Kublai Khan's fourth Prince didn't expect that Liu Taiping would stick out his neck and let himself chop. This was unexpected. He was holding a knife in his hand and didn't dare to fall down.

After thinking about it, he suddenly took back the long knife and threw it into the air.

The armored forces of Xingzhou aimed their bows and arrows at the hell gate master.

This confused the master of hell gate and said, "fourth prince, what do you mean? My teacher didn't offend you."

"It's because you didn't offend me that I did it." Kublai said.

What do you mean, the fourth Lord, to guard against hell

"There are thousands of archers here, all of them are aiming at you. If you want to shoot at you in volley, no matter how good your martial arts are, I'm afraid you can't resist it." Kublai said.

The Hellgate master was startled and said, "you want to shoot me."

"If you don't want to be shot to death, run away quickly. After a while, master Xuzhao will come. By that time, you will be miserable. Today, I only want to deal with Liu Taiping. It has nothing to do with you." Kublai said.

Liu Taiping said in a hurry: "Guoshi, you must not listen to Kublai Khan. If you give me up, you will not be able to explain to Khan when you go back with Lin Hanting."

But he knew that the mind of the master of hell was only himself. If he wanted her to sacrifice herself to save others, he really didn't want to think about it.

Listening to Liu Taiping's words, the master of hell thought to himself, "you erlengzi, you didn't listen to me at first. You thought you could take Kublai Khan's subordinates at will. Now you lift a stone and smash yourself in the foot. It's a daydream that you want me to clean up the mess for you."

Take a look at these fierce soldiers around. The master of hell's gate develops his unique lightness skill and disappears outside the gate of the post house.

When he saw that the door of hell had finally disappeared.

It turned out that he was also bluffing the hell sect leader.

When he was competing with Liu Bingzhong that day, Kublai Khan already knew that the leader of hell gate was a stranger in the Wulin.

On this occasion, Liu Bingzhong is not here, and it's too late to invite master Xuzhao. We have to scare the hell sect leader away. As soon as he leaves, Liu Taiping and imperial guards are left with their own armored forces. It's a piece of cake to deal with them.

Now he saw that the master of the hell gate had fallen into the trap, and Kublai Khan was secretly proud, so he cried out: "Wenzhong, go in quickly and rescue the consul Liu Su, the pacifier Zhang Geng, and Mr. Liu. Anyone who dares to stop him will be killed!"

Dong Wenzhong agreed and went in with dozens of sergeants.

Then, with another wave of his hand, he ordered the soldiers behind him to tie up Liu Taiping and take him back to his palace.

As soon as he arrived, Dong Wenyong and they came back with him.

Liu Bingzhong has just been drugged. Now he has woken up, and there is no problem. After pacifying Lord Zhang Geng, he has not had time for interrogation. He is only frightened and has no serious physical problems. He has been sent back to have a rest.

the worst thing is that Liu Su was tortured in order to take out the so-called criminal evidence from his mouth, When I was carried to the palace, I was dying now. There was no way to send her back to her residence, so we had to arrange for the doctor to treat her in the palace.

Kublai was so angry that he ordered his men to push Liu Taiping out and behead him.

Hao Jing, Yao Shu and other counsellors stood beside him. When they saw that Kublai Khan was so angry that they would kill him, they didn't dare to stop him. So they looked at Liu Bingzhong with their eyes.

They all know that Liu Bingzhong is the first counselor recruited by the fourth Prince of Kublai Khan after he came to Xingzhou. They are very close to each other. At this time, only he can persuade Kublai Khan to change his decision.

Liu Bingzhong used to be the villain who was the most annoyed at giving other people a black hand behind his back. This time, when he was cheated by Liu Taiping, he was also very angry. To tell the truth, even if King Kublai Khan didn't want to cut Liu Taiping down, he wanted to cut him down.

You can see the way your colleagues look at you and tell yourself rationally that you can't do this.

Li Bingzhong stepped forward and said, "fourth prince, Liu Taiping can't be killed."

Why, did this kid plot against you? Kublai asked.

"He was plotting against me. From a private point of view, I want to cut this man down like the king in my heart. However, that would add fuel to the fire. Just now, general Dong said that the seventh prince had already led the army of the Khanate to garrison on the border. If we killed Liu Taiping, we might have hit the Khan court's plan." Liu Bingzhong said,

Kublai said: "it must be brother alibu who told the ghost secretly, and I don't know how to get back to it. Since Khan went to Princess Haas, the seventh younger brother has a great hatred for him. It's really puzzling for the king."

"The hatred of the seventh prince will be clear in the future. The most important thing now is how to deal with the relationship with Khan. When Khan's National Master goes back, Khan will soon know what happened here. If he talks nonsense in Khan, he is afraid that there will be big trouble in the penal area." Liu Bingzhong said.Kublai Khan said confidently: "I'm loyal to the great man. Khan should not doubt it. After all, we are brothers."

After listening to their words, Yao Shu thought to himself, "four princes, you know that you are your big brother when you are a big Khan, but now you have threatened his position. The imperial envoy and the seventh prince are just characters who jump to the front desk. Nine out of ten people who really plan this matter behind the scenes are mengge Dahan."

These can only be imagined in the heart, and can't be said directly. After all, other people are brothers, and they are only subordinates. If you say it on such an occasion, if you don't do it well, you may fall into the suspicion of provoking the friendship between other people's brothers.

"The most important things are two things," Yao Shu said

"Those two things?" Kublai asked.

"The first thing is how to deal with Liu Taiping," Yao Shu said

"This man, many people in khantin and our penal state hate him. It's really hard to deal with him if we don't kill him now." Kublai thought about it.

According to Liu Bingzhong's way, we should teach him a good lesson

"What about this lesson?" Kublai asked.

Dong Wenzhong said: "just cut off one ear of this boy, let him have a long memory."

"That's a good idea!" All of you have a good laugh and think, "I'm sorry.

Hao Jing was a little worried and said, "but is this a bit too shameful for Khan? After all, he is an imperial inspector sent by Lin Hanting and he represents Khan!"

"So what? I'm also the leader in Mongolia. If they treat me like this, they should let them know that I'm not easy to provoke Kublai Khan, so as to save him from being rude to us in the future." Kublai said.

Seeing that Kublai Khan also said so, most people agreed to do so.

Kublai said, "come on, bring up Liu Taiping."

Even after a sergeant pulled Liu Taiping up.

Seeing the hatred of the people, this guy was scared out of his wits. He fell on his knees and begged for mercy: "fourth prince, you don't care about villains. Your humble duty is just a moment of confusion. But it's all under the order of Khan. Please look at Khan's face and forgive your humble duty. In the future, you will never dare to do it again."

"You still want to have a future. I tell you, you don't want that big sweat to oppress our fourth prince. Big sweat and our fourth prince are brothers. They have a good relationship. Just because you just separated our fourth prince from big sweat, that's a death penalty, you know?" Dong Wenzhong stood up and said.

Liu Taiping hastily replied: "general Dong, what you said is that these villains are anxious and slip their tongue. In fact, they are in a humble position with no intention."

"If you have no intention, you will excuse yourself. Ha, you should know that the brothers of our golden family are brothers of flesh and blood. Listen to your meaning, it seems that my eldest brother instructed you to do so. If so, do you have the will of elder brother Wang?" Kublai asked.

"If there's no will, it's coercion. It's a crime of beheading." Liu Bingzhong deliberately threatened him.

Dong Wenzhong said: "in this case, cut the boy down and put him in prison for wasting the grain of our state. You deserve it. When Khan knows, he won't blame us."

When he became a senior official of He Lin Hanting, he didn't enjoy enough. Now when he heard that they were going to kill himself, Liu Taiping was really pissing his pants, so he kowtowed and begged for mercy: "fourth prince, you can spare the dog's life. When you come back to He Lin Hanting, you will certainly give you a lot of good advice in front of him."

"I'm afraid you can't take what you say seriously." Kublai said.

As soon as Liu Taiping heard Kublai Khan's voice, he seemed to have a turn for the better. It was like grasping a straw to save his life and said, "fourth prince, if you don't feel at ease, you can write a blood letter in your humble position. When you see this incident, you can write it clearly and make it clear that it will never be bad for him in the future."

After that, he also waited for Kublai Khan to state his position, tore off his robe, bit his finger and wrote.

After that, he handed the robe to Kublai Khan with both hands.

Kublai Khan knew that this guy's words were unreliable, so he threw the blood bubble on the table and said, "I'm afraid it's not enough just to have this?"

"You said, what else do you want? As long as you can do it in a humble position, you will do it." Liu Taiping Road.

Dong Wenzhong asked, "the Lord wants you to have a long memory. Would you like to have your ears all the time?"

After the ear is cut off, it won't grow out again. Only the ears are left. How difficult that is.

But at this time, it was still important for Liu Taiping to protect his life, so he had to agree.

Dong Wenzhong cut off one of Liu Taiping's ears.

Liu Taiping quickly covered the place where he had cut off his ears with his hands. However, with a smile on his face, he said, "four princes, thank you for not killing."Kublai Khan looked at him and said, "go away, you boy."

After hearing this, Liu Taiping was granted amnesty, kowtowed to Kublai Khan again, and then ran out dejectedly.

Looking at Liu Taiping going out, Kublai Khan sighed a long time and said: "ah, Khan I was wise. How could anyone use this kind of villain as his confidant? If it goes on like this, it will delay Khan's big business sooner or later."

"Yes, fourth prince, there is a saying among the Han people," if you are close to a worthy minister, you can prosper the country only if you are far away from a villain. "Now Khan is on the contrary, appointing a villain instead of a gentleman. It's really bad for us in Mongolia if we go on like this." Yao Shudao.

Kublai Khan said: "it seems that if we have a chance, we must go to persuade the Khan with Lin Hanting. We can't go on like this any more. After all, he is the Khan of the whole Mongolia. Doing so will harm the interests of the whole Mongolia."

Then he asked, "Mr. Yao, what's the second thing you said we should do?"

"How to deal with the second thing and Lin Hanting's reaction? After all, the seventh Prince's army is stationed on the border. It's our elite army of Mongolia, and its strength is needless to say." Yao Shu replied.

Kublai said: "the fault of this matter is no longer on our side. Even if Khan knew it, he would reprimand our king at most. Would he do anything to our king?"

"Four princes, this is not necessarily. Liu Taiping is just a pawn. The next one is seven princes' elite Mongol army. If there is no great idea, Khan can't do this." Liu Bingzhong said.

Kublai said: "Mr. Liu, you mean .。”

Kublai Khan didn't go on. He already understood what Liu Bingzhong meant. He thought, "it seems that the elder brother's intention is not good this time. Does he want to destroy the king's Monan Khanate?"

"Fourth prince, don't worry too much. The most important thing now is to send someone to find out what happened to Lin Hanting. Let's fight and cover up the water." Hao Jingdao.

Liu Bingzhong said: "what Mr. Hao said is very reasonable. Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. At present, the army of the seven kings has not moved."

The counsellors expressed their opinions. Kublai Khan pondered for a while and said, "general Dong, you will immediately lead the main force of Xingzhou to cross the border. As long as Ali Buge's troops do not invade Xingzhou, you will not move."

"Liu Bingzhong agreed," yes

Then he said to Liu Bingzhong, "Mr. Hao, you and the pacifier, Mr. Zhang Geng, hurry to collect food and grass, and then leave the army and wait for our king's dispatch."

"As for Mr. Liu, you should stay by my side and pay close attention to the news from Lin Hanting. As soon as there is any news over there, you can immediately report it to the king." Kublai said again.

These several people also each agreed, all busy own went.