red, your mission is to get to the Professor and try to break Apocalypse's control over him and Magneto. Chuck is strong enough to resist him and I have faith in him. We need them to join us to beat this guy. Until you get to him, Mystique, Beast and I will have to hold off Apocalypse. Storm, you'll take Magneto. Your lightning can somewhat interfere with his abilities. I know this isn't much but it's the only plan we got. Does anyone have any other suggestions?"

Silence followed his question. Jean couldn't come up with a better plan but she was still nervous; this plan banked on her fighting off Apocalypse's control over Magneto and the Professor. She still had almost no control over her powers and she had no faith in her abilities to do it. Nonetheless, this was the best they will come up with considering the lack of intel.

Seeing no objection Logan continued, "Alright. Storm, get Nightcrawler here and everyone suit up. We meet at the Blackbird in ten minutes. Get ready."

Jean sighed inwardly; this was going to be a troublesome mission, that's for sure. It seems they were going to Egypt.