On the whole, although the two sides played more ups and downs in the second game, it was also more wonderful. When the content of the second game and the first game did not change much.

Ig is still above the field as the core, the next road compression. And top side is the following field as the core, on the road pressure.

But on BP, top didn't do very well, or they didn't deal with the players completely.

Top, as a blue square, has an ultimate counter in the fifth choice. However, they chose the captain with the most research counter after ig elected rez and akali.

As we all know, the captain was taken by Ritz counter. 369 used to be inferior when he was playing against theshy. If you choose a hero who is on the counter line, he can't play from the beginning.

So both sides are focused on their own advantages. If Ig blows up the top Road, then top will blow up Ig's next road. The middle road has a relatively high degree of freedom, which depends on the exertion of personal ability.

Then let's have a touch in 20 minutes to see whose carry point is better and the one with the harder idea wins the game.

From the start of the two games, both sides are such a way of playing. But in the final selection, top always selects a hero and player who clearly needs to resist pressure but is not good at it.

As a result, the cracking degree of top road is more serious than that of Ig road.

In addition, top's single knight is good, but rookie still has to beat him on the whole, and top's carry ability is a little worse than theshy.

That's why top lost two games in a row.

Before the start of the third game, top finally made a personnel adjustment. They won two games of 369 who were beaten and replaced by Moyu who was more resistant to pressure.

Soon the game of the third game started again, the two sides changed sides again, top came to the blue side, Ig returned to the red side.

Top side, up road, Kennan, go wild, Edgar, Middle Road, akali, ad verus, auxiliary bloom.

Ig side, on the road, Victor, field digger, Zhongdan Snake Girl, ad skateboard shoes, auxiliary garrio.

Obviously, this top side has made great efforts on BP. It's also a swing to take out an Edgar field.

On the Ig side, I think the 2-0 lead is too big, so I'm a little more casual in the selection.

In addition, Ig's tactical focus has shifted to the next road. This time they are no longer the main hit in the top, but began to hit the bottom.

After the start of the game, it is obvious that Ig is not only more casual in the selection of players, but also completely ignored the other side in the way of playing.

Four minutes later, after rookie returned to the city, he directly put a TP that was not installed properly on the line, and the TP directly went to the soldier line under the opposite tower. Results after the line was surrounded by top field, and eventually was caught a blood.

In the next six minutes, Ning went on the road to help theshy cross Kennan's tower. In the end, Ning killed Kennan by himself, and then the support of Edgar chased theshy to death.

Although ningei managed to escape in the end, Edgar didn't leave. He squatted into the grass on the road. When theshy went online, he cooperated with Kenan's big move to catch theshy again.

At this point, Ig finally paid for their belittling of the enemy. Victor's single choice made theshy receive frequent military training.

Then, in seven minutes, Ning cooperated with Lu yueta, but was first dropped by the top duo.

With Bao Lan and a Shui on the head, all the way to pursue each other's two towers. Although chasing dead each other to help, but Baolan is very fan of carrying tower directly carried dead. Ah Shui was also taken away by akali and ugart, who came to support him later.

After this wave, Ig almost collapsed.

Knight, who got the big advantage early, perfectly incarnated into the "golden left hand" and led top to win with a record of 11-1-6.

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