Theshy is probably the most powerful player in the history of the League of heroes. In Xiao GE's impression, maybe only Samsung White's looper in the S4 season and SKT's Marin in the S5 season can be compared with him.

In those two seasons, these two players redefined the last single position. Anyone who has seen their games knows that the other last single players are not in the same level with them at all.

With these two great gods going through the peak and then stepping down from the altar, another rising star is theshy. Today's theshy is better than them, but by no means weaker than the two of them.

The difference is that the peak of theshy is more lasting. Looper and Marin were really strong in the year they won the championship.

But in the season after winning the championship, their state quickly declined due to various reasons, and fell out of the discussion category of the world's first single.

But theshy, the S7 season starts to show his head, the S8 season enters the peak, and the S9 continues to reach the peak. Now, he is still worthy of the world's first single.

The so-called world number one single, of course, is not the "world number one blowing JB" kind of first.

With the blessing of an S8 global finals champion, theshy's world first single title is no longer in the category of "blowing JB".

The highest honor is the premise for theshy to be recognized as the world's first single, and the rest is the impressive performance and operation against the sky.

So far in his career, theshy has played a lot of famous games, and his operation is also of super first-class level.

Just like now, in the face of alligator and Olaf's double crossing tower, theshy once again shows his strong operational strength.

Crocodile takes the lead, playing considerable damage at the same time, but also attracted the hatred of the defense tower. Then Olaf entered the arena, and the blessing of the gods at dusk (R) made him unaffected in Kennan's great move.

Under normal circumstances, Olaf can easily chop Kennan to death as long as he chases him.

But when theshy showed off, he dodged Olaf's axe in a row. Then use the defense tower as a cover, let Olaf attack a several times to the defense tower, the situation is another matter!

Then the crocodile carried the tower to the limit and had to choose to leave the attack range of the defensive tower. In this way, the hatred of the defensive tower was immediately attracted by Olaf and began to attack him.

After hiding from Olaf for three Q's, although theshy was hacked to death by Olaf, Olaf was also left under the defensive Tower!

"Nice, shyshy! Strong! This can be replaced by you. This wave of blood makes money! "

When rookie had just stepped into the river, and Olaf and the crocodile had already started to fight against theshy, Xiao Ge really thought that theshy was going to explain it.

After all, the crocodile and Olaf crossed Kenan's tower together, almost without solution. In the end, theshy was able to replace Olaf, which was an unexpected surprise.

Xiao Ge, the wave of gank down the road to win the double, and we Ueno together over the tower of the shy, but the shy replaced a person. Such a contrast, Ig really made a lot of money.

The most important thing is that when theshy opened up just now, he took away the soldiers' line under the tower. In this way, after resurrection, he will go online directly, and will not even lose experience.

As for the alligator, he just got one assist and theshy got one head. That's to say, we've built a certain advantage for theshy online.

"Ha ha, we are so comfortable. Anyway, I can't understand why Olaf wants to make trouble around the road when the first little dragon is a fire dragon! Just to fight against me? Is it worth it? "

Xiao Ge said with a sneer: "ah Shui, Bao Lan, after pushing the line, come and help me get Bruce Lee. Next, we are ready to take off! It's time for them to see the real tricks of our lineup! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!