Chapter 692: 692, sixteen-year-old nightmare

Mo only sleeps at 10 o'clock every day.

After graduating from high school, it has been maintained until now.

Being a princess is not an easy task. It not only requires meticulous care and diligent maintenance, but also a reasonable and scientific sleep time.

In addition, the internship at the law firm is boring but very tired. In addition to printing every day, it is threading and punching. After a week of hard work, and tossing so late today, Mo is only really tired and tired.

Even when Xiao Yebai bathed her, she was half asleep and half awake.

When his face touched the pillow, he immediately fell asleep with his eyes closed.

Xiao Yebai put a thin quilt on her body.

Turned around and left the bedroom.

About ten minutes later, the man returned to the bedroom, only with a notebook in his hand.

After closing the door, he walked to the sofa in the small hall and sat down.

The whole bedroom was dimly lit, and only a wall lamp cast a white light beside the sofa, which also cut a mysterious shadow for the man's long figure.

Xiao Yebai looked at the information on the computer.

The handsome without glasses has a clear and three-dimensional outline, her thin lips are pressed into a straight line, and her eyebrows are particularly cold and sharp.


The sixteen-year-old Mo Sui went back to his princess boudoir.

It is rare for Xiao Yebai to go home from the American Research Institute for the New Year. When she had dinner just now, she kindly gave him chicken legs, but he put down the dishes and said that he was full.

So she went to him with her winter homework, but he sat behind the desk without looking up, and ignored him at all.

So angry!

Mo Only drove all the servants away, and went to bed after taking a shower.

Because I was angry, I forgot to close the French windows.

The villa where she slept is in the middle of the four villas in the old house, a retro European-style castle.

It is said that not long after she was born, Elder Mo deliberately asked someone to design and build it, full of a strong European style castle, and the princess of the Mo family naturally lived in it.

But the princess can't get the boy she likes.

Mo Zui was lying on the bed, thinking about Xiao Yebai while falling asleep like this.

Until a blast of thunder suddenly sounded.

Mo Only was awakened.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a flash of light outside the window.

She was so frightened that she hurriedly grabbed the quilt and curled up her whole body.

The whistling wind sounded outside the window, accompanied by the sound of thunder.

Is it going to rain?

Mo Only closed his eyes again and wanted to continue sleeping, who knows...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There seemed to be the sound of someone walking outside.

Mo Tong opened a pair of black and white cat eyes, turned over under the quilt, and looked in the direction of the door.

The whole room was pitch black, and the door was closed, but the voice seemed to become clearer and clearer, one after another, from far and near, and finally stopped in front of the door.

Mo Sui was frightened, and suddenly another thunder blasted outside the window.


Mo Dui screamed in fright.

The room was instantly pale.

At the same time, there was a twisting sound from the door lock, and then the door was pushed open.

Mo Sui suddenly sat up from the bed.

She looked at the woman who walked in from outside, her pupils widened, her mouth opened, and she shouted in surprise, "Mom?"

Xu Xian wore a white yarn-woven nightdress with her long black hair scattered, and walked to the bed without expression.

"Mom?" Mo Only looked at her, surprised.

She hasn't seen Xu Xian for a long time.

My grandfather said that Xu Xian's health is not very good, and she is recuperating in the Xiyuan villa behind. No one is allowed to disturb, neither can she.

Mo Only was a little bit excited about this.

Because both grandpa and dad loved her so much, she agreed to everything she wanted, and agreed to everything she didn't want to do.

Only Xu Xian is very strict with her, sometimes inexplicably uncertain.

The most obvious is to ask her to practice the piano, starting from the sensible, and every time she practices the piano, Xu Xian is always very impatient.

As long as she played a wrong note, Xu Xian would start talking about her, saying that she was not mindful, had no talent, and did not work hard. It is not as talented as Qu Yunyao...

Etc., etc.

If things go on like this, Mo Tong is also particularly disgusted with playing the piano. The more disgusted, the less he loves to practice, and the less he loves to practice, the easier it is to make mistakes.

The result of this is a vicious circle. Finally one day, Xu Xian was hit and angrily pushed her out of the piano room.

From that day on, Xu Xian seemed to be ill and lived alone in the Xiyuan villa behind.

So now, does my mother come to her to practice piano?

Mo Only felt a little flustered, "Mom, it's so late, you..."

"The only one, do you want to go with your mother?" Xu Xian interrupted her suddenly.

Mo Only asked, "Where to go?"

"Mom doesn't want to live here anymore. Mom wants to go abroad. Will you go with me?"

Mo You only blinked, dazed and puzzled, "Why?"

Xu Xian sat down by the bed, the corners of her mouth curled up slowly, her smile and voice seemed vague, "Just the two of us, mom will take you away now, okay? We don't live here anymore, everyone in the Mo family will follow Our mother and daughter have nothing to do, okay?"

With that said, stretched out his hand to uncover the quilt.

Mo Soong drew back desperately, clutching the quilt and refused to let it go, "No! I don't want it!"

"Why not?" The smile on Xu Xian's face disappeared.

Mo Only looked at her and blurted out, "Because I want to be with Xiao Bai! I haven't chased Xiao Bai yet!"

"Xiao Bai?" Xu Xian looked at her, her eyes gradually becoming a little complicated, "You want Xiao Bai, don't you want mom?"


"The only one, don't you know? In fact, all this is a lie of your father."

As Xu Xian said, she suddenly reached out and grabbed Mo Yu's shoulder, as if she was suddenly irritated, and she kept muttering, "The only one, your father is really cruel, really cruel, he is a liar, he is a Liar, the only one, I want to take you away, the only one..."

Mo Duong was very scared. She wanted to escape, but she couldn't avoid it.

Xu Xian pulled her off the bed like crazy, dragged her to go outside.

Another burst of thunder flashed by outside the window, illuminating Xu Xian’s frenzied face...

Mo Only wanted to call for help, but he opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

The headache was not good, and the panic spread all over her body. She could only struggle desperately, with a low whimper in her mouth.





Mo Soong shook her head desperately, until a gleam of light pierced her eyes, she finally opened her eyes and stared at the handsome and familiar face in a daze.

For a long time, he said in a daze, "Xiao Bai?"

"Have a nightmare?" Xiao Yebai raised his hand and wiped the fine sweat from her forehead.

The warm and true touch seemed to have the power of stability, so that Mo Only finally returned to reality.

She got up immediately.

Bo Bei slipped off her body, revealing her beautiful body wearing only a floral nightdress, her thin white hands clinging to his waist tightly, and the whole body was attached to his body.

"Xiao Bai, I am afraid..."

The body of the woman in her arms was trembling constantly, as if she was still immersed in extreme fear.

Xiao Yebai lowered her head, her voice low and gentle, "Did you dream of your mother again?"

Except for Xu Xian that year, the only thing that Mo has had in the past twenty years is smooth and simple.

Every time I have a nightmare, it can only be for this reason.

Sure enough, Mo only lit his little head vigorously.

Xiao Yebai didn't speak any more, just kept stroking her delicate back with his big hands, and soothing her uneasy emotions.

I don't know how long Mo's only voice finally sounded again, "Xiao Bai, why did you go?"

The man's eyebrows moved slightly, and then Xiao Yebai said, "Sorry, I'm looking at the information on the sofa."

Mo Only said, "I dreamed of my mother just now."

"I know."

"Xiao Bai." Mo Only said in a low voice, "Will grandpa be okay?"

Xiao Yebai calmed down in a low voice, "No, I didn't say that Uncle Yu just now. Grandpa was only irritated for a while, and he has been rescued now. I will take you to see him tomorrow."

Unexpectedly, Mo only asked again, "Will grandpa leave me suddenly like my mother?"

Xiao Yebai lowered his head.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are actually normal things.

But the current situation still made him say two words, "No."

Mo You only seemed to feel relieved, his face rubbed against his chest, and he asked, "What about you, will you leave me suddenly?"

Xiao Yebai lowered his eyebrows and answered, "No."

Mo Duong curled his lips, "Xiao Bai, I want you to sleep with me."


Xiao Yebai raised his hand to turn off the light, and then lay down.

Under the thin quilt, the woman's body seemed to be boneless, and she was wrapped around him softly like a kitten.