The wave led by dopa took the lead in launching the attack. They showed no mercy on doinb's male Dao! Under normal circumstances, a single crispy face such an attack, is absolutely to be seconds off.

Except for doinb!

Play FPX, never think about the first second of their single, because their single is often the most meat!

This sentence is said by sika, which is also very accurate about the game style of doinb.

If there are several big meats hidden in doinb's strange hero pool, when he moves these heroes out to hit the singles, he becomes the most meaty person in the audience, which is of course understandable.

But when he takes out some high explosive mages or assassins to go, he can't be dressed in meat.

But these didn't affect him to become a man with more flesh than ordinary mages and assassins!

Because even if you get this type of hero, doinb will definitely develop a set of relatively meaty costumes.

At this time, I got the male blade, and it was the male blade with two heads. Doinb's dress was a drink magic knife, ruby, sword, and a heinous mercury boot!

Because he is playing cards, and the opponent's playing field is a wine barrel, it means that he is facing two mages with control skills.

Mercury shoes can provide magic carrying and reduce control at the same time. There's no problem with this outfit.

And doinb after Mercury shoes, and made a drink magic knife! In this way, DOPA and keg are not interested in him.

This is doinb's understanding of the game. Anyway, the focus of my game is to swim, so I just need to ensure that I am not caught online.

As for injury, whether it's Nicole on the road, or Devin on the road, or Xiao Ge in a violent costume, can help him to add injury.

DOPA, they naturally know that doinb is very meaty, but now there are flaws in doinb's position, so they definitely want to drive doinb.

In addition, Jess is ad damage, and doinb has a magic resistance suit, so they still have a good chance to lose doinb.

But in fact, they underestimated the meat of doinb after all!

Card level one moves can provide 6 seconds of vision. From the start of the move to the selection of the position of the move, and then to the landing, the whole process took more than four seconds.

Level 1 W's yellow card stun time is 1 second, but doinb's Mercury shoes have a release effect, which greatly reduces the control time.

By the time he was free, almost five seconds had passed!

At this time, doinb's health is less than one third, and the effect of Pinyin magic knife is successfully triggered. As long as the bucket is hurt again, doinb will die!

But when the barrel hit doinb, doinb was free again!

As soon as the detection function of the card trick disappears, doinb immediately starts the trick [shadow raid] to walk. With the help of the big move to open the instant 40% movement speed bonus, doinb actually twisted the barrel of E!

"Ha ha, they made a mistake! Skills are not well connected! Fuck them

Seeing that doinb has not been killed, Xiao Ge shouts excitedly. Then a sky sound wave (q) kicks dopa, and the second Q [echo hit] follows. Flat A is connected to the floor (E) and then connected to flat a after decelerating.

Theshy was not idle either, and a Q [blooming flower seeds] was thrown at the feet of nuguri who came in a hurry. The seeds in full bloom not only cause damage, but also prevent nuguri from trying to support dopa.

Flat A, move, flat A, E [tangled barb] bind nuguri, flat a!

The operation of theshy makes nuguri miserable, and DOPA is not good at punching and kicking after being stuck by Xiao Ge.

"I have this!"

At the critical moment, DOPA's w turned better again. And after quickly cutting out the yellow card, everyone thought DOPA was going to stop Xiao Ge.

But he directly flashed away from Xiao Ge, and then threw out the golden card in his hand, aiming at the shy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!