Feng Chuge leaned aside, raised her eyes and looked at several people falling from the air.

When he saw the man in white standing in front of him, Feng Chuge's pupil shrank slightly.

This man is quite similar to Emperor juechen!

On this point alone, Feng Chuge knows something completely.

"Great charmer, here you are?"

When the shock in her eyes dispersed, Feng Chuge looked at the man in white.

At the intersection of sight lines, Feng Chuge is nothing different!

Xuanyuan yuche didn't believe that a weak woman would catch the people in the burning gate!

You know, the burning Heaven Gate is the leading sect in the limitless territory that exists above all continents.

As long as they casually move their fingers, they can kill a person like crushing an ant.

But this time, people of the sect were caught!

His eyes fell on Feng Chuge, but he saw that she was neither humble nor arrogant.

Xuanyuan yuche raised his lips slightly. "Yes."

"Very good." Feng Chuge nodded softly.

She turned her head slightly. "I believe you are so dignified. You must be a Mingmen decent sect. Since you are a Mingmen decent sect, I'm afraid you won't embarrass a little girl like me? Only sinister villains would do evil."

The slightly rising tone made the people behind Xuanyuan yuche stop talking.

It was clear that if they dared to touch her casually, it would not be a decent school!

Elder Feng just wanted to let go when he saw Feng Chuge. At this moment, he was stopped by Xuanyuan yuche. "No, of course, if you're not the one we're looking for."

"Very good. The big spell maker will come with me, and I will let them go."

Xuanyuan yuche didn't care about the lives of these minions at all, but now, he was intrigued by Feng Chuge's courage.

He gently moved his eyebrows, and a evil smile appeared on the face that was five points similar to Emperor juechen. "Good!"

He wanted to see what the woman wanted to do with the charmer!

You know, there are only two big spell masters in the burning gate.

"Elder Yu, go there."

"Young master!" The old man called elder Yu was unwilling.

In his eyes, those people didn't want it, but little Lord Xuanyuan was so aggressive that he even came here in person.

"Go." Xuanyuan Yu Chul stared, and his tone was full of no doubt.

At this point, elder Yu went.

Feng Chuge glanced at him. "Let's go, the rest of you, stay here. I think the decent people of Mingmen should stop following!"

"Unbridled, you......" elder Feng followed Xuanyuan yuche, an angry man.

The red lips of the Phoenix singing in Chu are cold. "No more than three times. The first time you came for a sneak attack, and the second time you followed. If you follow me again today, then..."

Feng Chuge didn't finish speaking. Xuanyuan yuche stretched out his hand and made a gesture. "Well, we won't follow."

"Little master!!" Elder Feng is in a hurry.

Xuanyuan yuche was surrounded by his chest with both hands. His tall figure stood aside. He raised his lips slightly and turned away. "Sit in the yard for a while, and we'll wait for you to come back."

Xuanyuan yuche was so cheerful that Feng Chuge was a little stunned.

In fact, she had already made all the preparations and was fully able to get rid of this group of people.

But now, it doesn't seem necessary!!