Sure enough, Ye Zhen is watching the surveillance again. When she thinks that she has a pair of eyes staring at herself in front of the computer, whether she sleeps, eats or goes out, Yunxuan can't help but feel creepy.

In particular, the kiss between the leaves of her neck still fell there, which made her feel a sense of crisis that she was about to be bitten at any time.

"No, he, how can he compare with you?"

In this crisis, her wonderful brain circuit flashed out again. She jumped out of Ye Zhen's grip and turned into a gorgeous girl warrior's hot suit. Chong Ye Zhen held out her five fingers and yelled, "wait, you listen to me!"

Ye Zhen covered his ears and shook his head wildly, "I don't listen! I won't listen

Just in a fantasy, the man who just shook his head recklessly stopped and sneered. Suddenly, she pulled back Yunxuan's consciousness. She looked at Ye Zhen, her slightly raised corners of her mouth and her strange smile. How could she feel? She felt flustered, especially when he did not speak.

The atmosphere was silent for a second or two, and Yunxuan had to continue to say, "that man is my friend. I've known him for a long time. Don't get me wrong. He has a girlfriend. He's a good girlfriend, too. You, you can't let me go around you alone every day. I have my own circle of friends

Yunxuan thinks that her explanation is reasonable and reasonable, but Ye Zhen still doesn't speak. If it wasn't for the ambiguous kiss which is similar to gnawing all the time, she would have suspected that Ye Zhen was asleep.

What is this man going to do? Yunxuan bit her lip.

"You, you monitor my affairs, and I'll settle with you. What's going on now?"

I don't tell her anything. I don't tell her when I find the monitor. I only know my own observation. She's not a worm in his stomach. How can I know what he's thinking!

Ye Zhen this time has a reaction, "are you sure you want to settle accounts with me?"

He slowly took off the ring from Yunxuan's hand and played with it in the palm of his hand. There was no delay on the top, and leisurely grinded the tender skin of Yunxuan's neck with her teeth.

"If you want to explain, you have to have an attitude of explanation. Are you playing with me? Yeah? The origin of this ring, you are close to my purpose, your second uncle, and the children in your stomach. I didn't ask you to settle accounts with you, but you should come to me first to settle accounts? "

She could explain all this. Just as Yunxuan opened her mouth and was about to speak, her stomach first murmured twice.

Both of them were in a daze. Yunxuan's face suddenly turned red. She felt her stomach embarrassed, but her heart suddenly lost when she felt a flat area.

The previous active thoughts, the determination to explain, seemed to have all fallen asleep at once, and could not bring up any thoughts.

It doesn't make any sense! The children are gone. What's the point of saying more.

She turned to her side and buried her face in Ye Zhen's arms.

Ye Zhen was stunned, but after a moment, she understood it. She sighed and stroked Yunxuan's back from top to bottom.

Forget it, in the end, the things she kept from him were nothing important. He was only angry at the child. Now that she had just lost her child, why should he be aggressive and make her sad.

"Ah Ye Zhen suddenly stands up from the sofa, and Yunxuan is startled. Her legs are subconsciously coiled on his waist.

"Hold tight. I don't care if I fall." Ye Zhen laughs and pats Yunxuan's ass.

Yunxuan was embarrassed to wriggle for two times, and said in a slow voice, "don't..."

this posture has already been a shame, but she still needs to pat her buttocks...

Ye Zhen's mouth is badly lifted, but her palm is holding Yunxuan's buttocks and bumping up and down, "don't let you hold tightly, how do you slide down?" The palm also badly pinched on the soft ball twice.

Yunxuan's body shook twice, and two blushes flew up on her face. Lying on Ye Zhen's shoulder, Yunxuan said without tears: "I didn't slide down, don't pinch it...

this rascal, if you don't agree, you can take advantage of her! Yunxuan wants to go down, but Ye Zhen is walking all the time. She jumps down rashly and probably both of them fall to the ground.

Someone completely fails to understand her kindness and continues to ravage her buttocks. It seems that she wants to see her reaction. Yunxuan lies on Ye Zhen's shoulder and takes a hard bite.

"Wild cat!" Ye Zhen laughed and scolded.

Already in the kitchen, he put Yunxuan on the cooking table. Kiss her on the mouth, "wait a minute." He took the dishes from the cupboard and put them in the microwave oven.

Yunxuan's eyes widened slightly and looked at Ye Zhen strangely. She was so black? Is it because she didn't explain well that she didn't eat for her?

She was embarrassed to cover her stomach. She was used to eating these two days. At first, she was a little hungry.

Between the hot dishes in the microwave oven, Ye Zhen walked back to Yunxuan and said, "do you know you're hungry now? The next time I dare to go out to see another man, I will lock you in and not give you food to eat! "

What she said confirmed Yunxuan's conjecture.Stingy man, Yun Xuan make complaints about him in the heart.

"That's a friend, I..." Yunxuan wants to continue the explanation that she didn't say just now, but Ye Zhen puts her index finger into her mouth while opening her mouth.

Yunxuan is dumbfounded. She doesn't vomit with her fingers. Her big black eyes look at Ye Zhen at a loss,. Ye Zhen's fingers are badly hooked, and Yunxuan's face is red and almost smoke.

"Not even friends."

He pushed Yunxuan down on the platform. "If you are obedient, I'll hurt you. If you don't listen to me..." Ye Zhen's eyes were sharp and sharp, "I'll break all your arms and legs, so that you can only sit in a wheelchair. Every day, you can only see me alone. You can only eat my food and have a baby by myself! Do you understand? "

On the stage, Ye Zhen's body is very hot. In this posture, coupled with the threats that do not work on her, she is incredibly excited. Yunxuan gasps for two times, "understand."

Ye Zhen seems to be pleased, hook cloud Xuan's face, "really good."

He straightened up and pulled Yunxuan up. Then he went to the microwave oven and took out the hot food.

Yunxuan was silent and couldn't tell what it was like, looking at Ye Zhen, who was concentrating on the dishes.

Should he say Ye Zhen is rational, or does he not understand the customs and feelings? He has not forgotten the rice in the microwave oven.