"Wow! Ig this wave Is the top or just want to speed up the rhythm! Although the rhythm of Ig has always been like this, and their blood level is unique, I still think their wave is a little It's a bit inappropriate! "

Although the baby spoke passionately, she still couldn't understand the situation instinctively: "this is the final of s match! Ig this kind of play is too radical, I feel that ordinary high-end passers-by rank bureau also dare not be so fierce! "

Miller shook his head, kicking out a different opinion: "no, this wave of Ig seems to be reckless, but in fact there are a lot of details. First of all, gimgoon doesn't have TP. He's a major player in FPX now. He can't get to the game

"Gimgoon couldn't make it to the field, Liu Qingsong was killed again, FPX lost two people. And Ig this wave of four people as long as catch up, they will be more than FPX one person! From this point of view, Ig definitely has the power of the first World War. "

"And look at the Middle Road, rookie pushed a lot of soldiers through. Doinb should have been on the line, but because Ig package is on the road, he has to go to support. In this case, doinb will lose a lot of soldiers, whose value is no less than one head! "

"The most important thing is, look at the shy. The wave of the shy didn't flash. But this wave, although the shy has not yet flashed, but he has a big move! And FPX side is not big! "

After listening to Miller's analysis, long hair and doll immediately realized that long hair followed Miller and said, "it's true that Ig wave is not so radical casually. In fact, we all have a wrong understanding of Ig all the time, that is, the recklessness of Ig is not pure recklessness

"Before they were reckless, they actually had multiple considerations. It's like now, Ig has dealt with all kinds of details. Ig's miracle group and radical play are actually based on personal ability and perfect strategy. "

The doll followed the beginning of the story and said, "that's right! When you think about it, Ig's team leader is Kamen. What do you think of Kamen's command level? We have witnessed Kamen's overall situation that covers the whole audience more than once

"A player who can play lol like a top-level chess player needs to predict his opponent's strategy in advance until a few minutes later. He needs to predict whether the opponent is brushing his troops or playing wild. If he is playing wild, he is playing which wild monster's command. How can he be a pure brute!"

"But these are not the key points now. The key point now is that Ig has been assembled. Although FPX is a little slower, it is about to be assembled. There are no counsellors on both sides. They all want to fight this big fight. I feel that the second season of immortal fight is about to start! "

The group battle that just happened was really a fight between immortals. In the whole process, it can be said that only the timing of W cast by royal blue was open to question. As a result, FPX relied on this point to play Ig 2 for 4.

In the whole process of the Regiment Battle, it seems that both sides are making movies, and all kinds of skills attack in turn. As long as they can use, as long as they can help to change the situation a little bit, they all fight without reservation.

Everyone's operation, choice and ingenuity are all full, and it is precisely because everyone's skills are very complete that we have played such a wonderful group battle. But this wave, most people are really just out of the spring, wild supplement state, but no one has time to breathe.

So we all have blood and blue, but we don't have the core skills to use. Without core skills, there will be a lot less choice and operation space after fighting. Therefore, the quality of the second round battle of this wave is not as high as that of the group battle just now.

Before Lin Weixiang's verus, he was alone on the road and on the line. After Liu Qingsong was killed, he couldn't continue pressing the line, so the line was pushed into the tower by theshy. Lin Weixiang first planned to withdraw, but after a little discussion in the team, he decided to join Ig.

This strategic change made Lin Weixiang hesitant under the tower. This hesitation directly made Lin Weixiang lose the chance to retreat, because Xiao Ge and Bao Lan have successfully circled the rear. But on the FPX side, Xiaotian has already arrived.

So at this moment, Xiao Ge, Bao Lan and theshy are fighting against Lin Weixiang and Xiaotian. Ig's advantage is still obvious, that is, there are many people. But more people don't mean you can win, because FPX has a fat verus.

At this time, if Lin Weixiang is protected by Liu Qingsong, he can kill all three of Ig in a short time with his ultra-high output. Unfortunately, Liu Qingsong was killed by Ig just now, and now Lin Weixiang is surrounded by a spider.

At this moment, FPX was obviously forced out by Ig's oppressive and compact rhythm. They thought they had time to deal with the rhythm of Ig, but they didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, Lin Weixiang was surrounded by three Ig people under the tower.

Such a good opportunity, Ig will not be easy to let go. Under the command of Xiao Ge, Baolan first gives Lin Weixiang a Q [shimmering flying plume], making a gesture of fighting Lin Weixiang, and then backhand a grand debut (W) to lift Xiaotian who wants to come to support.Xiao Ge and Baolan almost fight at the same time, but Xiao GE's goal is Lin Weixiang, and this is Ig's real killing move. Verus didn't have any displacement skills, and now Lin Weixiang hasn't flashed, so Xiao Ge easily hit Lin Weixiang in E.

At the same time, he throws a Q at the foot of Lin Weixiang. After all the damage, Xiao Ge starts to walk outside the tower without looking back. He has instantly played all the outbreak, wild attracted the hatred of the tower, the next all to the shy.

Although Lin Weixiang's verus is the best, he is only an ad, so his crispy property still exists. After being beaten by Xiao Ge, his blood volume has dropped to almost half blood, and then theshy can easily accept his head.

The most important thing is that just now, Baolan made a move and directly lifted Xiaotian's spider. In this way, he can't help Lin Weixiang output and control at the first time, otherwise, Xiao Ge will never easily walk out of the tower.

As Miller analyzed just now, the battle of Ig seems reckless, but they are not mindless. Their operation and choice are full of details in the whole process.

Xiao Ge didn't delay at all after he hurt him, so he went straight out of the tower. Because he knows that although Lin Weixiang is fragile, but the damage explodes. Let him click twice, and then follow a Q. Xiao Ge will definitely be killed.

But now, after Xiao GE's success in distance, although Lin Weixiang still wants to save him, distance produces beauty, and also creates a space for Xiao Ge to have confidence to avoid Lin Weixiang's deadly Q. So when Xiao Ge confidently walked away from Lin Weixiang's Q, there was no suspense about this wave tower.

Xiao Ge perfectly adds the top tower first, and theshy perfectly takes over the output. During this period, he still gives Xiao Ge a w [star descending grace], which gives Xiao Ge blood back, and at the same time, gives him an acceleration. After a few slaps fan out, successfully won the head of Lin Weixiang.

At the end of the battle, Ig has actually made money. In addition, Liu Qingsong was killed before, which means that Ig played 2 for 4 by FPX, followed by a 0 for 2 by FPX, which almost brought back the disadvantage just now.

However, just after Baolan raised Xiaotian, rookie's Jess also came to the scene. And before rookie showed up, he sent Xiaotian an ultra long range electromagnetic gun to take away nearly half of his blood!

In this way, how can rookie, who has come all the way here, not make some hard money for himself? The red eyed one has to cut two more drops of blood on his Archangel sword? Baolan, who made a fatal mistake just now, is not allowed to make meritorious contributions?

So when Xiao Ge, who just walked out of the tower, yelled "don't go up", theshy, rookie and Baolan rushed out angrily

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