"Brother, you didn't disappoint us! You really lead us to hang Ig! It's Ig on the other side. We hanged him! "

As soon as the game is over, doinb takes off the earphone and grabs Xiao GE's hand to shake it.

Lin Weixiang, who was taken good care of by Xiao Ge, also sighed: "brother, you are MVP in this game. I feel I haven't played such an easy game for a long time!"

Until the end of the game, Xiao GE's data is 5-0-11, gank full court, non-stop rhythm, participation rate of 100%, is worthy of MVP.

That is to say, FPX and Ig have an appointment for a BO3 training match. Otherwise, after the game is finished, Li Chun can directly ask Xiao Ge to sign the contract.

Because the lineup they designed is to test Xiao GE's ability to work alone. Xiao GE's performance is not only to complete the task successfully, but also to overfulfill the task.

It's no exaggeration to say that this game Xiao Ge completely broke Ig with his own strength. Moreover, he not only showed his super operation, but also showed his strong command ability.

The most important thing is that this is Xiao GE's first formal team game. As a newcomer, he has no stage fright at all. He not only flies with rhythm, but also has a good command.

Such a baby is not MVP, who is MVP? If such people don't sign, what kind of people do they want to sign!

"All right, all right!" Xiao Ge said with a modest smile, "I have fulfilled half of my promise in this game. I said that I would end the game early and try not to delay everyone's meal. Unexpectedly, the game still lasted more than 30 minutes..."

"Poof..." Liu Qingsong laughed directly. He thought Xiao Ge was just pretending, but Xiao GE's expression seemed really distressed. He couldn't help laughing and said, "brother, you won't be serious, will you? The game time of 33 minutes or so is not bad! "

"That's right. Our lineup was originally made in the later stage. It's normal to end the game at this time. And even though the game lasted 33 minutes, it ended in more than 10 minutes! "

"Besides, we don't play BO3. The quickest way to end the battle is to win the next game and end them 2-0. That's the quickest way!"

"That's true!" Xiao Ge nodded, and then habitually opened the data list, intending to see the final data.

After two eyes, Xiao GE's eyes suddenly brightened: "I'll go. The emperor of shoes is the one who has been a teammate with kid. I didn't expect this wave of tribute to kid."

Lin Weixiang and others turned to look at the screen, and then laughed together.

"Shit, 4430 output! tolerable! Ning this wave suddenly salutes the child wandering, I did not expect

"This I'm a former teammate! It's widely rumored that the two of them didn't have a good relationship in order to fight for the chance to play. Now it seems that the rumor will come to an end. "

"Actually, 4430 is better than 4396 Forget it, these two are almost the same, and they are not much better. "

Doinb is now more regular in China. Almost all the people in China are Chinese. He can get these famous stalks on the Internet right away.

Relatively speaking, gimgoon is much more miserable. Looking at Ye Chen and others laughing so happily, he can only follow the giggle with a blank face.

However, when looking at Xiao Ge, his eyes are still very obvious. Obviously, he is very satisfied with Xiao Ge.

"Ah, why does the League of heroes have the statistics of damage value! If I told you that in the S9 finals, tiger big fish played 2200 in FNC, would you not believe it

Xiao Ge laughed wildly and muttered in her heart

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