Su Lihua's things were all there, her phone number, her backpack, her room was a mess, everywhere was a mess, and no matter what I called her, she didn't answer, until I found her in the bathtub.

Su Lihua's eyes were wide open in despair. Her face was as pale as paper, and she was wearing her favorite white dress as she floated in the bathtub.

The water in the bathtub was stained red by the blood that flowed from her left wrist. The water in the bathtub was also dyed red by the white tiles on the floor.

Su Lihua held a wallpaper knife in her right hand. Her eyes were wide open as if she was looking at something unwillingly.

Once again, just like when I lost my mother, my heart felt like it was being torn apart.

All of a sudden, my heart became empty. These six years, Su Lihua was my entire world and everything. My only family and hope to live on, but in an instant, everything was gone.

The feeling of the world collapsing was not something that many people would understand. It was more than despair, and even the word 'grief' paled in comparison to my feelings at the time.

Then the police came, and the verdict was that Su Lihua committed suicide.

No matter what, I would never believe that Sister Su, whose eyes were filled with yearning, would use such a way to end herself and her child. Without saying a word of farewell, she abandoned me.

No one came to mourn Sister Su's funeral. I was the only one there to mourn her. I thought that at least the father of the child would come, but he didn't.

It wasn't until after ten in the evening that a man came, but I had met this man once before, among the policemen who had been there for my sister.

The man walked up to my sister's memorial tablet and bowed. Then he squatted down in front of me and showed me his ID.

Shang Qirong asked me what I was doing before Sister Su died. Sister Su's mood fluctuated, but I was also able to tell that something was amiss.

I truthfully answered the question of the police officer in his early twenties. He carefully recorded what I said in his notebook.

I asked Shang Qirong if he also thought that my sister didn't commit suicide.

Shang Qirong gave me a sympathetic look and said that he was just a recently graduated police intern and that he had no more experience than any of his colleagues. This was the first time he had even been present on the scene.

But I could see the hesitation in Shang Qirong's eyes. It was only his identity that kept him from saying anything to me. He just told me that if I didn't trust the police's judgement, I could apply for an autopsy.

I looked at Shang Qirong and asked him if he would be able to find the person who killed my sister if he performed an autopsy.

Shang Qirong looked at me uncertainly and told me that if it was deemed murder, I could file a case and the police would help me find the murderer.

Even though I knew the victim was a big one and didn't want anyone else to touch my sister's body, I still wanted a professional to do an autopsy on my sister. I wanted help from the police to find the person who killed my sister.

Although this guess, at the moment is only my wishful thinking.

Not long after Shang Qirong left, a woman came by. She wore a black suit and only wore some light makeup. When I bowed towards Sister Su's memorial tablet, I saw that she was crying.

She was the second person to come see big sister Su and also the only one who cried for big sister Su. She knelt by my side and burned paper for big sister Su along with me.

She said that her name was Le Zhishan, a woman who worked in the Nine Palace like her elder sister. However, her elder sister was the ace of the Nine Palace, and Le Zhishan was just a young girl there.

Le Zhishan felt that her elder sister had never looked down on her like the other misses, and had even helped her when she needed money the most.

Le Zhishan stayed with me for a long time. Looking at the deserted mourning hall, she sighed emotionally and said to me, "It's really lonely. When I die, I should be lonely as well."

Le Zhishan stayed with me for a long time. Before she left, she took out a cell phone from her pocket, saying that it was a business phone that my sister only used during her working hours. It was given to me by the head of the Nine Palaces.

I took the phone that my sister used and held it tightly in my hand.

I opened my sister's cell phone. On the screen of the phone, there was a picture of us together. On it, we were smiling very happily. I tried two of her usual passwords, but none of them worked.

At this moment, my sister's phone suddenly rang. It was an unfamiliar number. I answered it and only gently fed her before hanging up. A beep sounded in my ears.

Just when I was wondering who was it that called my sister and didn't say anything, a man in his twenties suddenly barged in. He was wearing a dark blue suit with two buttons on the top of the white shirt casually undone, and black shiny leather shoes.

Before I could react, thinking that he was the one who had come to pay his respects, this young man fiercely kicked the Guardian Spirit's table. Before I could recover from my shock, he pulled off the black cloth on the table and flipped everything on the table onto the ground.

I hastily stood up and angrily stood in front of him, asking him who he was and what made him come here to cause trouble.

However, before I could finish my words, I was pushed aside by the man's large hand and fell to the ground.

The man continued to smash on the wall. Not a single thing in the room was spared as he scolded, "Su Lihua, you bitch. I didn't personally tear you apart and you're already f * cking dead? Do you think you can be comfortable just because you're dead? "F * ck your mother!"

As the man spoke, he kept on kicking and kicking, breaking the last few wreaths.

I got up from the ground and used both of my hands to tug at the man's suit jacket. "You bastard, what right do you have to smash the mourning hall? Get lost, get lost!"

The man was like a small mountain. No matter how hard I tried to pull him, I couldn't move him.

While there was nothing to vent his feelings on in the mourning hall, the man glanced at the photograph on the wall.

Looking at his furious eyes, anyone could see what he wanted to do, but I couldn't pull him away. He dragged me as if I didn't even exist, and reached his hand towards the photo of big sister Su.

In that moment all that remained of my last struggle was to open my mouth and bite his outstretched arm and bite it.

Finally, the man frowned, as if he had just become aware of my presence. The veins in his neck bulged, and he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me away from his bitten arm.

The two of us fiercely stared at each other. The man's face was like a marble sculpture, making him look even more frightening than he did before. His thick black eyebrows and eagle-like eyes made me shiver a little. What relationship do you have with her to protect her? "

Although the man asked, he didn't seem to need an answer. Suddenly, he let out a cold and disdainful snort, "What kind of bird can be with a woman like Su Lihua? You're the same as her, aren't you?"

The man was still grabbing onto my hair. The more I struggled, the harder he would pull. In this room that was smashed into pieces by him, I instantly became his only outlet.

The man's deep and smooth voice was like a cello, it carried a heart-wrenching sound, "Being played by a man is very satisfying, right? It's good to lie down and make money, isn't it? "Then why the f * ck are you guys obediently earning your money? Why are you playing with feelings and ruining other people's families!"

I grit my teeth and stare at him, and my equally unkind stare infuriates him again, and he points a finger at my nose with his other hand. "Even if you pop your eyes out, you're a fucking bitch."

I gritted my teeth and replied, "Even if I'm a bitch, you're still not my guest. What qualifications do you have to act arrogantly and act arrogantly with me?"

The man suddenly laughed with endless contempt and disgust. "Is it hard to be your guest? Wasn't that money? I have plenty, enough to f * cking play you to death! "

I bit my lower lip with my teeth, not allowing myself to make any sound of pain. My head had already been pulled back by him, causing my center of gravity to start to unsteady.

At this time, a man around his age suddenly ran in and hurriedly opened his fingers, "Yi Fei, didn't you promise me that you wouldn't act rashly? Why are you still fighting against a girl? "