"Wow! Theshy's dead again! This wave group, will Ig win in the end? " Seeing that theshy was so brave, the voice of the baby became loud.

But soon a louder cry began: "but Kamen's Rambo! One w followed by another Q He's hot! Q skill [arson feast] burns, plus plain a damage that people can't understand! The shy can't eat it

At this time, Xiao GE has fully developed the essence of Rambo. Card temperature card is almost perfect, in this decisive group to win the critical moment, the Rambo hero can burst out the highest damage!

But even so, it's hard to say who will win or lose the battle between him and theshy. Unless, Xiaoge can avoid Ruiz's skill!

"Not really. Even if Rambo is hot, it doesn't seem that Ritz is right WOW! Kamen takes off rez's deadly Q, then falls with a red hammer! It's theshy who's dead! "

In an instant, the situation on the field changed several times. When this wave of extreme solo comes to an end, the result of the whole regiment battle is settled.

"It's over. The only one who supports Ig, theshy, is dead! Now the wave group Ig has no ability to fight! "

"On the other side, Lin Weixiang's Casa is still exporting, killing hindra! Crocodile a Q ended the head of King Ning, leaving Baolan alone

"Baolan can't run But he flashed to replace Kamen! But Rambo, which has been out of the red temperature state, has w! Kamen deliberately pulled in front of Baolan, just to cheat Baolan's flash! "

"No No, this wave of FPX beat Ig, 2 for 5! I feel that not only the wave of group battle is gone, but Ig seems to have gone far in this game too.... "

With Xiao GE's harpoon and Baolan's head, the group battle finally came to an end. Next, Xiao Ge and gimgoon can continue to receive the fire dragon, while Lin Weixiang's KASA can push the Bozhong tower, the two-story tower skin.

After the end of the wave, the head to head ratio of FPX and Ig has reached 8 to 5, but the economic gap has reached almost 1500!

On Ig's side, five heads are all from theshy. On the FPX side, Xiao GE's data is 3-0-5, and Lin Weixiang's data is 3-0-2. Meanwhile, doinb and gimgoon each have a head.

In terms of head distribution, FPX also has a great advantage.

As the commentary said, after this wave of regiment war, Ig seems to have gone far!

Such a crucial game, the suspense seems to have disappeared early, completely unexpected. But at this time, the online curse war is fierce.

"I'll go, Kamen. What's this for? Why did you deliberately cheat the flash of Blue Princess in the end! Is it easy for a girl to play a game? Kamen is not a gentleman

"Seeing this scene, I was so angry that I shivered. I was in a cold sweat on a hot day, and my hands and feet were cold. Can the world be better! What's the next sentence? Forget Hee hee

"The next sentence is how women want to live in order to satisfy you. Tears flow down. The world is full of oppression on women. When can women really stand up! Hee hee... "

"Ha ha, there's something inside, there's something inside!"

"You bastards are really speechless. But to tell you the truth, FPX this lineup is really strong! Ice and fire double days directly make Ig arrangement clear! "

"Ha ha, it's mainly K God hanging! The sea of heroes is unfathomable. Any hero can hang Ning. "

"Don't be disgusted. The game is not over yet. Don't shout. You will cry later."

"Oh, the chicken is in a hurry! But the game is not over. Ig has to be abused by FPX for more than ten minutes... "

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