"Little Lian, are you sure you didn't hear wrongly?" Chunyu asked in surprise.

"Princess, your servant did not hear wrong." The moment her words came out, Chunyu covered her face happily and ran out.

That night, the Queen came to her palace and told her many things. Her wedding date was set to be 18 in two months, and when the Azure Dragon would come to marry her, she would be so happy that she would not be able to keep her happiness on her face.

However, it was hard to say if what happened two months later would actually happen, because in Everlasting Mountain, Cen Xue would soon be able to borrow the power of books to return to the past. As long as she did so, history would change, and the wedding ceremony of Qing Long River would also disappear, and the trajectory of history would change again from the moment Cen Xue returned to the past!

Infinite Mountain

After resting for a day, Mu Yue brought them to the forbidden area of the Sacred Moon Sect, the "Blood Pool".

This was the first time for Dan Yu Wu and Keser to visit this place. They walked along the tunnel, arriving at the stone walls where Cen Xue couldn't find the entrance to that day.

"There really is another world!" This Sacred Moon Sect was built halfway up the mountain, it was hard to imagine that there would be a school built on such a scale. It was unknown how much manpower and material resources were needed to build it up to its current glory.

Cen Xue looked around her surroundings. She really couldn't understand how she had the guts to barge in alone that day. Although the surroundings were not very eerie, it still gave her goosebumps.

"Dr. Kerser, this is the blood pool." Mu Yue walked in front and said while pointing at a pond in front of them.

Cen Xue followed behind Helian Lie and stood still. Helian Lie was actually the one holding her back and preventing her from going forward. He did not want her to have a sympathetic reaction with the books!

The two of them had never seen the forbidden area of the Sacred Moon Sect, especially the One-Pun Wu. She seemed to be very interested in this pool of blood and squatted down, quietly watching the difference between the pool and the water.

"Yu Wu, be careful!" Mu Yue stood beside her and reminded her.

"Got it!" After being yelled at by Elder Mu Yue, Dan Yu Wu stood up and retreated two steps to ensure her safety.

He observed the pool for a while. The blood pool was like blood, he could not see the bottom. The pool itself was very strange, and he could not use any tools to determine how deep it was.

At this moment, Mu Yue put down the walking stick in her hand and knelt in front of the blood pool. She clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. She muttered something …

"What is Elder Mu Yue doing?" Cen Xue curiously looked at Helian Shan and asked.

"I don't know either …" He shook his head and tossed the question back to Koser.

Heather waved her hand, telling them to be quiet and not talk …

At this moment, bubbles began to continuously bubble up in the middle of the originally calm lake water. At this moment, bubbles began to bubble up in the middle of the originally calm lake water.

Cen Xue looked at the boiling water and whispered, "Did the Ancient Divine Mirror sense my existence?"

Heather nodded, "That's possible!"

Mu Yue still maintained the same posture as before. Everyone looked at her, hoping that she would explain this strange phenomenon, but they saw that she was still the same.

Helian Shan instantly felt that it was extremely difficult to breathe. His arm unconsciously pulled Cen Xue closer and closer, afraid that she would suddenly disappear just like that …

After a long while, Mu Ru Yue regained her consciousness and stood up to pick up her walking stick. Seeing that she was fine, Keke immediately asked, "Look, what's going on here?"

"The queen said earlier, this is the magnetic resonance between the human book and the descendants of Nuwa!" Mu Yue looked at the bubbling pool water.

"Then what do we do now?" Dan Yu Wu looked at Helian Lie and Cen Xue and asked worriedly.

"The time has not come yet. Two days is the best time. Let's return and rest today." So Mu Yue was kneeling on the ground just now to calculate her destiny. There were many things that required the time, place, and people. Two days was the most suitable time.

Two days. This meant that he still had two more days with Cen Xue. Helian Lie's tense mood finally relaxed. He pulled Cen Xue's hand and walked out of the forbidden area without looking back.

The other three looked at their departing figures and did not say anything else. One Feather Dance only whispered, "I wonder what will happen in the next two days?"

Helian Lie pulled Cen Xue's hand and quickly left the area. He pulled her out of the Sacred Moon Sect and headed towards the back of the mountain. He needed to leave this place now and bring Cen Xue far away from the blood pool.

"Li Shi, walk slowly. I can't keep up with you." Cen Xue was pulled along by him as she walked faster and faster, almost falling down several times.

Helian Lie turned his head back to look at Cen Xue, then he looked at the Sacred Moon Sect which they had already left. He then stopped, and pulled Cen Xue into his embrace, hugging her tightly.

"Xue'er, I can't bear to part with you. I don't want you to leave me …" Helian Shan buried his face in the hollow of her neck and repeated these words over and over again.

Cen Xue's eyes were filled with tears. Her heart was in so much pain, but how could she bear to leave him in such a state? However, if she did not leave, it meant that she would most likely become the terrifying desiccated corpse in her dreams in the future.

He was the great King Lou Lan. How could he end up like this? He absolutely could not …

"Dang, don't be like this. You are the king of Lou Lan Country, and you are my pillar. If you don't have any confidence now, what should I do?" Can I trust you to wait for me? " Cen Xue's heart had already been broken by him, so how could she bear to part with him?

Just like that, the two of them were in a stalemate. Halfway up the mountain, Cen Xue affectionately met his dark eyes …

After an unknown period of time, Helian Lie nodded heavily. With great difficulty, he confirmed the words from his mouth, "Good … I will try my best to control my emotions. I promise to wait for you, to be your pillar of support. But you must come back to me, understand? "

"Li …" I promise you, I will definitely return to your side, definitely! " Cen Xue finally cried out in pain. This was a promise between them, an oath to each other.

"I love you, Xue'er …" On the surface, Helian Lie didn't cry. He tried very hard to control his emotions, but his heart had long since started to drip with blood tears.

"Mountains have no edges, the heavens and the earth are united. Only then would I dare to go against Jun Jue …"

Two days later …

The round table was filled with delicacies as Cen Xue brought a cup of wine to him, "Li, how about we have a drink together?"

Although she was already his queen, the two of them never had the chance to hold a coronation ceremony, not even to drink a cup of wine.

Helian Shan understood her feelings and took the wine from her. He nodded and said, "With this wine as evidence, I, Helian Shan, and you, Lin Cen Xue, will never change, regardless of whether or not you are reincarnated. I only wish to find the other party and let his hair turn white!"

"Mm …" Cen Xue almost couldn't control herself and burst into tears, but tonight was the critical moment, so she definitely couldn't make any mistakes.

The two of them each held a cup of wine, crossed their arms, and drank the fine wine within. They vowed to wait for each other for the rest of their lives …

The red candles were swaying in the wind as the two people tightly embraced each other. Tonight was their last day.

Her large hands gently moved across Cen Xue's body. The two of them pressed against each other, causing them to tremble. What kind of feeling was this? Was this an electric shock?

However, after a while, Cen Xue began to hide from him uncomfortably. She dodged time and time again, but he kept on pestering her until Cen Xue gave in and allowed him to do whatever he wanted. Only then did he willingly leave her red lips and move his target to her collarbone!

"Boom …" Now that she was free, Cen Xue immediately pushed him and grumbled at him.

Helian Lie raised his head to look at her flushed little face, his eyes filled with excitement and reluctance. He lowered his head and gently caressed her smooth forehead, then began to kiss her. The faint fragrance of Cen Xue's body made him more and more intoxicated as he raised his enchanter-like handsome face to smile at her, saying, "I want you to always remember my smell, forever remember the feeling of my presence by your side, forever …"

"Boom …" Cen Xue shyly patted his chest.

"I just wanted to give you a surprise... But I want you now. " Helian Lie suddenly moved closer to her …

"Xue'er, don't go, don't leave me …" "Don't..." Helian Shan was still unable to control his emotions, and he repeatedly called out to her, begging her to help him.

Cen Xue smiled in a similar manner. She kissed his lips and embraced his hot body. She then completely handed over her body to him.

The red candle was already swaying in the night breeze, the two of them were fast asleep on the bed. Cen Xue's sweat was mixed with the masculine scent of a man, her hair cascading down the back of her head, resting on his arm.

After a long while, Cen Xue pushed Helian Shan who was beside her. Seeing that he was completely asleep, she then pulled his arm away from her waist and carefully got up to wash off the sweat on his body. When she returned to the bed, he was still sleeping soundly.

Actually, she had already drugged the wine that they had shared earlier. She calculated the timing of the effects of the medicine so that she could harden her heart.

They were worried that at the last moment, the two of them would regret not giving up on each other!

For the past two days, they had been inseparable, but Helian Lie had been showing signs of going back on his words time and time again. He would rather turn into a dried up corpse than take that risk from Cen Xue.

"Cen Xue, it's almost time …" The sound of a single feather dancing came from outside the door, making Helian Haohan dizzy. It was also the method that a single feather dancing had thought of.

"I know, I'll be there soon." She turned around to look at the unconscious man on the bed. This time, she really had to leave.

Clenching his big hand tightly, he experienced the feeling of being surrounded by his big palm for the last time. The crystal clear tears slowly rolled down his face, wetting the blanket beneath him one by one.