v2 Chapter 370: The situation is complicated

"I dreamed of Yuzhi and Xia Sang."

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玑 玑 Xuan Xuan was tense, "Did you say anything when Zi Jin came back? Did you find Yuzhi?"

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 "No, the situation is not optimistic. Xia Sang and Zi Jin met, Xia Sang continued to search along the way, Zi Jin returned, is to discuss with her what to do next." Long Fei looked away, "music Yang County is a large county. Although it is also prosperous and rich, it is located in the central counties of major counties, and there are many mountain forests in the county. Many people have fallen into the grass to occupy the mountain and robbed the past business travel. This mountain has many robbers. Sectarians, gangs of bandits and gangsters searching for them, take a lot of time. "

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Xuan frowned and said: "The escaped embargo returned, the other party was a bandit, and I had previously worried that those people were mountain bandits, fearing that Yuzhi would be innocent, but wanted Yuzhi to disappear. The time was too coincidental. As soon as Xia Sang left, something happened on my side. Was it a means of someone in the palace? It wasn't a bandit who killed Yuzhi and his party? "

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Long Fei smiled slightly, and reached out and knocked on Xuanyuan's head, "It's not too stupid."

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Xuan Xuan was annoyed and wanted to knock back, but taught the man to wrap his hands and rest his head on her shoulder. He condensed: "Everything seems casual under the hood, but the calculations are precise everywhere. This time it must be the arrangement of the seventh brother. "

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"People in the palace know that Xia Sang and Yuzhi have a deep friendship. Yuzhi studied art in the famous Jianshanzhuang in the past, and Xia Sang visited the village for Xi and Zijin many times, and the battle of Broken Sword Gate, Bai Zhanfeng protects you. Xia Sang worked hard to protect Yuzhi. After returning to the palace, several people have always moved around. The seventh brother is careful and sharp-sighted, and he may not see Xia Sang's true love for Yuzhi. "

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"Let Zijin leave the palace is the first step of his plan. Think about it, the 100 embargoes are well trained, and ordinary bandits are capable of killing them, and they are almost alive? They can keep all the embargoes strictly. Kill all, why do you leave one or two alone? The purpose is just to let the palace know their brutality, and you have to worry that Xia Sang has to leave the palace. "

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Xuan Yuan nodded and asked, "You just said that ordinary bandits don't have such ability, wouldn't it be like the other person who was Long Xiuwen disguised as a bandit like he was at Broken Sword Gate last time?"

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Long Fei's eyes were cold, and he smiled: "He still has to push Fang Chufan about the broken sword door. There are many bandits in Leyang County. It is best to leave no holes. And the bandits are familiar with the terrain. As long as you have the money, how can you prevent any group of thieves without letting the other party know the identity of Yuzhi? In the action, you can mix a few of your own masters to control the overall situation. "

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Xuan Yuan opened his eyes wide and whispered, "Yes, it's much more convenient. He pays for people to do things. Even if we ask Yuzhi, the bandits will not know where he is coming from."

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"Well," Long Feili rubbed her hair, "Xiao Xiaoqi has grown."

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Xuan Yuan was so angry and funny that he taught him to catch it, and flung off his head resting on her shoulder, hitting him with his head.

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Long Fei moved away from her five fingers and held her tightly in her arms. Xuan Yuan looked at him, but saw that he was dignified, and just wanted to ask him, he had said softly: "Little Seven, I am most worried about Qi Brother He had been ordered to kill Yu Zhi! What he wanted was to pull Zi Jin and Xia Sang out of the palace. After taking Yu Zhi away, she would have no other use value. "

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Xuan Yuan shuddered, his body trembling, "He really doesn't miss a little affection?"

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"It's hard to say, this Qige city is extremely deep." Long Fei's eyes faded gradually. "So now we have to bet with Long Xiuwen and also with time. He has not let the bandit The thief harmed Yuzhi and rescued Yuzhi before he changed his mind. "

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"This time, he spent so much time and thought that his purpose was to borrow your death and get you out of the palace. You were given the punishment of concubine. He must be planning to serve your sentence in Fengfeng. You will be replaced in the palace with similar people. "

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"He's going to change me?" Xuan Yuan was surprised, and for a long time, smiled bitterly: "Long Xiuwen ... he is indeed Zhou Zhang."

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 "Successfully succeeded," Long Feili sneered, "After all, human calculation is not as good as heaven calculation. Before he wants to adjust the package, you have been replaced by Cui Ya. One of them, and the other is that he is one day earlier than him. come back."

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Xuan Xuan smiled, and then he looked suspicious, "It's strange to say that, if it wasn't for Long Xiuwen, why would Cui Ya have a human skin mask and change it with me easily? And then the little wolf was gone."

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Long Feili gave a faint "um" and touched her head. "This is left to me to think, I will find that little thing for you."

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玑 玑 Xuan Yi smiled, "Yes, yes, I can't think of it anyway, it is best for you. But yeah, my little wolf is not a small thing, it is a big thing. If you become a monster, you can transform the human form, It must be a handsome boy. "

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  The hand pressed on her shoulder sank suddenly, Xuan Yuan was surprised, but saw that Long Fei was locked from his eyebrows, not knowing what suddenly came to mind.

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Xuan Yuan was so worried about Yuzhi that he didn't look into Long Fei thinking at the moment, and said, "Little wolf and Yuzhi are looking for it, but what is going to happen to Yuzhi? What happened? Hand, even if he hadn't killed Yuzhi before, I'm afraid he would take Yuzhi out of breath. "

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Long Fei Lishou said, "Yes, that's what I worry about, so I plan to go out to the palace to find Yuzhi."

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"What about me?" Xuan Yuan was slightly anxious.

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Long Fei Li smiled, "You are with me."

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Xuan Yuanxin was pleased. He closed his neck and heard him ask, "Little Seven, how can you go to Bixia Palace?"

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"You don't ask me but I forgot." Xuan Yuan frowned slightly, "It was Bai Zi who led me in the past."

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Long Fei Li froze, then sank his face, and said, "This is trouble now!"

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