Chapter 17: Potters' reunion

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 17: Potters' reunion

31 October 1994, Hogwarts

They're both smiling, Lily has tears in her eyes. She looks at me, as if I would disappear any second and whispers "Jasmine"

I knew this was gonna be awkward but damn being here is far worse. It's a bit weird, I feel nothing towards them. I kinda forgot about them when I arrived in Atlantis. They just weren't important enough. I also honestly thought that they forgot about their daughter as well. This is a situation I preferred to avoid.

"Hello, I guess, it's been a while."

They both move to hug me and I don't have the heart to tell them that I'm not their daughter anymore. I'm so much older than them that they don't even matter to me. It's a bit of a defense mechanism after all my life. The longer I live, the quicker time passes. I have buried so many loved ones that I decided not to bother having any type of relationship with anyone that doesn't have a life expectation that's higher than 250 years.

I let them do their thing, assuage their guilt. I don't know why I'm letting them do it, but I don't want to appear aggressive in front of Dumbledore who has just entered with who I assume is my little sister.

"We're Sorry, we're so sorry, I don't know how we can make it up to you. We shouldn't have left you with these monsters, but we can be family again"

I tune out their begging and I really feel cruel snuffing out their enthusiasm. But then I hear James saying something.

" It really wasn't entirely our fault; it was more a product of circumstance than intentional. We never wanted you to give you away, especially to those monsters and it was just one poor choice, one error in judgement, one mistake that we have been paying for it for years."

Now that stunned me, that really did. I understand that they never wanted to hurt me but this is getting ridiculous, are they really that delusional. Is James really trying to absolve himself and Lily of responsibility. My memories as Jasmine come to the front of my mind and I feel the urge to disintegrate him one atom at a time. I slowly take control over my emotions and look at him with a cold expression.

"What do you mean this isn't your fault?"

He seems to understand that what he said was wrong.

"You must understand that while we have preferred to have you with us, we would have risked- "

I interrupt him, "I remember."


"I remember everything, from the moment I was born to this day, I remember every single moment without any problem. I remember playing with Nathan, levitating cubes, I remember Peter Pettigrew showing Voldemort the way to our room. I remember him firing the killing curse. I remember my mother slowly losing her mind, I remember Dumbledore convincing you to give me away, I remember you, James, convincing my sick mother to do it so you would feel less guilty. I remember Dumbledore suppressing some of my memories and destroying my twin bond with Nathan. I remember the cold when he left me on the Dursley's doorstep like a bottle of milk. I remember every hit, slash, punishment I got. So do not treat me like some child who does not understand what you're talking about. Do not attempt to make yourself feel better, accept your fault and your decisions and move on."

"Evanshade is not a magical name. Only magical families can do blood adoptions."

"My mother Morgan Evanshade is a squib, she was recently widowed before adopting me. No, she kept her husband's name after his death. I believe you would recognize her mother's name. My grandmother is called Margaret Sayre, I believe you know her, Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore blanched. Of course, he would remember her. The Sayres are a founding family, meaning their ancestor founded Ilvemorny. The Sayre family are also known parselmouths and possess an impressive political power in the states. I pretty much told him it was impossible for him to force me back into Britain without causing an international incident. Plus, during my time as Margaret Sayre, I kinda took a preemptive revenge against him by scaring the hell out of him, but that's a story for another time.

I continued, "Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, what exactly have you done to punish the Dursleys?"

Dumbledore replied, "What do you mean punish them?"

"I mean are they in prison? Did you give them a trial in a magical court or a muggle court?"

"We have chosen to give them a chance, you parents have forgiven them for their sins?"

"Are you serious, you let criminals out without punishment? Forgiveness is well and good in a personal life but not for criminals. Are you out of your mind?"

"Be careful Jasmine, this is a dark path you are treading."

"You know, Albus, you are surprisingly very judgmental. You know, for someone who killed his own sister."

I think I broke him with that, before he could respond, I make my way through the door.

James says, "Stop, where do you think you're going, young lady, you are our daughter and you will stay with us."

"I am not your daughter and you are not my parents. Not in blood, since I got blood adopted and definitely not in spirit. A parent, a true parent is someone a child relies on. Someone who teaches them about the world, how to live. Someone who holds their hands till adulthood, someone who instills his or her values and ideals to the next generation. You are not my parents, but you could have been. If things were different, I would have been standing with you, proudly as a Potter. But if things were different, I would not be who I am today and I like who I am. Family is not a right, it's a privilege and you have lost the right to be my family a long time ago."

I start heading towards the door.

Lily's word stops me, "Do you truly hate us that much?"

"I did once when I was living with the Dursleys, but after they left me, I realize something. Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on people like you."

I walk out of the room.