As many people think, Ye Zhen's home is in chaos.

After shooting the security guard at the door, a dead man opens the door, and then the black bulletproof military vehicle rushes in with his foot on the gas pedal, regardless of the people in front of him.

The bodyguards inside the door took out their guns one after another, shooting without hesitation. The dead men in the car poked their heads out of the window, and the machine guns swept away.

Bodyguards fell in line, and some of the dead in the car were shot, but soon there were substitutes. After all, the power of the pistol could not withstand the machine gun. The two tires of the car burst. Finally, the driver stumbled to the middle of the yard. The driver's body was soft, lying on the steering wheel, and the car stopped there quietly.

There was no movement in the car. People watched the car with vigilance, and they didn't dare to move lightly.

Ye Tian went around a large circle to the back of the car. He opened the rear door carefully. A man rolled down. He tightened his heart and held the gun in his hand. He looked into the car again. The seats were full of people. Some of them had died completely. Some of them were watching him weakly, but they could not move.

In the silence, he heard the sound of the timer. His eyes changed instantly. He felt that the voice was coming from under these people. He quickly picked up the people who had fallen on the seat. The gentleman showed a pair of spiritual eyes, and then the bomb tied to his body. The number on the timer was in crazy retrogression.

Yunxuan calmly took out the cake from the oven, put it on the table, and then slowly walked out of the house.

The door was full of people, and all the people in the villa gathered here.

"Miss, how did you come out?" Seeing Yunxuan coming out, uncle Zhong rushed to meet her.

"Uncle Zhong, is it all over?" Yunxuan looks at the car in the middle of the yard. Ye Tian's half body is out of the car and his head is in the car. He doesn't know what he is doing.

At the moment, ye Tian is sweating. Looking at the countdown of three minutes left on the bomb, his brain is in rapid operation. He recognized this kind of bomb. He saw it in Ye's training. The power of the explosion can involve the whole villa. Three minutes is not enough to let people run out of the villa, unless he drives the car to the back mountain.

This is what he owes Yunxuan. He makes a decision almost instantaneously. Ye Tian wipes the sweat on his forehead, and his smile is free and easy. Close the door and go around to the driver's seat.

"Ye Tian, what are you doing?" Uncle Zhong sees something wrong and shouts to the other side. Ye Tian turns a deaf ear and the sound of dripping fills the whole ear.

The car started smoothly, because two tires were blown out, and the speed was not fast, but it was enough to let him out of the gate. Ye Tian's face just showed a smile, and the door around him suddenly opened, and then the whole body tilted and was pulled down by a pair of powerful hands.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Ye Tian is almost crazy. It's too late. He pushes Ye Wu back to the driver's seat. Ye Wu slaps him in the face and says, "calm down, what's going on?"

Ye Tian wiped his face, "there is a bomb in the car, which is the most powerful TNT. There are less than three minutes left. Get out of the way!" Uncle Zhong and Yun Xuan came to this side, too. "What's going on?"

"There's a bomb." Ye Wuyan's simple and comprehensive answer, pulling Ye Tian to Zhong uncle's side a throw, "Zhong uncle, look after Xiaotian, I'll transport the bomb away."

At this time, Yunxuan also noticed something was wrong. Why did she have to carry it away? She quickly grabbed Ye Wu and said, "why transport it away?"

"It's too powerful." Ye Wu didn't look back. He patted Yunxuan's hand to let her go. One foot had already stepped in and continued to sit in the car.

Yunxuan suddenly thought of something, still holding Ye Wu, "can the basement hide?"

Ye Wu's action stops, looking back at Yunxuan, "can hide, but there is no basement in the villa."

"Yes." Yunxuan affirms that their eyes are on at the same time. Ye Wu asks excitedly, "really?"


Yunxuan leaned into the car and saw the bomb. The man in black holding the bomb had a knife in his chest. He was dead. Only the timer was still running, less than two minutes.

"All follow me." Her legs were a little weak, so Yunxuan took a deep breath and ran to the place in her memory.

No one can die. If ye Zhen is not here, she should protect this family.

Yunxuan is glad that today she knew Ye Zhen had a gun and gave all the servants a day off. Now there are only these bodyguards left in the villa.

A group of people run to Ye Zhen's bedroom under the leadership of Yunxuan, and find the wall in their memory. Yunxuan pushes the wall aside. After a slight squeak, the dark inside is exposed, and the steps can be seen.

"Come on." She turned back to say a word to the people, did not hesitate to enter first.

Because they know that they will stay behind, they will certainly not enter. Humility at this time will only waste time.

The people behind him went in quickly and orderly.

With the flashlight on her mobile phone, it was the first time for Yunxuan to see the place where she had been locked up in the light. Yes, this is the place where she and Ye Zhen had been locked up at that time.Soft camel carpet, surrounded by quiet white tiles, the room is still empty. This kind of a look even inexplicably a little warm.

Yunxuan couldn't help but smile, but the smile froze in the corner of her mouth and patted her forehead in frustration.

"What's the matter, miss?" Ye Tian always pays attention to Yunxuan. Seeing that her expression is not right, ye Tian asks in a hurry.

"It's OK, but it suddenly occurred to me that my cake was still on the table." Yunxuan sighed, not to mention the cake, the house has to be gone, it seems that today's birthday is not a good one.

Ye Tiangang was about to begin to say something. A huge roar was heard, followed by the violent vibration of the ground. The sound of collapse came from the top of his head, and dust inclined down from the cracks.