Chapter 31: Founders (984 AD)

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 31: Founders (984 AD)

I would like to thank my beta, AvidReader2425, for his help in this chapter.


984 AD, somewhere in Britain

Salazar, Godric and Rowena had looked at me oddly when I said I had an idea for our school. I guess they didn't expect me to have a residence that's bigger than their family homes. Their gaping faces will be imprinted in my mind forever. Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Anyway, I didn't fully tell them exactly what that place was, only that it was big enough and had strong wards. I wish we could just teleport there; Salazar even knew how to apparate but he didn't think that side along apparition was possible for some reason. I guess Myrddin didn't write that it was possible and I didn't want to arise suspicion by pointing out that it was. And so, since I'm the only one who knows the location, we had to go with the slow route, walking and riding, again.

On the bright side, we got to know Salazar a little better during our journey. He truly was a brilliant young man. He definitely deserved to be called a prodigy. He could fundamentally understand spells but he truly shined with rituals, more specifically the ones involving blood magic. This particular field revolved around sacrificing something for a boon. But you sacrifice them to magic. But magic doesn't care for material things, it cares for connections, belief. So, the more of what you're sacrificing means to you, the higher the gift you can ask for. It's a field of magic that's rarely used, one tends to sacrifice too much and get depressed before becoming a master in the field.

This field of magic can be incredibly risky, especially if what your sacrificing isn't enough for what you ask for. If magic finds you wanting, it will exact its own price. You could lose your sanity, even your magic, and you won't even get what performed the ritual for in the first place. It's a dangerous field of magic, but one Salazar excelled at. He had an intuition with what sacrifice would be needed for the ritual to be successful.

Funnily enough, the Gryffindor/Slytherin rivalry started a few days after we left Salazar's village. It started with Salazar showing off with an illusion spell Godric couldn't do, to Godric showing off with his sword skills. Slowly, they tried to one up each other, for no reason. Well, to satisfy their egos but that doesn't count as a reason. We all spent our time during our journey learning and practicing our magic. I subtly directed their attention into the tomes that would help them the most. By the time we arrived at our destination, Rowena was one of the best enchanters in Britain, Godric one of the best fighters, and Salazar one of the best users of esoteric magic (rituals and curses). Well, except for me, they were still very impressive though. I did try to improve my healing magic, which was what this vacation was for in the first place. My healing was still a few steps under the best healer in Atlantis, and considering how long I had to get to this level, a man barely two centuries old still beating me after all this time shows how little affinity I have for the field.

I'm still the best healer alive in the world though.

And now, we arrived at our destination, what will become the best school of magic that ever existed. The school that will teach some of the greatest and most terrible wizard and witches in the world.

"I don't see anything, it's just an empty field. Did you seriously bring us all the way here for an empty field?" Exclaimed Godric

"Have a little faith, would you? This is just the wards hiding it. If I just do this." I point my wand at the field in front of me and fire a white spell. It hits a dome of energy, a ward to be precise, and slowly, the plains started to fade away and a magnificent castle appeared with a lake next to it, surrounded by a forest.

As I see them gaping, I say "Welcome, lady and gentlemen, to Camelot."

Godric and Salazar traveled a lot, mostly because Godric was bored, and Salazar wanted to learn more. He was still obsessed with revenge. So, Rowena and I kept busy by making several projects, the room of requirements being one of the largest. A customizable special enchantment, that is connected to the wards and has access to anything in the castle. It reads the user's projected thoughts and creates an illusionary world with temporary copies of what's in the castle. We had to make sure that stuff the user leaves in the room would remain in a special space reserved for them, aka the room of lost things. Took us a while, especially since I had to do it with the magic currently known to the world. We even catalogued the secret passages in the castle, even made some of our own, that's how bored we were.

The absence of the boys made us decide things a bit randomly. One day, Rowena told me that she had a dream about a warty hog, we ended up calling our school Hogwarts. Godric and Salazar were appalled when they learnt when they got back.

My side project on the other hand, was impressive even for me. I made a soul, a true soul inside the wards themselves. Using soul magic, I created what is essentially the soul of a child. My goal was to make the ultimate defense system because wards don't adapt or think. They are direct and simple enchantments in an area. To truly protect our school, I needed something that can think, something that could tell the difference between a student and an attacker, I needed something alive.

So, I created the soul and named her after our school, she has been learning slowly what her purpose was. I don't know why I keep calling her a 'her'. I guess I instinctively know. She doesn't speak but you can feel her intentions and feelings. She was really powerful as well; every spell, enchantment, rune, everything is powered by the leylines from through the wards. It's what will make everything permanent. Imagine someone in control of those wards, they would control every spell inside. Now, whatever attacks the castle, even if someone creates a spell able to destroy all known wards, Hogwarts will adapt to protect the students.

Now, we were finally ready to open, we had everything set up to change the world.

"How do we convince people to send their children here?" Godric asked.

"We can't just tell them to send their children away from their homes. Even poor villagers wouldn't do it. What we created is too good to be true." Rowena answered.

"What we need is for people to trust us with their children but that's impossible right off the bat. We need to make them trust us with something a bit less important." I commented.

"Like what?" Salazar questioned.

"Like their lives. We are some of the best wizards and witches in Britain, but they don't know that. We need to show them. We need to show them that they should trust us. And to do that we will need to save them."

"From what exactly?" Godric asked.

"Not what, who. Salazar, do you still want revenge on the man that killed your family?"

The legend of the dark man, spread across Britain. Countless villages were destroyed by him, even some Noble houses, magical and muggle weren't spared. He was their bogeyman. Killing him would give us the publicity we needed to open our school. Plus, I still want to know how he violated the natural law by consuming souls without me sensing it.

Salazar responded with a sinister grin.