The lord’s calendar is 15 years, and it has been a year since the fifth national war. The lord’s world is still fighting and raging.

The emperors, kings, and dukes either crusade against each other or accumulate strength.

Alexander the Great of Macedonia captured the capital of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, Wokotai stepped up the encroachment on the Mughal Empire in India, dragged mines against Persian and Arab civilizations, Catherine’s Tsarist Empire and the Holy Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Sweden, Poland Conflicts broke out in the kingdoms. The Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of France, and the Kingdom of England tried to establish colonies in Africa, and the United States attacked the Mayan civilization...

The largest empire, the Han Empire, has entered a rare period of peace in the past year.

In Xiacheng’s Jixia Academy, a separate thatched cottage was set up for the elder Chu Wu.

Those who are qualified to teach the world are top talents in various fields.

"A person who succeeds or fails in ancient times is honest and talented. Although weak, he must be strong, but he is not a man. Although strong and weak... Cough, your Royal Highness?"

Xun Yu noticed that Chu Wu was distracted, so he reminded him.

Wang Zuozhi was only Xun Yu and became one of the teachers of Chu Wu, the elder son.

In the world, how many people are qualified to let Xun Yu, Jia Xu, Sun Bin, Sang Hongyang, Wu Qi and others be teachers at the same time?

"Sir, I was wrong..."

Chu Wu lowered his head, but his eyes rested on a small stone thrown in from the window.

Xun Yu looked at the direction of the shadow, guessing that the time was almost up: "Let's end today."

After all, Chu Wu was only nine years old, and immediately ran out after Xun Yu announced his dismissal.

Xun Yu shook his head.

But he is not worried.

If Chu Wu was just a good boy, it would make Xun Yu even more worried.

In troubled times, it is useless to reason with others, you must speak with your fists.

From this perspective, perhaps an active eldest son is better.

Li Xiuning, who was responsible for protecting Chu Wu, regarded Chu Wu as his adopted son, and when Chu Wu came out, he immediately followed.

Chu Wu was the heir carefully cultivated by Chu Tian. If he were assassinated, it would be a heavy blow to the Chu Tian forces.

The Chutian forces brought together all dynasties and generations, even civil servants and generals from all civilizations. As the lord, they must be strong enough to suppress these people.

"Sister Luer!"

When Chu Wu saw the small stones thrown into the cottage, he knew that Ma Yunlu was nearby.

Sure enough, a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl in green shirt leaned on the tree and waved to Chu Wu.

Li Xiuning relaxed when he saw Ma Yunlu, who was a childhood sweetheart with Chu Wu. Ma Yunlu usually also studied in Jixia Academy, and also studied martial arts with Mu Guiying, Hua Mulan and others.

"Sister Xiuning."

Ma Yunlu knows that Li Xiuning is Xia Liang's trusted guard, and currently protects the safety of her son.

Li Xiuning said to Ma Yunlu: "Lu'er, it's better to go to the palace, the princess may want to see you."

Xiacheng's teleportation formation, Lu Fan, a doorman from Jiangdong Sun Jian's forces, was ordered to make a secret mission to Xiacheng.

He needs to determine one thing-whether King Xia is still willing to keep his promise with Sun Jian.

King Xia once sent Lu Su to negotiate with Sun Jian, willing to make the son of the grandson marry the daughter of the grandson as the son of the son.

But even if both parties make a promise in private, King Xia occupies a strong position and may not keep the promise.

Especially, when Sun Jian of the Eastern Wu heard that King Xia's son and Ma Yunlu of the Xiliang Ma family were childhood sweethearts, he asked his clerk Lu Fan to come to find out whether the rumors were true.

Lu Fan found a carriage, under the protection of the Tiger Guards, from the direction of Jixia Academy to return to the Palace of King Xia.

continue reading! A female military commander got out of the carriage, and at the same time a teenager and a girl got out of the carriage.

"Using the Tiger Guards to protect it, the young man who wants to come must be the son of King Xia, and that one... is the competitor of our eldest lady, the daughter of the Xiliang Ma family."

As one of the famous ministers of Jiangdong forces, Lu Fan naturally has eyesight. He inferred his identity based on the age of King Xia and the scale of his trip.

Let me just add one sentence, the reading app I'm using recently, [Change Source Artifact APP] There are many sources of books, all books, and fast updates!

The eldest lady in Lu Fan's mouth is naturally Sun Shangxiang.

Sun Jian and Mrs. Wu have four sons and one daughter. Sun Shangxiang is the only daughter born in the main house, so she is loved by his father and several elder brothers.

"It seems that there is no need to continue to inquire. Miss Ma Family enters Prince Xia Mansion, and Prince Xia Mansion may have recognized Miss Ma Family Ma Family. The marriage between King Xia and the main covenant is mostly a slow-down plan."

Lu Fan believed that seeing is believing, so he went back to the house and reported to Sun Jian.

Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian overturned the coffee table in front of him and was very annoyed: "I believe in King Xia, so I would like to marry the tiger girl to his son, but how can I deceive me!"

Sun Jian loved his daughter very much, and now Chutian showed signs of ruining the marriage, so he was very angry.

"Father, since King Xia looks down on our Sun family and uses the marriage contract to contain us, we will attack Hefei City again and let King Xia regret it!"

Sun Ce was also very angry when he heard Lu Fan's return.

On the one hand, Sun Shangxiang is a favorite in the Sun family. On the other hand, Sun Jian and Sun Ce have a feeling of being deceived.

Because of a marriage contract, Hefei City did not go to war in two or three years.

However, now based on what Lu Fan saw and heard in Xiacheng, the probability of King Xia repenting is very high.

Sun Jian and Sun Ce believed that it was necessary to use force to remind Chu Tian that Chu Tian violated the agreement with them.

"If we can't become relatives of the emperor, we will serve for King Xia in the future, with only a few horses and dozens of servants, our Wu Junsun family must not have the current scenery."

Sun Jian originally put the hope of the Sun family on his daughter. Seeing that there was little hope, he had to consider other ways.

Sun Ce said: "Wu Wang has Xie Xuan, Zhou Yu and other generals, and his father helps to guard the natural dangers of the Yangtze River, which is enough to rule the river with King Xia."

Sun Jian sighed: "The King Xia has been preparing soldiers and horses in the past year, and King Wu is the same. King Wu even asked me to set up six legions and recruit 300,000 troops. It is just that King Xia will go south and hunt in Jiangdong. Hinder."

Sun Ce's eyes were firm: "If King Xia really and deliberately humiliated our Sun family, then the child is willing to fight to the death, not willing to be insulted, let alone sacrifice Xiangxiang and beg for everything."

"Prepare for war."

Sun Jian also knows that with the military power, there will be room for negotiation in the future.

Now Chu Tian can break the contract at will, but the Sun Family dared not speak, because the Chu Tian power is huge, but the Sun Family has no right to speak.

In the Yangtze River valley, the navy of Zhou Yu, Lv Meng, and Gan Ning are in an uninhabited state.

Wu Jun controlled the entire Yangtze River Basin, and Xia Jun had no ships operating in the Yangtze River Basin.

Lv Meng in white looked over the vast river surface: "Since King Xia calmed down Liaodong and Xiqiang, there has been no movement for a year."

Zhou Yu shook his head slightly: "Xia Jun hasn't moved, on the contrary, it is even more disturbing. The mountains and rain are about to come and wind all over the building."

"Although King Xia is accumulating strength, the lord is also working hard to build ships and crossbow arrows this year. He may not lose to King Xia. The Northern Army is good at cavalry, while the Southern Army is good at navy. No matter how fierce King Xia’s cavalry is, As long as you can’t cross the Yangtze River, it’s hard to beat us

continue reading! With Gongjin's fire attack ability, once the enemy ship is approached by the fire ship, the loss will be unimaginable. "

Lu Meng has seen Zhou Yu's terrifying ability.

Every military commander more or less has his own ability.

Among the navy commanders of the Han Empire, Zheng He was the master of navigation, and Zhou Yu was the **** of fire.

Lu Meng has seen the terrible fire attack of Zhou Yu.

When Wu Jun fought with Song Jun, Zhou Yu's fire attack completely ruined Song Jun's boat division, so Wu Jun could defeat Song Jun and force Song Jun to surrender.

Lu Meng believed that as long as Zhou Yu guarded the Yangtze River, Xia Jun could not cross the river. UU reading

Even if Xia Jun had unparalleled cavalry, it would be of no avail in a water battle.

Moreover, after more than ten years of accumulation in the Jiangdong Army, Tongque obtained a large number of generals.

Not only Zhou Yu, but also Lv Meng, Gan Ning, Xie Xuan, Liu Laozhi, Sun Jian and others are also good at commanding navy, and with Zhou Yu, it is comparable to the Great Wall built on the Yangtze River.

In the construction of Yecheng, the bronze bird ordered Xie Xuan and others to train their troops and horses, expand the army in a big way, and absorb a large number of young mountain and Vietnamese tribes.

One year, for a whole year, there was no movement from the northern army.

If you are not familiar with Chu Tian's style, you think Chu Tian loves peace.

However, the more Chu Tian remained silent, the more irritable the Tongque was, because Chu Tian continued to build up his army.

Once the army has accumulated to a certain level, the offensive launched by Chu Tian will be quite fierce.

"I have built a strong line of defense. If you want to unify the Han Empire, you must pass me first."

The bronze sparrow patrolled the soldiers and horses in training.

The generals recruited by Tongjak for many times in national wars and activities seldom appeared in the sight of the northern princes. Only Song Wang Yang Shilang who fought with Tongjak knew about the generals of Tongjak.

A young general was also forced to go into battle and participate in the training of soldiers and horses.

Tongjak almost squeezed the talent potential of the entire Jiangdong, and wiped out all the military generals wandering in Jiangdong.

Because Tongjak knew that if he didn't do this, it would not be Chutian's opponent at all.

At this time, Lu Xun had just begun his official career, and Tongque immediately let Lu Xun, who was only sixteen years old, serve as a captain, training Jiangdong soldiers and horses, and upgrading the ranks of Jiangdong's various legions as soon as possible.

"Lu Su is at Chu Zimou's place, and the four chief governors of the Eastern Wu, I have the third one, and maybe I can prevent Chu Zimou from drinking the Yangtze River."

The possibility of the Battle of Chibi gave Tongbing a fluke, and perhaps he could also achieve an epic victory like the Battle of Chibi.