Zhang Laiyi looked at Wen Tiantian on the other side and sneered.

Still struggling in vain!

"Wentiantian, you advise you, if you still want your hands, give up quickly, don't..."

He just said half, but suddenly felt a burst of cold vision, quickly turned to see Ji Jingchen is looking at him.

That look, no temperature, through the fierce light.

Zhang Laiyi was afraid to open his mouth and quickly turned to leave.

From the beginning to the end, Wen Tiantian has been looking down to select the works she wants to use. It seems that she has not noticed Zhang Laiyi's approach at all.

According to the previous training together, she clearly knows that although Zhang Laiyi colludes with Newman and can sell everything for profit, his repair technology is really excellent.

Even above Master Chu.

If you don't apply the 12 point effort, you won't win!

I can only spell it.

She chose the most difficult one and took it back to her seat.

Seeing this, the judges on the stage were shocked.

"Is wentiantian sharp? How could she choose such a difficult work? With the load of her hands now, she can't finish it at all

"In fact, even if she loses this time, Zhang Laiyi and she are the same team, and it will be OK. Why is she so desperate?"

"She overestimates herself. It's the most failed choice in such a long competition!"

Only Master Chu in the audience was worried. He knew the reason for Wen Tiantian's decision, and his eyes on her were worried.

"Sweet, you must come on."

Since the beginning of the competition, Ji Jingchen has been standing behind Wen Tiantian, like a knight, guarding the people in front of him, and will never leave.

Once wentiantian is involved, she will forget herself.

But this time, she can clearly feel that Ji Jingchen's eyes have been on her body.

Although Ji Jingchen massaged her before, which effectively alleviated the pain in her hands, it was a radical cure rather than a permanent cure.

Soon, Wentian's hand movements become dull again.

For the delicate work of cultural relic restoration, sometimes, if the fingers tremble slightly, the whole restoration work will fall short.

Wen Tiantian frowns more and more tightly, trying to control the movement of her hands.

Just at this time, Ji Jingchen slightly bent down to her ear.


A deep voice sounded, one hand on her shoulder at the same time.

Wen Tiantian raised her head, and then saw Ji Jingchen take her hand, wrapped it in the palm, and massaged it carefully.

It was only when she saw this that she understood.

My hands have really reached the limit and can't continue to work.

Ji Jingchen knelt on one knee, lowered his head and carefully massaged his sweet hands.

Originally tight muscle, in his massage, a little bit relaxed down, began to recover.

After a full massage for five minutes, Wen Tiantian looked at Zhang Laiyi, who was still repairing on the other side, and urged him: "OK, otherwise it will be too late."

Smell speech, Ji Jingchen slightly bow head, in her fingertip falls a light kiss.

Without saying a word, she went back to Wen Tiantian.

All the people present were shocked to see the scene in front of them.

I didn't expect that Ji Jingchen would also have such a tender side. Many girls were red faced. If only we could find someone like Ji Jingchen.

When Zhang Laiyi saw the scene, he just sneered.


Even if it gets everyone's attention, so what?

This time, he will win!

Warm and sweet hands recovered again, bow head quickly began to repair.

With Ji Jingchen behind her, every time wentiantian has not found that her hands have been overloaded, Ji Jingchen will first find out and help her massage.

However, as time goes on, the effect of massage is getting smaller and smaller.

From the beginning, massage once an hour, then 40 minutes, half an hour

Time is getting shorter and shorter, which also means that sweetness has reached its limit.

Ji Jingchen's eyes are more and more worried.

The game lasted five hours before it finally came to an end.

When Wen Tiantian put down her tools, her hands were already shaking.

In the last hour, Wen Tiantian, worried that time would be too late, refused Ji Jingchen's massage and forced herself to finish it.

However, after looking at the restored works in front of me and looking at Zhang Laiyi on the other side, the decision was right this time.

Zhang Laiyi has also finished his own restoration. He looks triumphantly at Wen Tiantian. Obviously, he is very confident about his work this time.Several judges came down to compare and analyze the two works carefully.

Wen Tiantian was held by Ji Jingchen behind him as early as the competition.

The man massaged her without saying a word.

Wentiantian heart gushed a warm current, she lowered her head, in Ji Jingchen forehead kiss.

"Thank you."

Ji Jingchen just raised his head, that pair of dark dark eyes, but deep, looking at the sweet with a bit of ruthless.

"When we go back..."

He only said half, but let wentiantian nervous.

What do you do when you go back?

She suddenly remembered that Ji Jingchen had said that he would settle accounts with her after returning.

There won't really be something bad waiting for her?

Wen Tiantian couldn't laugh at the thought of it.

On the other side, there was a cry of surprise from all the judges.

"Great! It's amazing

"I didn't expect to be able to do this under such circumstances."

"I thought she was going to lose."

Wen Tiantian turned her head and saw that all the judges were holding the work that had been repaired by Wen Tiantian. She was surprised and praised.

When Zhang Laiyi heard the speech, he was puzzled.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Of course it's wentiantian. I didn't expect that she could do so well under such bad conditions!"

"What? How could that be possible? "

He pushed straight through the crowd and rushed in.

"What the hell are you doing? Take a good look at my work and compare it with her, and you will know that mine is... "

One of the judges frowned, with a slight disdain in his eyes.

"Is that what you said?"

They took the porcelain restored by Zhang Laiyi, put it in front of him, shook their heads, and said with great regret: "I thought you were a master. In addition, Wen Tiantian is in a losing position this time. Even if we don't need to compare this time, we know the result."

"I didn't expect it to be like this."

Zhang Laiyi frowned. "How could that be possible? Even if my repair technology is really a bit backward, then wentiantian can't beat me! "