To be honest, the reason why Ig and FPX will meet in the final is mainly because of the huge stunt of LPL civil war. S game, the highest standard League of heroes, has the highest level of gold.

At this time, two teams in the same division will meet in the final. It's a very forced thing to think about it. After all, there's nothing more powerful than that.

In the past few years, the biggest dream of LPL division is to win a s-championship. As for turning the s-final into a civil war in the LPL division, this is something Lck audience dares to think about, even something Lck audiences are used to.

Because the final of S5 is SKT vs. Koo, Lck civil war. The final of S6 is SKT vs SSG, which is also the Lck civil war. The final of S7 is SKT vs SSG and Lck civil war.

So for the Lck division, which either holds the S-Match final as an Lck civil war, or a team conservatively enters the final, not only LPL division, but all other divisions can do nothing but envy.

But it was not until Ig won the championship that the already desperate LPL audience finally saw the dawn. Especially after Xiao Ge joined Ig, people have great confidence in Ig's successful defending.

Now in the honor, LPL and Lck can not compare, but we are not starting to catch up! First get a champion, and then a second in a row, still beautiful!

This is the biggest ambition of the LPL audience for S9. As for holding the S9 final as an LPL civil war like Lck, few people dare to think about it.

But with FPX all the way into the knockout, but also with Ig is not a half area, people suddenly realized that the LPL civil war situation is really possible! At this time, there will be more and more voices in this field.

Then FPX and Ig did not live up to the expectations of the public. FPX moved forward steadily and reached the final quietly. And Ig side is vigorous, from the beginning of the knockout, on the field attention is very high.

In this way, Ig also entered the final with his strong strength. So far, the situation of LPL civil war has really become.

But sometimes people are cheap. When they don't get a lot of things, they will look forward to it every day. When they get it, they will lose their freshness quickly.

The current LPL civil war is just like this. When this situation is not achieved, we hope Ig and FPX can meet in the final every day to earn face for the LPL competition area and make the audience of the LPL competition area hard.

But when all this really happened, many people suddenly feel boring again. Because this final looks like there is no other attraction except the stunt of LPL civil war.

There are two most attractive aspects in competitive competitions: suspense and freshness. In terms of freshness, Ig has played twice with FPX in the spring finals and summer finals, and played no less in the regular season.

So in terms of freshness, this LPL civil war is a bit boring. Of course, although novelty has an impact, it is not a particularly important impact. For the audience, the most important thing is suspense.

There is no suspense of the game, it seems absolutely tasteless, no taste. Is there any suspense about the match between Ig and FPX? Of course not! The sweeping picture of the summer finals is still in front of the LPL audience.

Although FPX performed very well in this world championship, it reached the final without much hope. But to be honest, FPX's rivals along the way are not very good.

The FNC of the final eight is a baby of experience. Rekkles is really good at playing games all day long. Now he doesn't deserve the nickname "Ou Cheng". On the contrary, "Ou sturgeon" is more suitable for him.

We met GRF in the semi-final. You said GRF was weak, but he was not very weak. But do you think they are strong? It's very strong, but is it strong enough to make people afraid? Not really!

What's more, there are a lot of rotten things in their team. The last "king of Swords" is a troublemaker. When they really want to fight hard, the whole team is full of soft footed shrimps. That's it. They almost eliminated FPX.

If you look at Ig's opponents, they are not strong in the group stage. But Ig also did not lose, the whole process is laughter, let the opponent play GG, understatement, no effort, just like playing a training match.

You say it's because the opponent is weak. Is G2 strong enough in the last eight? The strongest team, MSI champion and the combination of two French kings in the history of European division, is one of the most popular teams to win the championship, which should be strong enough!

But when G2 meets Ig, it forces so much before the game, and in the end it is swept away?

As for SKT, without so many messy prefixes, is it enough to put out the three letters of "SKT"? Is it enough to make LPL team shake three times?

But what happened in the end? Isn't Ig still winning? And bo5 full, every game is immortal fight, wonderful scenes swept a lot, this is the truth! Can this show the real strength of Ig?So ah, renig cut through all the obstacles and eliminated all the real ruthless characters to advance to the final. In the league, he just swept FPX 3-0. Do you think there's anything else to watch in such a final besides a stunt of LPL civil war?

Don't talk to me about the promotion of FPX. They are different now. They hit a strong team with a hammer all the way! Group play that dirty, if it is not a good draw, I am afraid it would have been eliminated!

Therefore, after the LPL civil war that we were thinking about really became a reality, the previous expectation dissipated a lot in an instant. A final without any suspense. Before I come, I've already lit a cigarette for me?

Therefore, if you want to make the final more interesting, you need to find some other motivation. Kamen vs. his old boss? I've seen enough of it in the league. It's not influential.

How about some rubbish before the game to stir up the smell of ignition medicine?

It seems that this can be done. When Ig played G2 before, it was the rubbish before the game that raised the attention of the game by two levels! And now Yu Shuang finally gets to the point, and Xiao Ge is a strange rhythmic veteran, perfect!

So at this time, the audience on the scene and in front of the screen are all looking forward to Xiao GE's next answer.

Every interview after the game is very good. Today, although Xiao PI did a little bit, he didn't feel very good. So what should he say next?

Among all the people's attention, Xiao Ge said with a faint smile: "against FPX, I just want to say one word to them: kids, don't forget that I'm the father of all of you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!