"Well Our next path Well... " In Ig's team lounge, coach MafA hesitated and said: "cough, let's be frank. Our next path is only Ig's, the level of royal blue is too low, and ah Shui's state has not been found, so Ig's next path has become a soft persimmon in the eyes of opponents, and everyone wants to pinch it.

Xiao Ge looked at everyone's surprised face, then focused on a Shui and Baolan, embarrassed and said: "Oh, it seems that everyone knows ha Satiety, brother Shuizi, you two know that you are soft persimmons in other people's eyes? "

Ah Shui said with a sneer, "nonsense, I don't know how to surf the Internet. And I've been in a bad state recently. I know it in my mind. You don't have to be taboo about it. Just talk about it. Don't you let me spray when I'm in a pit? "

Baolan also nodded: "I Me too. I also surf the Internet and see the comments on the Internet. And we really don't play well. We have to carry the pot when we lose these two games

"Get it!" Xiao Ge waved his hand: "I said that the fifth battle of life and death will be fought soon. If you want to review yourself, can you review it at another time? Let's get down to business now! "

"I said, I was surprised that SKT took our next step as a breakthrough. Because I think SKT's future is just like that. If they don't want to be taken as a breakthrough, they should burn incense and dare to take others as a breakthrough. "

"And don't be frightened by Mata's last performance. His real strength has long been broken. Just now it was just a flash of inspiration. Anyway, I don't believe he can be so fierce all the time."

"If he had been so fierce, SKT would have moved him out. So in the next five innings, we'll change our strategy, and we'll take the next step of SKT as a breakthrough to see who is more fierce! "

"Ah?" Ah Shui was completely confused by Xiao GE's suggestion: "how can we treat them as a breakthrough? We can't beat them! In the last four games, we are not only on the line, but also on them

"Yes, little K! The next battle is a battle of life and death. We'd better be careful! "

To make the next step of SKT a breakthrough means to put the carry core in the next step. MafA doesn't have any confidence in ashui and Baolan now. How dare she put carry's focus on the next road!

Xiao Ge said confidently: "who said you want to crack them online? League of heroes is a team game, OK! You can't fight online. I'm still here! "

"Mata, a veteran, can't keep up with him in operation now. The main thing is to play games with consciousness and experience. Then let's just crush him with manipulation and test the strength of the old comrades! "

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