If you want to say that playing the game is better than opening the black voice, it is that everyone is sitting together. A lot of things that can't be expressed by words, you can see through your eyes.

At this time, the game has just been going on for five minutes, and Ig has been killed twice. In the passers-by Bureau, this is the absolute performance of actors. And in the professional league, this is out of the ordinary!

However, after the double killing, both Baolan and ashui didn't say a word. Xiao Ge looked around and found that a Shui's face was as cold as water.

Xiao Ge knew that Baolan should have given her a chance to be killed, and then ah Shui went with her. Rao Shi a Shui is in a good mood after he has been trapped in a row. Now he is not in the mood to speak.

"Don't worry, I'm already invincible. When I get to 6, I'll take you to kill these guys!"

Xiao Ge wants to break the bad atmosphere, but after saying that, Xiao Ge feels embarrassed, because no one responds to him.

But Xiao Ge can only giggle twice to ease the embarrassment. Fortunately, the development of theshy is still very good, and it will be very sound later.

In addition, after doinb was transmitted, it was killed by Xiao Ge. As a result, rookie has a great chance to breathe. Now rookie has some advantages online.

Although the path to send the outrageous, but if the wild can work together, Ig can still win the game smoothly.

What Xiao Ge didn't expect was that the next game suddenly changed. He seems to have entered the actor base camp, four teammates suddenly began to pull across the collective.

Rookie had already pulled back the situation, but because of a wrong position, doinb, who was one level lower than rookie, seized the opportunity to kill him alone and sent out all his previous advantages.

As for the way down, Xiao Ge helps them gank many times in order to take care of ah Shui's mood. On two occasions, Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang were killed together.

But a Shui's mentality seems to have been completely exploded, and Baolan doesn't know whether it is the mentality affected or the pure level exposed. As long as Xiao Ge is not in the next, a Shui and Baolan will always die.

If a Shui, Baolan and rookie have frequent problems, Xiao Ge can still bear it, then the shy is killed by gimgoon alone, which makes Xiao GE's mentality a little explosive.

"Brother shy, what's the matter! It's up to you to play the league, you Let brother Gongzi kill alone. It's a bit of a drag... " Xiao Ge feels that the game seems to have gone a little far.

"Wo's fault, Wo's fault!" The shy helplessly shakes his head, for just that wave of single kill, he also has no good explanation, is the operation error.

"Nothing, nothing! It's my fault. I should have been looking for rhythm, but I've been brushing wildly! " Xiao Ge takes the initiative to take the blame, but he feels that what he says is false.

If we can win the game by taking the initiative, I'm afraid there will be no failed game in the world.

This game is really muddled and gone, especially a Shui and Bao Lan. They seem to fall into a vicious circle and send it endlessly.

Rookie may feel that guangashui and Baolan song are a little boring, and he has started to get lost frequently, and he has been arrested by Xiaotian continuously.

Although theshy stabilized the situation, gimgoon in this game seemed to take medicine and became very fierce.

Tienan is obviously inferior to Kenan, but gimgoon has a good fight with theshy, and even nearly killed theshy again several times!

Such a situation not only makes Ig fall into a strange state, but also makes the interpretation confused. It's not clear why the situation has reached this stage.

"Wow, this game feels so strange!" Wang remembers that he was very confused and said, "it seems that something is going to happen again when boa Shui moves! Even if Baolan follows him, I can't keep it! "

"Coming! The same move! Liu Qingsong's lackska vision of a Q, direct Q in a water and Baolan two people! Policewoman connected to output This hurt ah Shui can't eat at all! If Baolan swallows it, it's just a few seconds later for ah Shui to die... "

"No, no! After this wave of double killing, Lin Weixiang has been super God! And Ig's way down, already super ghost

Guan Zeyuan said with a wry smile: "when this wave of Ig down the road double group dies, FPX is ready to open a big dragon! Although Kamen's combat effectiveness is still online, none of them can change anything by himself! "

"I just don't know if the law of" Kamen is here, don't fight the dragon "can be fulfilled. If Kamen can't grab the dragon, Ig has really gone far..."

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