"To be reasonable, I really think G2 is very strong, but who knows they are so unruly! That's it. How dare they criticize before the game? "

After returning to the rest room, a Shui felt that he didn't enjoy himself very much. He lay on the sofa with disdain on his face and began to mock.

"There is a saying that brother yishuizi, the victory of the last one has nothing to do with you? You've been a jerk all the time, even if you throw two e's at random, now you're qualified to call it? "

Ah Shui is disgusting G2, Xiao Ge is disgusting ah Shui. Although the match just now was enjoyable, the duration was too short. Xiao Ge didn't feel any pressure at all.

"Don't you know disgusting brother as a B?" Ah Shui was disgusted by Xiao Ge and couldn't help sneering: "without my control, can your routine have such a good effect?"

"It's true that your control is more important, but it doesn't matter whether you mix or not? Is there any technical difficulty when you put your skills Xiao Ge continued: "Oh, by the way, it's hard to flash e!"

"Wow, little K, you've gone too far! It seems that we need to play you together to let you know the role of our teammates. You always think that our team is all your own

Rookie, as a victim who has also been ridiculed by Xiao Ge, immediately stands up to help ah Shui out when he sees that he is bullied.

"Indeed, Xiao K, don't forget that you said you wanted to sweep G2..." The shy firmly remembers Xiao GE's life gate. At this time, another sentence is to the point.

"I'll go, shyshy. We've always been good brothers. I'm very sad that you treat me like this!"

Xiao Ge said bitterly: "in this case, I can let you know who I am! I'm a trouble maker, but I'm also afraid of things Brothers, I'm wrong... "

"All right, all right, stop it! The game is not over yet. Let's discuss the next game. After we win them, we can relax

Coach MafA waved to stop the mischief of Xiao Ge and others, said: "although the first game we won was very beautiful, but there are still many problems, we need to sum up."

"First of all, Baolan, you made a big mistake when you were caught by spiders in the early stage. You must pay attention to this kind of low-level mistake in the future. One time is enough. Don't make a second time."

"And then there's the operation, the rhythm of the wave down the road, or Baolan The one you hit could have hit the wall, but you went straight under the tower. You should pay more attention to this in the future

Since Xiao Ge joined Ig, the role of coach has been reduced a lot, because Ig's BP, playing style and strategy are mostly decided by Xiao Ge.

In this regard, MafA is also happy. After all, as long as Ig has a good record, he will always be praised as a team coach.

However, every time Ig held a meeting, especially in the post game summary meeting, MafA would say a few words in order to show that he still has a role to play.

But the main person he talked about was Baolan, who made mistakes every time. Although he also knows that it's useless to say it, because where is the level of Baolan, he can't be promoted just because of your two words.

But now MafA has made it his duty as a coach, so everyone is used to it.

"Well, coach, I know! I promise I won't make similar mistakes in the future! " Baolan nodded and said with a submissive face.

Although Baolan black has a lot of history, and there are a large number of "mother fans" fighting for him on the Internet, Baolan is not so unbearable as depicted on the Internet.

His game level and understanding are not very good, but his attitude is still very good. If he has done something wrong, you can point it out and he will admit it. Even if he will make the same mistake later, he is very professional in attitude.

"Little K, I think they will adjust BP next time. Do you think we should make some adjustments?"

After dealing with Baolan's mistakes, MafA finally begins to get down to business, asking Xiao Ge about his views and strategies for the next game.

Xiao Ge curled his lips and said, "jankos should not choose spiders. He has only two axes, either spiders or Olaf. He can play other heroes, but he doesn't have much power. That's for sure

"In addition, we'd better keep the previous BP strategy and take out sindera, Xia and kasha first, then they can't play any tricks."

"The G2 team mainly relies on caps and ah P. carry. Although Wunder on the road is also a carry point, it's not a big problem for brother shy to abuse him. "

"Jankos, I can handle him. Caps has rookie to deal with. It's not a big problem, and I can take care of him more. "

"As for the way down, without Xia and kasha, ah P will lose half of his martial arts. As long as brother Shuizi doesn't play, there won't be any problems on the line. ""On the whole, there are so many. There is nothing else to say. But I have a good idea for the next lineup. Maybe I can use it! "

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