Chapter 78: Leave it to him

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The emperor's face was sinking into the water, and he swung his clothes on, taking Long Zijin, Xu Yan, Qingfeng, Xia Sang and others into it quickly.

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  He walked straight to An Jin, scooped up the happy little wolf and fell to the ground fiercely.

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Xuan Yuan was shocked and wanted to catch the little wolf, but he couldn't move faster.

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  When she came to the little wolf in timidity, the little wolf had wrinkled into a ball on the ground. He squinted at Xuan Xuan, whispered a few mouthfuls of blood, and stained his white fur with red.

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玑 恸 Xuan Yun's heart is big, and it was her who rescued it. Today, is it also her who killed the little beast?

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怔怔 怔怔 Looking at the little wolf, he forgot to pick it up.

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 Sorrowful wailing, the little wolf stood up crookedly, dragging his claw feet, took two steps, and limped to Xuan Ling's embroidered shoes.

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  Its world is simple, there is hatred, hatred, grace, retribution.

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  Glancing at the emperor coldly, Xuan Yuan bent over with tears and hugged it into his arms.

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  Of course, he didn't care, not at all.

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The emperor didn't even look at her, but embraced An Jin into her arms, her frown lightly, and checked whether she was injured.

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瑾 安 An Jin wasn't like a normal woman, and didn't cry in her arms. She just frowned and said something to him in a low voice.

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Xuan Yuan just laughed, Butterfly Wind had tears in her eyes, came forward to justify a few words, but taught Xuan Yuan to hold her hand tightly. That little strength had a firm and absolute feeling.

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  eyes fell on Xuan Yuan's head. She looked at it, but couldn't catch it. The light was gone for a moment, but the meanness and slight irony seemed to be ... breeze? Long Zijin has an element of optimistic drama, but Xia Sang looked at her with anxiety.

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  At this time, An Jin's maidservant, Ashi, knelt down and cried, "Please ask the emperor to take charge of our girl. The young lady Niang said just now that our lady is an unknown person. If the emperor did not arrive in time, she is. .... We have to do our girl. "

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Butterfly Wind was so angry that she couldn't wait to step forward to tear her apart.

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办 办? Xuan Yuan just wanted to laugh, with a little wolf an An Jin in front of a group of martial arts strong internal servants?

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  these words .... really interesting.

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 "No name, you have to deal with Xuan Xuan Ye, right?" The emperor sneered, "What a good young lady!"

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 "Xia Sang, Chuankou mouth 谕 嫔, Nian 嫔 has been awkward, pity for his first offender, did not strip his palace, the present situation is re-emerging, it is abominable, so he moved out of Fenghuang Palace immediately!"

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  Xia Sang whispered: "Minions do!"

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  At the end of Ling Ling's words, all the people in the palace of the Palace of the Dragon Palace suddenly turned pale and fell to the ground.

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  Butterfly Feng choked and looked at Xuan Yuan, "Mother ..."

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Xuan Yuan was looking down at the little wolf, and it seemed that he had not heard any intention from the emperor.

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  The coldness of my heart and the warm blood of the little wolf were cast together.

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  The hands and feet are cold, it is the beginning of spring season, and the Xiliang of Yuncang is so cold. Is the spring cold?

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  cold eyes glanced at her, this time do not have to go, she knows, it is ... Long Fei Li.

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  At his ear is the voice of Mingyue Yingshui, remember that for the first time, she was suspected to be a natural ...

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"An Jin listened."

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She quietly glanced at An Jin. An Jin seemed to be stunned, the corner of her mouth slightly raised, her skirt drew, and she knelt slowly.

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 "An Jin has both talents and talents, sealed the concubine of the Fourth Palace, and entered the palace of Fenghuang."

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谢 谢 kneel down to thank Shane's voice.

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  Well, all glory, all damage.

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  around the Xuan people, all divided into two.

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  while pale, while martial.

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  Finally, she raised her chin and looked at the emperor.

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Mo Yan's eyes were deep and cold, and his fingers steadily buckled on An Jin's shoulder.

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  That posture can be called protection.

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  Also, he never did to her. Xuan Yuan raised his mouth, yeah, why didn't he love her? But it was her unknowing feeling that was kind of wrong.

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"An Fei, you now have the right to deal with anyone who comes to commit crimes." The emperor muffled a little.

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  An Jin's heart was joyful, he really loved her. He had a faint smile and said she would give her a grand canon. Now it is sealed in advance-the intention of the man, but he can understand it best.

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He gave her the right to kill. In the eyes of the room, she saw the envy of Miyazaki, whether it was that year or her own.

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  She chuckled, coquettish like a halo, and said, "The emperor is angry, and the courtier is overjoyed today, and he doesn't want to punish him. Just spare her son-in-law. Encouraged her lord to make troubles again, no punishment ... Ashi, hold her mouth ten times for this palace. "

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Is there such a crooked principle? Butterflies are sad and angry, and they want to argue a few times in the past, but they teach Xu Xuan to hold hands tightly.

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Seeing insult before ~ ​​her sister-in-law Shi Shi approached with a sneer, she cooled her heart, resented Xuan Xuan, and strove to take off her hand, saying, "You are the master, you call Diefeng to die, Die The wind cannot go against it. "

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Xuan Yuan just bowed his head and said nothing. Butterfly wind sneered and raised his face.

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The crisp applause raised, A Shi's nails were sharp, and she also deliberately scratched off with her tail nails when she started.

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  pale cheeks, obliquely broken through the mouth, bright red flowing out, slipping down.

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Everyone was shocked! Including Long Feili, who has always been calm and hidden in his heart.

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  Not for that palm, for the person who accepted it-Xuan Yuan hugged the little wolf tightly and pushed away the butterfly wind, and that palm fell firmly to her face.

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  Thank you for reading, and thank you to everyone who sent messages. Dear, there will be a change later.

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