With BP on both sides finally over, the five heroes on both sides are all confirmed. However, although the heroes have been determined, it is hard to know which way each hero is going.

And this one, both sides seem to deliberately want to play suspense to the end, so after the lineup is determined, the two sides did not exchange heroes at the first time.

It was not until the last few seconds that the two sides finally completed the hero exchange. After the hero of each position was determined, it immediately caused a sensation on the scene.

Blue square (Ig) vs Red Square (G2):

on the road: Vampire vs Krey

Daye: Wayne vs spider

Zhongdan: garrio vs Crocodile

ad: Jess vs windup

Assistant: Little mage vs stone man!

"Ha ha, Kamen, it's you! I'm convinced. Well, how did you choose Wayne! If someone else chooses Wayne to fight wild, I'll definitely spray now, OK! "

"But Kamen has chosen such a hero to fight in the wild. I can only say that I have counselled him. I dare not comment on him, and I dare not spray."

"Well Wayne plays wild, I only met in the qualifying, the regular League is really not seen "And now there's another statistic that Kamen played nine different heroes in this world championship," Wang remembers

"I may not be shocked enough to say that. Let me put it another way This S9 is Kamen's first international competition. In this session of S9, plus the game that is about to start now, Ig has played nine games in total

"That is to say, Kamen has brought out a new hero in every game of this world championship. So far, there is no repetition!"

Miller immediately supported: "Wow, that's great! On the stage of the world championships, it's really unprecedented to show such performance. "

"The key is that Kamen doesn't choose these heroes indiscriminately. He can show any hero a special carry performance. It's such a terrible pool of heroes that no one can match it!"

Wang remembers saying, "now that I'm talking about this, I have another data here. Kamen has won a total of six MVPs in the eight games Ig has completed, and he is also ahead of all the S9 competitors in this respect. "

The doll said, "after all that, in one word, it's Carrie! Kamen, the most capable carry player in this world championship, said "second, no one dares to say" first! "

"Speaking of it, the existence of Kamen is really the luck of our LPL division and the whole league of heroes world. His existence is one of the highlights of the whole world game. "

"Especially under his influence, Ig team has become the most popular team in this world championship. Their play and style are amazing and admirable. "

Miller saw that everyone started to blow again, and quickly pulled back the topic: "OK, OK, we have said too much about Kamen. Now let's be more professional and talk about the game! "

"The early combat ability of this Ig is pretty good. Jess and the little mage have a high initiative in the next combination. Zhongdan garrio also has a strong support ability. So in the early stage, Ig may focus on the middle and lower levels and take the lead in opening up the situation. "

"On the road, the vampire is the later guarantee of stability, and Wayne is also the later guarantee of stability. So once the game is in the late stage, Ig has a great advantage. "

"Of course, the G2 squad is not bad. Especially for the stone man, the hero is very restrained. During the group battle, when the stone man bumps big, and then the spring turns big, it's easy to kill Wei'en. "

"And on the point of lukeri, he is a very strong starting point. At the same time, he can cooperate with the stone man to enter the second Wayne."

"The most important thing is that Craig with spiders is a brainless combination! Obviously, G2 is a brainless one. It's really a test for theshy

"As for Kamen's Wayne, I don't want to make random comments. It's not good to be beaten in the face. So simply speaking, Ig's lineup has advantages in the early stage and the late stage, but in the middle stage, G2 has a higher initiative. "

Wang remembers nodding with great approval: "I agree with Mr. Miller's analysis very much, but we really haven't seen Wayne play wild. We can't say exactly what effect it will play."

"So the hero of Wayne is an unknown variable, but fortunately, Kamen is playing the hero. I believe he can play in line with his strength."

"After so much talk, we'll just wait to see the Kamen show and it's over!" "I believe Kamen has his own reason if he dares to show this hero," said the doll

"And I'm really looking forward to Kamen's Wayne. After all, Wayne is a hero, but it's the belief of ad players. Once Kamen has a good performance, I'm afraid ah Shui will have pressure... "www.novelhall.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!