Chapter 263: Who is Tong Hui

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  Can't care how people around guess what he thought, anyway, she didn't recognize it ... Xuan Yuan closed her eyes and pressed the button.

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Why is this ...

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  At a glance, she was horrified, covering her chest tightly, and did not throw the phone again.

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The most unexpected thing is that there are two of this image!

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  And these two images ... No wonder Yuhuan would say that chasing is just joking with them.

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If this is a joke, it is normal.

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  If this is not a joke, then it is weird and horrible, and illogical.

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The image is the appearance of a lady in ancient times, with the same headgear, clothes, red satin, embroidered phoenix phoenix, and Phoenix Asahi

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  How can a Queen Queen be restored to two looks?

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  If the two looks similar, then it makes sense, the problem is that the two samples are very different. One face is like a full moon, and the other is a small face of melon seeds.

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  The people in these two images, however, are all three of them very familiar, and it is impossible!

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  the former is Xin chasing, the latter is-Zhu Qi.

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  computer simulation, can not be completely restored to the original appearance, but the two have a portrait of 90%.

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If it wasn't for the chase, how could she not be afraid of seeing these images? Because of this, did she hide in panic?

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From receiving the first picture of chasing, she has a strong feeling that the archeology of chasing and her crossing may be inextricably linked. Otherwise, this mobile phone will not be in the end. Came to Xiliang for no reason.

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  Intention, it seems that she wants to see these pictures.

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Who is behind the scene behind the scenes? Is that the blue-eyed man? What's the purpose of this?

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  She was panicking, and suddenly the phone trembled, and she quickly turned on.

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It is Yuhuan's message.

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"Aqi, here are a few text messages that chased me along with the pictures, and you see. Where did you go? There is no way to get through to the phone. When you see the information, come to my house immediately."

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Xuan Yuan shuddered and immediately turned down.

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  flashing screen, lines of text jumped into view.

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"Yuhuan, I encountered the most terrible thing in my life. I'm going to figure it out now. Don't tell Aqi for the time being. I'm worried that she will be afraid. Dad has never believed that I can operate independently and chair the excavation. This tomb is my happiest thing in more than two decades. You are my best friends. Ah Qi even made a huge debt for me. But to this day, I do n’t know whether my original insistence is right or wrong. wrong."

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"I may not understand what you are saying, and you will feel confused, but according to the inscriptions on the funeral appliances we have found out now, we have made a discovery whether we are shocked or happy. There is indeed parallelism around our world. Time and space, these time and space are not completely parallel, and there may be some intersections in one place. This tomb group we have unearthed is one of them. Hawking had already proposed this possibility many years ago. Really, then the cross-text you are usually obsessed with is not all fiction. "

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"From the inscription, the emperor served by Empress Hui Hui is called Emperor Qingjia, and is the most prestigious king in the Xiliang Kingdom ... Xu Hui is his second queen. About this emperor I do n’t know why, I ’m very interested ... But, Yuhuan, you find none, Xiliang, Qingjia, this is not any country or dynasty in history as we know it ... "

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"I have always sent the process of the archeological team to you and Aqi. The picture I just sent you is the restored image of Queen Hui's face. Why are there two images? That's because we have done it before Wrong! The coffin ... Actually, it is not an ordinary coffin, it is a coffin, that is to say it has two layers, 椁, generally refers to the coffin that is placed outside the coffin, but this pair of coffins It's weird, it's divided up and down. "

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"The work of this coffin is extremely delicate and ingenious. Between the coffin and the coffin, there is no gap in the naked eye until a staff member accidentally spills an antiseptic and the liquid penetrates into the tiny gap between the coffin and the coffin. Only then did we know that two corpses were hidden in this coffin, one on top and one on the bottom. They wore identical accessories and we did a face restoration. The result is the two sets of pictures. Are you afraid? The coffin under the coffin was too shocked, and the corpses were mixed up when they came out of the coffin. Now we can't tell which corpse is on top and which is on the bottom. "

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"They were still very young when they died, and they are estimated not to be over 25 years old. The specific cause of death is still being examined by the archeological team. However, this method of burial is very mysterious, Yuhuan, guess who? Is the true Empress Hui Hui? Lying on the coffin is a great disrespect to the true Empress Hui. It would be impossible to bury them together without the Emperor's intention. But what is the purpose of the Emperor Qingjia? Have you heard of Cao Cao's Seventy-two Suspects? Here is one true and one false. The two queens are the actions taken by the emperor to worry about future grave robbers? "

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"Yuhuan, I do n’t believe in reincarnation, and I always think that there are people with very similar looks in this world. If there is only one woman in this coffin, and that person is very similar to me or Ah Chi, then I believe it is just a coincidence. . But now, the looks of these two women who have died for thousands of years are similar to those of me and Aqi, and the two bodies were dug up by myself. What does this mean? I do n’t know, I ’m really scared ... I always feel that something will happen soon, and these things are not under our control ... Recently, it seems that something happened to A Qi. A few days ago, I spoke to her by phone. Her mood is also unstable. Yuhuan, keep in mind, do n’t tell her about this matter until I understand the ins and outs, I will find you ... "

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Thank you for reading. Dear friends, the third one later.