"Well, the duel in the third inning finally begins! This time, Ig chooses the red side, and FPX is naturally the blue side! Will Ig team continue to take the fast, accurate and ruthless early lineup, and how will FPX carry out this decisive game... "

"The first two hands of FPX are still ban's loss of Jesse and Nicole, who are the best at using theshy, while on Ig's side Ban's loss of panson and Kalmar, the two single heroes that don't let doinb get."

"Third hand FPX chooses ban to lose Kamen's Olaf. It seems that although they won the last one, they are very afraid of Kamen's Olaf! "

"Ig side also no longer continue to head iron, directly lost the last game performance is very brilliant lacs. This version of lax assistance is really a bit powerful, especially his light shield. It's too exaggerated... "

Guan Zeyuan was still sighing about lacks' help, but in the middle of his words, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

But Wang remembered that he had already called out: "eh! BP of both sides didn't choose to ban Kiana! Is it difficult to WOW! FPX side decisively grabbed Kiana! "

"Since Kamen developed qiyana, Xiaotian has practiced this hero in private? Or is FPX going to shoot Chiana? "

Guan Zeyuan frowned and said, "it's hard to say now! But this BP, while releasing Kiana, also released the cat

Just then, Ig has taken down the cat in one hand. Guan Zeyuan nodded and said, "sure enough, Ig took the cat, second hand Is it NOC Sure! This one, Kamen took out the NOC to fight wild! "

"By the way, remember, after Kamen took out Kiana last week, have you ever played Kiana yourself?"

Wang remembers shaking his head: "I tried once, but the effect is not very good! But since Kamen took Kiana out, I have never seen Kiana go in the game again. Now it's all Kiana out! "

Guan Zeyuan continued: "it's true that I haven't seen Chiana hit again since then. It's all used to fight wild. I played a few times myself Of course, it doesn't matter. What matters is, does NOC fight against Chiana? "

"Well..." Wang Ji was immediately asked: "I admit, this question has caught me But only from the skills of the two heroes, I really can't see any counter. "

Guan Zeyuan also shook his head: "I don't know if the NOC is restraining Kiana, but Kamen's back hand chooses a NOC to fight wild. What's the saying?"

"After all, Kamen, as the pioneer of Kiana's wild game, must know more about how to play Kiana than we do. And in terms of game understanding, Kamen is several grades higher than us. "

In the meantime, FPX has determined the candidates for the second and third hand, and they are the first to show off the very strong combination of the next generation, verus and TAM.

Then Ig decided on the third-hand candidate, akali.

"Akali This version of akali seems to be OK, but now there are many good choices outside. Why should Ig choose akali? "

This game, Ig's entire lineup is all decided by Xiao Ge. At this time, the three handed selection has just been carried out, but Ig's lineup has already begun to confuse Wang and Guan Zeyuan.

Not only the two of them were puzzled, but the audience were also puzzled, as were the FPX people. But doubts are doubts, and BP is still going on.

The last two ban people, Ig, are still aiming at doinb, and ban lost Ritz and crocodile respectively. FPX continues to target the shy, and ban loses Kennan. At the same time, in order to prevent Ig swing, ban is chosen.

"This version of akali feels that she can't make it, and rookie's current state should not be suitable for akali, so akali should go on! I'll choose a hero who won't be countered! "

Doinb commands in the voice of the team, while the fourth hand selects his iconic single hero, deep sea Titan.

Before the election, both sides carried out very fast. Obviously, at half-time, both sides had already discussed the BP strategy.

But when it came time for Ig to make the final two handed selection, they suddenly hesitated. It wasn't until there were five seconds left in the final selection time that Ig showed their choice.

Power of demacia, galenga, eye of twilight!

As soon as the two heroes came out, the whole audience was in an uproar. But doinb said with a sneer, "it's impossible. Ig is definitely doing it. They can't choose these two heroes..."

Doinb's words directly expressed everyone's feelings. No one believed that Ig would choose Galen and Shen in the end.

But as time goes by, Ig still doesn't want to change people. When the election time is over, Ig is really sure of Galen and Shen!www.novelhall.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!