Fu HaoChen seems to have fallen into a very long memory.

In the early summer of that year, in the afternoon of that day, although he didn't know who it was, he still didn't give up the love letter of pink mood.

There is no name, only a word to his heart.

In Fu HaoChen's view, there is nothing more than accompany to show a period of heart.

Because of the lack of father's love, Fu HaoChen didn't realize what "company" is like since childhood.

However, luo'anxi, who met later, was unable to accompany him all the time, rain or shine.

It's just like the love letter.

Now, lornxy stood in front of him and said the same thing as in the love letter.

To oak, a masterpiece of Shu Ting.

The most beautiful love song in Fu HaoChen's heart.

Luonxi looked at Fu HaoChen's face surprised, she did not think that Fu HaoChen could still remember this love letter.

Perhaps in some places, Fu HaoChen really has an invisible long feeling.

Lornxy smiles and nods gently.

"Why not sign it."

Fu HaoChen's face turned slightly red.

He can clearly remember that when he received this love letter, he was already in love with lornxi.

Fu HaoChen also slightly regretted that she would miss this romantic girl.

Although I don't know who it was, he didn't sign it. In the eyes of Fu HaoChen at that time, it was an expression of not forcing.

I don't want you to like me. I just want to tell you that I like you.

Quiet love.

But now, Fu HaoChen suddenly blamed lornxi.

If Ronnie had signed it, maybe they would have been together.

There will be no worries, no twists and turns, they will always be together, until they get married after graduation, until they live together until they grow old together.

Instead of like now, almost miss, after together, have to face all kinds of injuries and misunderstandings.

Lornxi gently lowered his head, and for a long time, pulled out a smile, very pale.

"Take this as the last reserve of a girl."

She was so in love with Fu HaoChen, but she did not dare to show her heart easily.

Even if you tell him his feelings, you still dare not let the other party know that this person is himself.

That day, when Fu HaoChen opened the love letter, luonxi was secretly watching outside the classroom.

Watching Fu HaoChen open and read, his face showed a gentle soft, and then gently re fold the love letter, carefully put back in the bag.

Lornxy's heart had never been so soft as this moment.

That kind of sweet feeling about to overflow, let lornxy can't help but gently grasp the clothes in front of her chest.

What should she do.

How much she could like Fu HaoChen.

Fu HaoChen looked at the head under lornxi in front of his eyes, and his broken hair hung down in a suit.

They are no longer as young, so green.

Lornxy is already a mother, and years are creeping on her face.

But at this moment, Fu HaoChen seemed to suddenly return to the summer when they were all eighteen.

They are also carefree, enjoy the joy of youth.

Fu HaoChen sighed gently. After a long time, his lips opened and closed, and he vomited out two words in general.


They are all idiots.

They always miss it in all kinds of ways. In a variety of ways, deceive each other's sincerity.

Fu HaoChen felt that some words would be blurted out.

But to the mouth, but disappeared without a trace.

Sorry, I love you, or we will live a good life in the future.

As if no matter what, will break this moment of calm.

Suddenly, something flashed in my heart.

Fu HaoChen immediately grasped this feeling in his heart.

He opened and closed his lips and looked at lorney's bright side face. Just before he could make a sound, the phone rang.

The atmosphere seemed to have been destroyed at once.

The feeling in Fu HaoChen's heart suddenly disappeared, his mouth was slightly open, but he blushed with embarrassment.

Lornxy knew what he was trying to say, but was interrupted by the call.

Lornxy had some regrets in her heart, but said, "answer the phone first."

In case there is something important about the company, it's better not to delay it.

As for what they want to say, they can say it later.

Luonxi pursed her lips and watched Fu HaoChen pick up the phone dejectedly.

Luonxi just wanted to smile when he saw Fu HaoChen change his face immediately.She just wanted to ask why, Fu HaoChen has already answered the phone.

"Hello" Fu HaoChen opened his mouth, and suddenly looked at lornxi again. "Summer is warm"

& n

bsp; Luo's heart just returned to the heat and suddenly fell down.

The atmosphere was gone for a while. Luonxi hung down her head and no longer looked at Fu HaoChen. Instead, she turned to give Fu HaoChen water.

Why is it at this time that the hands of lornxina's thermos were so tightly clenched that the knuckles began to turn white.

Everywhere, ghost like. Lornxy finally felt this terrible feeling.

Lornxi shook her head gently, throwing some ideas out of her mind.

He xianuan is because Fu HaoChen will encounter such a thing, so fu HaoChen of course is obliged to care about her.

With this thought, lornxi's heart sank slowly.

Obligations, obligations, and obligations.

Lornxi's heart was filled with layers of pain, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Li Zeyan always seems to have endless obligations to he xianuan.

He xianuan is crazy, and Fu HaoChen has the obligation to take care of her. Therefore, whenever the hospital calls, no matter what Fu HaoChen is doing, he will immediately go to the hospital to visit he xianuan.

In those days, even if she had a fever approaching 40 degrees, she couldn't even see the road clearly. Fu HaoChen would not have a word of greeting. Waiting for her was just a question the next day. Why didn't she come to work.

All of a sudden, that feeling of exhaustion swept across lornxy again.

Tired, tired. Even half a pot of water in my hand could not be lifted.

The voice of Fu HaoChen is still coming.

"Where are you now? Are you hurt?" Fu HaoChen frowned, and the concern on his face was in the eyes of lornxi, especially striking.

"What?" Fu HaoChen was surprised. "I'll go down immediately"

with that, Fu HaoChen sat up with the discomfort of the wound.

Lornxy knew something.

He xianuan should have come to the hospital.

now Fu HaoChen is going to see her

What's the matter. Luo en Xi said to himself in his heart that he xianuan was hurt because Fu HaoChen was injured. Fu HaoChen went to see her, and what happened

"en Xi." Fu HaoChen hung up the phone and was about to get up and get out of bed quickly. "The summer is warm to the hospital. I just wrapped up the bandage. I'll go to see her."

Luonxi bit her lip and said, "is it dangerous to go out"

she doesn't want Fu HaoChen to go.

Lornxi hated her selfishness, but there was no way. She was not the virgin, and she could not restrain herself from jealousy.

She had to admit that every time Fu HaoChen cared about he xianuan, she would be crazy and jealous.

And at the same time, luonxi is really worried about Fu HaoChen's safety.

Fu HaoChen had just met with danger in the morning. Although the enemy may not start again, who dares to say that these things are so absolute.

however, the ward they live in has not only a very high floor, but also the glass has been changed, and there are people guarding the outside all the time.

So only when Fu HaoChen was in this room could luonxi be a little relieved.

"It's OK. Don't worry. I'll pay attention. " Fu HaoChen said that he had already got out of bed and was ready to go downstairs to check the warm situation in He Xia.

Lornxy bit her lip and darkened her eyes.

Sure enough, Fu HaoChen is always like this, always put he xianuan in his heart.

Today is the same, even regardless of their own safety, also want to save he xianuan.

Luonxi was very sour, but there was no way. Fu HaoChen had made a decision. Luonxi knew that what he said now would be useless.

Luonxi didn't want to see he xianuan, but he didn't trust Fu HaoChen to go out alone, so even though he was sad, he quickly followed up.

"HaoChen, I'll go with you."

Fu HaoChen stopped and waited for lornxi for a moment. When luo'anxi stepped up quickly, he and luo'anxi walked forward side by side.

After Fu HaoChen went out, he immediately kept up with four people. This time, the four people were no longer in casual clothes. All of them were wearing uniform black suits, with guns pinned to their waists.

This time Fu HaoChen met with an accident again, which shows that it is impossible to prevent. Therefore, Fu HaoChen has increased the number of people around him.

He must not allow himself to have an accident.

Once, when luonxi was not in, Lin Yu came to visit Fu HaoChen and talked about what kind of torment luonxi was outside when Fu HaoChen took the bullets in the operating room that day.

"HaoChen, you must cherish your life." Lin Yu's expression is serious and serious, "you may not know how important you are to en Xi."

"Enxi is still with her children. She can't be stimulated by a little bit. You must live and support her."Fu HaoChen looked at Lin Yu's serious expression, pursed his lips, and after a long time, he began to smile and said, "when will you spare your life to see me?"

"I didn't say you would die, just hope that you can better protect your own safety." Lin Yu corrected Fu HaoChen's words, "just hope you can know that you are very important."

He knows, he always knows.

But never once, as clearly as this time.

Fu HaoChen clearly saw lornxi's face when he was pushed out of the operating room in order to tell lornxi that he was OK.

Lornxy's face was so white that her eyes were red and almost swollen.