Just when Wunder and jankos crossed the tower, jankos spider carried the tower first. Although the e skill was empty, a set of damage was full.

Moreover, he carried the tower twice before flying to avoid the damage of the defensive tower. When the defensive tower attacked twice, Wunder began to output.

While Wunder carried the tower behind him, theshy used the blood pool to delay for some time. But spider flies to the sky, after Ke lie is knocked down by the defense tower, the hatred of the defense tower is attracted by the soldiers.

Wunder and jankos have reached the limit of their heroic mechanism and the details of carrying towers. So when the vampire blood pool time is over, theshy has nothing to show, and can only be killed by damage.

Wunder and jankos survived perfectly though they were injured at the top of the tower.

Now Wunder and jankos all have about one-third of their blood, while Xiaoge is only half blooded because of the damage of brush field, so Wunder and jankos are not afraid of Xiaoge.

"Jankos, you'd better hold on first. I only need a and he can mount the horse twice. After mounting, I can control him and absolutely save him!"

Just now, in order to kill theshy, Wunder and jankos have handed in all their skills. But if Wunder's Craig can get on the horse, his skills will be refreshed, and he can have a soft control skill (q).

Xiao Ge knew that jankos and Wunder didn't have any skills now, so after he finished the detour, he didn't have too much wordiness, so he just went forward to output.

Jankos has no choice but to confront Xiao Ge in front of Wunder. But Xiao Ge was not satisfied with his state, and he didn't dare to go forward without his head.

For a moment, it seems that Xiao Ge is forcing G2 under the tower. No one dares to take the step of completely detonating the conflict.

"Kamen, is this going to be delayed until theshy comes back to life, and then wait for theshy to come down again? But it's still a long time before the resurrection of theshy. Can Kamen really take that long? "

"What are you thinking? It's obviously bad for Kamen to drag on like this now, because spiders and Krey's skills are better!"

Doll thinks that he has guessed Xiao GE's intention, but with Miller's roaring voice, he suddenly realizes that the time for the battle to break out is not short, and everyone's skills will be renewed soon.

Then, the situation on the scene fully responded to Miller's concerns. Jankos, who used to pull with Xiao Ge in spider form, suddenly changed into human form!

And spiders in the moment of switching to adult form, raise your hand to throw out a spider web!

"Every net is a masterpiece!"

Although jankos didn't seem to have hit Xiao Ge in E since he took out the spider, he can only lose e again in this situation. Because he as long as E in Xiao Song, that wave PK will directly end!

And as a professional player, if he is reduced to losing skills and dare not lose it, it is outrageous.

However, Xiao Ge and others are the pioneers of jankos!

Go, flat A, avoid spider web, flat A, Q [dodge raid] pull down to the tower, by the way, avoid the damage of [self exploding spider]!

"Hey, Kamen, is this Q? How can a Q roll into the crowd! Jankos and Wunder rush to the tower again without hesitation. Kamen, this wave will be taken seconds! "

Just now, Xiao GE's position directly forced Wunder and jankos to the bottom of the tower, but at this time, Xiao Ge suddenly rolled to the bottom of the tower, which was equivalent to rolling to Wunder and jankos's face!

"But Kamen's output is OK. Spider's blood is very low..."

"It's no use! This wave is obviously Kamen's fault! This wave of G2 is to kill Kamen and chase him under the defensive tower again. Jankos is hit by the defensive tower Ah, the spider is dying

"Oh, the spider has another flying sky! Kamen has been tugging for a long time just now, so jankos's skills have all improved! "

"It's over, it's over! Wunder's Ke lie also rushes up to play the output, a two times he will mount the horse, after mount, Ke lie can carry the tower without brain again

"Wow, the two heroes spider and Keri are really bad. They are invincible in carrying the tower in turn. I feel that Kamen will be gone! This wave of Ig is really blown through

The hero setting is really interesting, because the hero has two different components - Krey and his lizard mount Sgar.

Craig's passive name is "scarlet lizard Sgar". When Craig is riding, Sgar will take damage for Craig. So this hero doesn't need too much meat. He is born with a lot of meat.However, when sgal's health is exhausted, sgal will run away, and kry will enter a non riding state. At this time, little Craig was very thin and could hardly play any role.

However, when he is not riding, he will change some skills. At the same time, when moving towards the enemy hero, Krey gains 100 (+ 5 per level) movement speed.

At this time, Wunder was in a state of little Crewe. Jankos took the lead in chasing Xiaoge, and Wunder followed him. Because he was moving towards Xiao Ge, he ran very fast and finished the close up very quickly.

Little Crewe can restore courage by killing enemies and attacking enemy heroes, buildings and epic monsters. When courage reaches 100, Craig will return to riding with 50% / 60% / 70% / 80% (changed at level 1 / 6 / 11 / 16) health.

At present, Wunder's courage value of little Craig's form is almost full, and he has come to Xiao GE's face. After w's four draws, he will enter the riding state again.

Once Wunder returns to the riding state, he can directly kill Xiaoge by relying on the amount of blood and refreshing skills provided by Sgar!

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