Chapter 3537: No journalists allowed in the hospital

Chapter 3537 does not allow any reporters to enter the hospital

The members of the Murdoch family did not hide the contempt on their faces, and said to him concisely, "Mr. Nie, we don't want to care about how you educate your son. But since we promised the Queen to help with this, we also hope you can care about it." Good boy, don't make trouble for us any more."

Nie Tao seemed to have been slapped in the face, his face flushed, and he could only nod repeatedly: "You are right."

"The incident of beating people outside the hospital was too big this time. Many people took videos and posted them on the Internet. We can control some media not to report this incident, but we can't completely manipulate public opinion."

"what do you mean…?"

The other party was also not polite: "I hope that Mr. Ling can go to the hospital and communicate with the victim in person, and it is best to reach a reconciliation. As long as the other party does not continue to press this matter and continue to talk about it, all problems will be solved. You think so? Nie gentlemen."

Nie Tao felt bitter: "Yes, what you said makes sense."

But he was very aware of his youngest son's temper.

It’s already very difficult to end things like this this time. Besides, the other party is not short of money, and the person who died was the only child of the family.

If there hadn’t been a farce in which Nie Junwei asked someone to beat him up later, this matter might still be resolved peacefully.

He wanted to find a time another day to ask the other party to meet, and play the emotional card so that the other party can soften their hearts and accept the reconciliation.

Now it seems... everything is ruined.

Things have come to this point.

Nie Tao can only do the worst. He raised his eyes, his eyes were shrewd and capable: "What if I want to block this news?"

The Murdoch family shrugged, as if they didn't understand what he meant.

Nie Tao turned the cuff buttons of his suit, revealing the superiority of the Yinshi family in his words: "I mean, we have to plan not to reconcile. If it really gets to that point, the other party's company happens to go bankrupt, and they insist on A statement, even at the expense of drastic actions. In this case, can we block the news and prevent the news from making news?"

The people of the Murdoch family have experienced hundreds of years and have been well-educated in their bones. Even though they have seen a lot of dark sides of human nature, when they heard him hinting that they would suppress and persecute the victim's family, they still couldn't help but look at him. Very shameless.

But we are all on the same boat, members of the hermit family.

Even if the Murdoch family scoffed at Nie Tao's proposal, or even disgusted them, they had to answer him coldly for Nie Qingru's sake: "The other party has become an ordinary person, of course it is not easy to make news."

"Okay, thank you." How could Nie Tao fail to see the undisguised disgust in the other party's eyes, held his breath, and called his assistant to come in with a smile on his face: "I'll take Mr. Murdoch back."

The young man flicked the folds of his suit, and declined his kindness very coldly: "No need, I'll just go back by myself."

"Then I'll ask my assistant to take you out." Nie Tao didn't force him, he told his assistant, and watched them leave the office.

He waited for the two of them to walk away before he dropped his cup in embarrassment, returned to his desk, picked up the intercom phone, and made a call in a deep voice: "From now on, find someone to watch near the hospital, and the media and reporters are not allowed to go there. For interviews, if you see anyone who may be a reporter, stop them and don't allow them to go in."

"Yes." The other end said in a deep voice.

(end of this chapter)