Chapter 209: Eighth son-in-law

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Xuan Yuan was shocked, and leaned out from behind Long Feili, who suddenly reached out and took her hand.

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  She blushed, and she was also a man posing now. In this wide street, the two men were fingers crossed ... I was thinking, only to feel that he exerted a little force on her wrist, and she stunned, He had shed something from her wrist—it was the bead she had been wearing on her wrist: Carp Nedan.

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凛 凛 She suddenly, the man in black seems to come to grab her. She looked at the man ahead, and saw that his face changed slightly. Long Feili glanced at the other side, and put the rope in his wrist.

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"Long Fei Li ..." She pulled his sleeve lightly.

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"Let me here first."

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  He was very light, her heart still moved involuntarily. In full view, she understood his intention.

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  However, she has one more pearl. It was in a close-fitting pocket with the mobile phone, which was given by Feng Zhanbai last time. She forgot to return him, and he never asked her later.

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  The man in black smiled coldly, his body leaned slightly as if to come forward. Long Feili pushed Xuan Yuan back, and he didn't look anxious, but he had some time to spare. Long Zijin also came up, looked at Le Jingying next to Duan Yuzhen, and stared cautiously at the man in black.

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  Long Feili said that there are two groups of people, it seems to be here.

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"Brother." The soft voice suddenly came out of the crowd, and a woman in a yellow suit walked away from the crowd. The people were slightly surprised, and the woman's appearance was similar to that of the man in black.

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  The woman seemed to look at Long Feili, and there was a flash of light in her eyes. Others may not pay attention, and Xuan Yuan pays full attention, but sees clearly. The anxiety at the first sight of Miss Nine was a little worse.

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The woman in yellow said something softly to the man in black, and the man stepped back a few steps.

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The crowd, who was just noisy just now, has become extremely quiet. Someone squinted quietly at the hydrangea on the ground, apparently it was there, but no one dared to pick it up.

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"It's really difficult this time. It seems that all the boys are related to this hydrangea, and to the little girl." Someone came in with a smile, but it was the master.

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The servant next to him picked up the hydrangea, and he sighed slightly: "It's not too early now, all the sons and daughters are foreigners. If you don't want to abandon it, you will spend the night in the husband's house tonight, little girl. Regarding marrying, let's think about it tomorrow and see if the husband is lucky enough to find a son-in-law. "

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  Le Jingying nodded first, "So good."

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The woman in yellow smiled slightly, and said, "My elder brother Murong Pei, my little girl Murong Lin, our brother and sister have bothered the old husband."

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  Master Yu looked at Long Feili again, and understood that Xuan Yuan and others were the masters of him. At this time, Duan Yuxi came over and whispered something to Long Fei Li. Long Fei Li smiled and said, "Then there is Master Laoyu."

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  The lively streets scattered.

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  When everyone entered the hall, I saw a person sitting in the hall. Master Yu smiled: "The old man just recruited the eight daughters a few days ago, and I would like to introduce you to my sons."

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  He raised his voice and called: "White boy."

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  The man in white sitting on the side of the coffee table turned around, and Xu Xuan was surprised. How could it be him?

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瞟 瞟 She squinted Long Fei Li, Long Fei Li frowned slightly.

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  Seeing the crowd, the man paused in Long Feili and Xuan Yuan's face, and then smiled lightly, "Good boys."

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 "Don't the two sons come without a problem?" The last sentence was addressed to Long Feili and Xuan Yuan.

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. The son-in-law of Master Yu's eighth daughter is ... Bai Zixu.

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  Duan Yuhuan also came in, everyone was in the room.

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Long Feili gave Long Zijin a glance, and the latter nodded, and said, "Let's say, we seem to be in a very complicated situation."

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Yu Zhi frowned. "Ten brother?"

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Xuan Yuan is still thinking about Bai Zixu, how can he be here? Didn't Long Feili give him to Xia Houchu? He should now be working in the Ministry of Officials ... how did he come to this Taoyuan town and become the son-in-law of Yufu?

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  Originally, it was very strange that Murong Pei wanted to take her wrist. Now the deeper the doubt in her heart, only Long Zijin said slowly: "First of all, let me talk about Yugong's Hachiko."

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  He paused, looking to Xuan Yuan, "Ma'am, how much do you know about Bai Zixu?"

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Xuan frowned, and said, "Master Wants to know more about him than I ... I and him are the side of Nianfu."

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Long Fei dimly looked away, "Xiao Qi, Bai Zixu was dead long ago."

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Xuan Yuan was shocked, and for a long while, speechless.

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"Who is this Bai Zixu?" She asked with a trembling voice.

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Long Zijin grinned at the corners of his mouth, meaning ironic, "No one knows who he is."

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愣愣 愣愣 Yuzhi said: "I don't understand, what are you talking about, brother 9 and brother 10, what is true or false?"

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Xia Sang said quietly: "You don't need to understand, you just need to beware of this person."

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  Yu Zhi listened to Xia Sang's indifferent tone, his heart trembled, Xiao Xiao snorted, and lowered his head without talking.

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  Duan Yuzhen's face was condensed, and he said, "In this Yufu, except Le Jingying, we know the details, and I am afraid that all of them are not good."

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Xuan Ling bit his lip and said anxiously: "The most troublesome is that Bai Zixu also knows the identity of all of us!"

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"Ma'am, that's a good thing." Xia Sang nodded.

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Xuan Yuan thought about it and asked, "When did you know about Bai Zixu?"

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She looked at Long Feili, hesitated slightly, and whispered, "Why didn't you kill him?"

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Thank you for reading. Dear friends, the fifth is more complete. see you tomorrow.

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