v2 Chapter 503: Waiting for a lifetime-miss you (14)

Qingfeng said nothing, followed silently behind the two in front. In front of him was the hookah that the woman looked at in the arms of the man just now. He was panicked or anxious in his heart. He was afraid that it was ... disgusting.

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He knew what he had done to her and she would never forgive him again in this life.

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其实 In fact, in the days when he thought she had betrayed his brother, was there really no trace of ease in his heart? He also thought in his heart that her so-called affection was nothing but false. He couldn't get it from her, nor did other men.

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  he ... I'm sorry my brother can't help him, this life, he will keep them like that.

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  She always only loved his brother. For him, she even—a sharp soreness came out of his heart. He suddenly thought that it would be okay to dislike it. Finally she remembered him, remembered him.

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  Her voice came softly.

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"Ali, you were so fierce with the breeze just now. Are you angry with him? Don't get angry."

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"Don't you like the breeze? How can you speak for him?"

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"Don't like him? Why don't I like him, and I don't know him so much, I just don't want you to be angry, I don't like you to be angry, I just gave you a bite and bite, aren't you very happy .. .... Or I'll give you a few more poke, hey, what are you doing so fast suddenly? Why are your ears red? "

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The breeze trembled, and watching the embargoed internal guards anxiously followed, he stopped still.

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Does she not know him? He knew that after returning, she couldn't remember anything, but then she and everyone were getting along well, but she was alone, but she didn't even hate it.

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He stood still, watching a man walk past him, watching the man in the white robe and jacket in front of him steadily rest her on her back, she rested on the shoulder of the brother, and lightly held on to the brother's shoulder Back, like a naughty and lazy cat. The brother turned back occasionally, his eyes were shallow, but they were all smiling.

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  Although he could not see, he could think that the smile on her lips and cheeks would be as clear as winter flowers in this imperial garden, snow and ice would not wither.

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  But not for others, like him.

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  He laughed aloud, but his eyes and nose have been sour *********** Who is extravagant all his life, hate is not actually bitter. It turned out that Fang was painful.

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  A further walk is Huarong Palace, the waiter has rushed to report.

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  Long Feili had a sudden idea, wanting to bring a woman on his back to Chu Xiudian, his heart was still impetuous.

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"Ali, I'm so hungry, I can swallow a cow." She muttered behind.

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  He froze, his heart hurt, and he smiled a little. She said this every time, but didn't eat much. He just wanted to say a few words to her, but she put her head together, "Why don't you say anything?" Tell me a story. "

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  She was still worried about him being angry and teasing him--the smile on his lips became bigger and bigger, "what story would you like to hear, would you tell me the legend of Wu Sunguo?"

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"No." Zhu Qi shook his head intuitively, and he told her many stories, but she only liked that one. Perhaps it was his mute voice when he told the story. When he told that story, he would give her a feeling that he was bullied, his voice was low and dumb, and she liked to bully him.

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When she thought of it, she jumped up in her heart, tightened his neck, and said, "Tell me the queen's story."

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  Long Feiwei frowned and said lightly, "Did you not hear it many times?"

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  Zhu Qi was annoyed, "It is necessary to listen, then I am sleeping with you today, will not I sleep with you tomorrow, I have to sleep with you for many days."

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  A few of the housekeepers who followed closely were frightened and scared to laugh, not to look at the emperor.

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The emperor was really enraged and his face sank. "You don't like to sleep peacefully?"

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Zhu Qi frowned, and crossed his face to touch the man's cheek. "Are you angry again? What kind of anger is I? I like to sleep with you." After thinking about it, I said honestly: "I don't want to sleep with you Together, I can't sleep. "

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  Long Feili gave a soft whisper, but the housekeepers clearly saw the smile on his lips, and the hanging heart was let down. The queen and the emperor breathed, and the last victim would not be the queen, but the person who waited nearby.

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"I'll listen to the story."

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"Where do you want to hear this time?"

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拗 拗 still in the end, but Long Fei is far away from the eyes, he is not a folk storyteller, how can he tell any story. But how could he let her forget what happened between him and her, and when she woke up, she changed some of their names, and he told her about them day and night. Even if she sounds like someone else's story.

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Fortunately, she has heard many times, but every time she would think of something to ask him. In fact, he was reluctant to say more. Every time I say it, it hurts.

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"This time you tell me how the emperor knew that Princess Yi was bad?"

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"After the young concubine was pregnant, he has been thinking about the baby in the young concubine, and has been checking who leaked the secret to Long Xiuwen, because it is his confidant, he did not ask explicitly, only Undercover investigation, one by one. When Xu Xu was checked, he thought of Yi Fei. Because Yi Fei had a close relationship with Xu Ye, if Xu Ye had said this to Yi Fei, then Zi Weiguo was in the courtyard where Yi Fei lived. Some black bird feathers were found inside.

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"What is the Blackbird?"

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"This is the best believing bird. It travels thousands of miles. Later, he tried Xu Yan again, and it was confirmed that Yifei did know the news of where they really went."

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"Ali, the emperor knew that Princess Yi was bad, why did she still marry her? Is it just to break his brother's thoughts?"

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"I wanted to break his brother's thoughts. Although his brother was desperate at the time, he was still holding Concubine Yi. Well, Xiao Qi was clever and was more provoked by Concubine Nian, so on the day of celebration, Concubine asked Whether you are happy with Princess Yi or not, he also said something angry. "

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"Ali, what is Huanhao?"

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"You don't understand, it doesn't matter, I will ask Xia Sang later, Yu Zhi said Xia Sang was very smart."

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"Never ask! Go back and tell you!"