The blind monk had a strong fighting capacity in the early stage and was a good anti wild hand. But it doesn't mean that the blind monk is invincible in his early fight. There are still many heroes who can fight the blind monk.

Among them, there are Olaf, Zhao Xin, mantis and other heroes who can play in the professional arena. Xiao Ge took out Zhao Xin in the training match with Ig, and he dug over Xiaoyue Yan with a long gun, and pushed off Ig base in 23 minutes.

So when igban was a hero, he lost Zhao Xin and the mantis who could play a huge role in Xiao singer. As for Olaf, Ig had thought about ban.

But there are only five ban, which can't be used in Xiao Ge. What's more, Xiaoge didn't use Olaf in professional games, so no one knows how his hero is playing.

Although Xiao GE's hero pool looks unfathomable, he can't really play all the heroes! So IG made a bet and let Olaf go!

Then, Xiao Ge really threw off Olaf and made Ig embarrassed.

But after the game started, Ig still continued to carry out the coach's tactics - preliminary design routine crazy against Xiao GE's wild!

Since Xiao Ge came into the public view, one of the few games that he failed to play carry performance and even appeared to be a bit of a pit is the game in which he was in Hanfu and faker double row, and then met JDG middle toothpaste and DUYE flawless.

In that game, toothpaste and flaress almost fit together, aiming at Xiaoge crazily and beating Xiaoge completely without rhythm.

This is the weakness of Xiao Ge that Ig coach MafA found, and it is also the tactics for Xiao Ge!

But this little move of Ig was seen through by Xiao Ge from the beginning! And when he saw the blind monk who was caught by himself, Xiao Ge didn't hesitate to open the way with his axe. What he did was a beating!

Xiao Ge Q [counter current throwing] hits Ning first, causing damage to Ning and slowing him down at the same time. Then walk to avoid the blind monk's Q, then flat A, pick up the ax, and then a.

Olaf beat the blind monk in the early stage was to beat the dog. In addition, Xiao Ge twisted the blind monk's Q, and the blind monk lost the power of World War I in an instant.

But Ning would not stand in the same place to fight with Xiao Ge. Just now, in order to prevent Xiao Ge, Ning had already used his eyes.

At this time, he couldn't touch his eyes to escape, so he had to add a w [golden bell cover / iron cloth shirt] to himself, fighting back and walking towards the river.

At this time, rookie in the middle of the road has been supporting quickly, and doinb is the first time to rush here.

But Olaf's early injury is too high. After sticking to people, he is like a mad dog. Rookie had just walked through the grass in the river, and the blind monk had been beaten, only one third of his blood was left!

But rather can only hand over punishment back to the mouth blood.

He thought that after he was punished, Xiao Ge would not continue to fight with him, because rookie's support would arrive soon.

But who knows, Xiao Ge didn't mean to stop at all. He continued to chase Ning like a mad dog.

Olaf's Q skill has a fixed CD in 7 seconds, but when Olaf successfully picks up the axe he throws, his Q skill will get 4.5 seconds minus CD.

At this time, the Olaf Q skill that has successfully picked up the axe has cooled down again, and then throws an axe at the blind monk again.

"I'll go. Olaf is a mad dog! Rookie, help me

Seeing that he had been slashed by Olaf one by one, he had less than 100 points of blood left, so he was really flustered and called the name of "Allah the chicken".

Song Yijin, who can always be believed, came like Allah. As soon as he arrived at the battlefield, he launched a QE company. With the dark energy of the ball, as long as you want to meet Olaf, you can push him away and dizzy!

But just as those Diablo balls were about to meet Olaf, Olaf suddenly turned into a golden flash!

Then, "your team has been slain!"

“First-blood……” , the fastest update of the webnovel!