"The captain is in danger! Xiaotian, a water character of "the front of eshtar" wants to stop the shy, but Kamen moves sideways and uses his w [dark shelter] to stop the Q! "

"Captain flashed to open the control range of nightmare e, but Kamen flashed to control Fear! Theshy, come on, one more, one more! It's too much for the captain

"Captain down, first blood! Kamen takes the captain's blood! Xiao Tian has no choice but to watch the captain die in front of him

"Although the choice of Ig's lineup is incomprehensible, Kamen's performance is as good as ever, helping Ig take the lead in winning a battle!"

With the end of a wonderful gank wave and the slow motion replay given by the director, the scene once again came to the favorite "blowing Kamen link" of most LPL commentators.

Wang remembers that as an explanation of his personal friendship with Xiao Ge, he naturally took the lead in blowing up: "although this wave of gank seems to be caused by gimgoon's pressing too deep, there are actually wonderful details in the process."

"The most essential part is that when Xiaotian comes to rescue gimgoon from the wild area, he just pinches a water element in his hand, which gives him a chance to play a control."

"Because as long as Xiaotian decides to stay with either Kamen or theshy, the captain will be able to get away. As for Ig, it's not enough to go after Shan alone

"At this time, Xiaotian's best choice is to fix Kamen, because as long as he can fix Kamen, the captain will have a good chance to get out of the fear range of nightmare e skill. At that time, the captain may even escape without alternating lightning."

"But Xiaotian knows that Kamen has a W in his hand, and nightmare w's light shield can offset Chiana's Q. So Xiaotian can only choose the shy, so that even if the captain is scared, he can still live after handing over the flash. "

"Kamen obviously anticipated this, so after Xiaotian came out, he kept catching up with Xiaotian, and at the same time, he intentionally or unintentionally leaned between theshy and Xiaotian."

"Then Xiaotian throws Q, and Kamen moves one step to help theshy block Chiana Q. at the same time, he follows the flash, fearing the captain. Then theshy and dodge damage, and finally kill the captain! "

Wang remembers that after saying so many things in a row, it's hard to avoid being thirsty. Guan Zeyuan immediately said, "it's all about the competition between experts. The competition is about the details. The details of gank just now are full!"

"Although Ig's lineup is wonderful, it's good if both sides can bring us enough wonderful operation. And what's the final result of this game, now no one knows! "

Guan Zeyuan said this mainly because many people felt that Ig had lost at the first time after seeing Ig's lineup. Even he thought this way.

And with this concept to watch the game, always feel uncomfortable. Therefore, Guan Zeyuan wants to make everyone have some confidence in Ig and enjoy watching the game.

But in the next few minutes, the game went into a dull rhythm. On the FPX side, if Xiaotian wants to catch people in the early stage, only the middle road is easier to catch.

But as rookie's playing style became more stable, the chance of playing in the middle became slim.

There is no good chance to catch people on the FPX side, and the same is true on the Ig side. The next galenga cat, needless to say, is definitely not good with gank.

In the middle of the akali is also very difficult to cooperate, not to mention the opposite single or always will become the team's most meat that person's doinb.

Only the opportunity to go on the road, after a bitter experience, gimgoong no longer pressure line, no longer give opportunities to gank.

For a while, both sides began to develop smoothly, and the situation became boring.

"Both sides are developing steadily now! It's just that Ig can really compete with FPX? Once it's late, it's obvious that the ad side is more dominant! "

Guan Zeyuan's tone is not very excited. What the commentators fear most is the situation. There is nothing to say in the audience, which is the easiest way to cause a cold show.

Wang remembers sighing: "now Kamen has been at level 6 for a long time, and is almost at level 7. He should find a way to do something! If you drag on like this, Ig is a chronic death! "

Just then, the director suddenly cuts to the middle of the road, and finds that rookie's akali is actually the Titan who directly starts to fight doinb. But Titan is more meat after all. Rookie didn't kill much blood in half a day.

It's just unexpected that rookie seems to be on the top of the tower, chasing Titan directly into the tower!

Guan Zeyuan frowned and said, "Oh, rookie, what are you doing! Did he want to cross the tower and kill Titan! Would it be too much... "www.novelhall.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!