Chapter 20: Mordred (486 AD)

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 20: Mordred (486 AD)

Morgan's House, 486 AD

I'm sitting down on my front lawn overlooking the lake. Funnily enough, it's a lake called Avalon. Kinda ironic to be honest. I'm thinking of casting a Fidelus Charm to make it into a safe haven for all magical creatures that will soon be extinct. I already saved a good number of species in the forest around here. I just rescued some Quetzalcoatls, a magical snake species, that were being hunted in central America by the Aztecs to be used as sacrifices for their blood rituals and some tailed foxes from Japan.

My interpretation of the Fidelus Charm is a spell that not only hides a location but creates a separate realm that separates the world and what we want to hide. The secret keeper's soul, which would be mine, would act as a gate to this realm. What we're hiding wouldn't exist anymore on the regular plane, and one cannot leave without the gate, which means only I would be able to transport people and magical creatures from and to my new realm. I guess I'll call it after the lake, Avalon. Might as well turn the lake into a healing pit for the creatures, in case they get injured when I'm not there.

Imagine it, a realm free of men, free from their greed and hatred, a true realm of magic.

Unfortunately, I can't do that yet. It would upset the balance too much if I do it now. I can tell that I'll be able to do it later but doing it now can cause a great shift in the future and undo this reality. It's one of the main reasons I intervene nowadays. It's like a strange pull in the back of my mind that urges me to do something or that warned me from doing something. It's mostly so that I cannot create a paradox and erase my reality, it's a side effect of time travel. If I know something from the future, I know it has happened which means it must happen. If any of my actions change that, reality itself could unravel, hence why I follow fate's urging.

I followed it as a guide to travel, it was extremely helpful back in ancient Greece, and I followed it when I taught that brat Myrddin. It's funny, people thought he was so powerful in the future, going so far as to treat him as a deity. And while compared to today's wizard he's impressive, he wouldn't be able to last a minute against any wizard from ancient Greece. Even that pest Herpo would kill him with two hands behind his back.

Anyway, I taught the brat but the kid had no patience, and had no faith in me as a student. It's funny that he thought he could hide his clairvoyance from me but whatever, it's not my problem. He left, probably chasing skirts or something. I don't care. But what I do care about is the fact that people starting calling me Morgane Le Fey, which means Morgan the Fey. A Fey being what they called light elves when they visited Midgard from Alfheim, known to have impressive magical abilities and were worshiped in the Britannia. I healed a girl that was injured. I try not to interfere much but I was urged to do it and I kinda have a soft spot for children. People took one look at me and decided I was an Elf. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Other than that, I was pretty bored so I traveled a bit. Everywhere, I got to hear Myrddin's exploits. Apparently, the brat became Sorcerer Supreme. Thank God, I removed my old library from Kamar-Taj. I don't need an idiotic, righteous sorcerer trying to take over the world, for the greater good of course. God, I hate that expression. You'd think it was invented by Dumbledore and Grindelwald but every century or so, some 'enlightened' wizard tries to 'save the world' by conquering it and enslaving the population for their own good. It's sad that my own student was one of those kinds but what can you do. I'm just thankful I didn't actually teach him anything dangerous, honestly how could I when his personality is one of an entitled brat, so whatever he does won't be my responsibility. It's a shame, I kinda hoped for the almighty 'Merlin' to be a godly figure with a control over magic that's unheard of. It's really disappointing.

Anyhow, the brat after a few decades of magical training, made a name for himself by helping out magical communities across the globe, slowly making himself a reputation as a wise old man with unparallel magical power and knowledge. He even taught them some of the spells he learned during our apprenticeship, like apparition and such. Honestly, it's not a big deal for me since he's a modern wizard and I only taught him modern spells but it's normally an insult to teach someone a spell he learned without the master's approval. I guess that represents what he thinks of our apprenticeship.

So, I taught her and she'll probably be able to beat me in a sword fight in a few years. She's almost an adult now, kinda forget that soon she won't be my baby girl anymore. I didn't think I could be so attached to her, I guess I have been lonely for a few years before meeting her. I truly love her as a daughter and it breaks my heart that I know what her fate will be. I will do what I can to change her destiny, I have taken her far away from the influence of Merlin, Artoria and Morgause. I know it is probably in vain, especially with the universe itself against you, but where there is life there is hope.

I made her a sword to defend herself, in case someone attacks her. It's one of the most powerful swords I ever made. I modeled it after Anduril from the lord of the rings. It's made of an alloy of Adamantium, Vibranium, Some Uru metal to make it easier to enchant, I got some from the battle between Asgard and the Frost Giants here on earth, and Goblin Silver to be able to absorb what makes it stronger.

Anduril can cut through pretty much anything by severing the bonds between molecules it touches. I had to create a special enchanted sheath for the sword that doesn't get destroyed, a sheath that heals its user like Avalon. Anduril can only be blocked by something enchanted to be unbreakable, even then it could still break it if the enchantment isn't strong enough. In case the user fights someone with an enchanted sword, the sword stores the kinetic energy of any collision with the sword to charge up and then released in a white light and a concussive force that can be controlled by the user. It can also be summoned by the user when he wants to or loses it.

But that's not unusual for a sword created from a good blacksmith and enchanted by any powerful enchanter. What makes Anduril unique and why I created it for Mordred is the fact the sword bends fate in the user's favor. Fate is something like the will of the universe and the universe to achieve what it wants to, manipulates what cannot be manipulated by mortals, probability itself. If the universe wants someone to die, every little event that can kill the victim will happen.

What this sword does is manipulating the probability in the favor of the user. If something that helps the user could happen, it will happen. I tried recreating the ability of the mutant Domino, I only realized how dangerous her abilities actually are. The only problem was the fact that I had to make it that only a worthy wielder could use the sword; after all, Mordred is mortal and should she die, someone could find the sword and use it for something dangerous. I did however bind it to Mordred bloodline so that only her descendants could use it.

My musing is interrupted as I feel a disturbance in the timeline, something was manipulating time to enter the wards. Suddenly, I hear the wards crack and shatter, this shouldn't be possible, I made sure that my wards couldn't be manipulated when I created them. My house is being attacked and whoever is attacking must be immensely powerful to overpower my wards. I run towards Mordred to make sure she was safe. I leave the house towards the training room to find Mordred bruised with her sword arm obviously broken considering how it's bent in a wrong angle. The intruder was familiar, I haven't seen him for some time.


"Hello Master"

I look at my former student, confident that I could handle this, my confidence however falters when I see the necklace around his neck. Inside, a green stone is shining brightly and is pulsing with power.