As soon as he reached level 6, Xiao Ge found that hindra in the middle of the road returned to the city directly under the tower after pushing a wave of soldiers, but Ning was not in sight.

Looking back on the road, gimgoon had to go back to the city to supply, and then he drove back to the line with his big move [reckless collision].

This is also a basic routine of SAIN on the road. When he doesn't play in the early stage, SAIN can make full use of big moves to go on the road. In this way, you can save yourself a TP and ease your pressure on the line.

But Xiao Ge smelled a strange smell at this time, and said: "be careful on the road, I feel they are on the road in Zhongye!"

Doinb was slightly stunned, and then acted as a translator for gimgoon. At the same time, he quickly pushed the line, and then hid out of sight and went on the road.

He deliberately gave the other party the illusion that he had returned to the city, but in fact he squatted on the road.

This tip may not be easy to use when it comes to professional players, but on the whole, it's no harm to be confused.

Xiao Ge also went straight back to the city, bought a pair of straw sandals, upgraded the dagger to a second level dagger, bought a classic book and a real eye, and then went straight to the road.

There has been a saying circulating on the Internet that when playing FPX, you should never think about catching the Middle Road, because their middle road is the most fleshy.

There must be exaggeration in this sentence, but in fact, anyone who knows FPX knows that this sentence is not unreasonable.

Because this is actually the game style of doinb. No matter what heroes he plays, he can always develop a set of extremely meaty ways of putting on clothes.

It's the same with mages, soldiers and assassins.

Of course, sometimes when you are in a good mood, he will simply give you a big meat in the middle. The way pure meat SAIN and pure meat stone man hit each other came from him.

Including this one, he took Lisandro to walk, the talent point of aftershock. This is the past. After all, this version of lisanzhuo is full of aftershocks.

At this time, doinb's equipment, a corruption potion, a dark seal ring, a pair of magic shoes given by talent, and an anti magic cloak!

With the appearance of the anti magic cloak and his aftershock talent, rookie didn't want to kill him.

So when rookie comes home, Xiao Ge thinks that he may want to go to the tower with Ning. After all, rookie is also a player who likes to swim and support.

"Jingugu, don't go into the grass. There may be eyes in the grass!"

Xiao Ge stood on the line outside the frog, instead of squatting in the triangular grass behind a tower on the road.

"Yes, yes! But we'll squat for ten seconds at most. If they don't show up in ten seconds, I'll go back to the middle road! " Doinb is very cooperative with Xiao GE's command and runs to Xiao Ge honestly.

"Don't worry, they will show up. If they don't show up in ten seconds, you will go back to the middle school first Come on, come on

In the middle of Xiao GE's words, theshy suddenly starts to play the skill of clearing soldiers, which is the standard rhythm of crossing the tower.

Just as theshy pushed the line into the tower, Cinderella walked out of the grass on the road, and then sister pig came out of the triangle grass behind the tower.

Gimgoon pretends to withdraw. Ning immediately takes the lead and rides a wild boar to give gimoon an arch (q). At the same time, with a wave of the pig whip in his hand (W), a field of ice blue appears.

At the same time, hindra and the sword demon also hit gimgoon in the face. Although gimgoon was in a full state, he could not stand the group fighting of three people in the opposite direction, and his blood volume soon dropped.

But when rookie, Ning and theshy thought the tower was going to succeed, Xiao Ge and doinb had already arrived.

"Have a drink!"

Xiao Ge pours two mouthfuls of wine, and then a meat bullet hits the pig sister who has already been pushed down the tower. Finally, the bucket full of wine in his hand is raised over his head and smashed at the pig sister.

A perfect combo, successfully accepted the head of pig sister.

Then, the barrel shakes its hand and throws out the barrel full of good wine (R). As soon as it fell to the ground, the barrel burst open, and the scattered wine pushed hindra and the sword demon to the back of the defense Tower!

Perfect combo plus a perfect big move, Xiao Ge directly to his own side of the battlefield situation! , the fastest update of the webnovel!