Chapter 223: Orbis Strikes

Name:Live Dungeon! Author:
Chapter 223: Orbis Strikes

Leon, with his left arm fully healed, immediately headed to the Royal Capital to assess the situation. Meanwhile, some members of the Labyrinth Conquerors and the Scarlet Devil Squad were preparing to secure the safety of other cities near Sentrea.

Although the same request had been extended to Absolute Helix, Christia had told Tsutomu that their participation was optional, so he asked to be assigned to Sentreas defense instead. That morning, after informing his Clans members of this decision, Hannah tilted her head slightly.

So were not going?

Didnt sound like they actually needed us, you see. Its not like were even sure if those other cities have monsters hiding in them.

If you say so.

Hannah seemed quite unconvinced, what with her restless expression, but she swallowed her concerns along with her breakfast poached eggs. However, after breakfast, as she nervously watched the Labyrinth Conquerors and the Scarlet Devil Squad depart for their mission, Tsutomu thought to himself how easily readable her intentions were.

Youre not planning to sneak after them, are you?


Whats that look for?

Facing Hannah, who looked as if her inner thoughts had been exposed, Tsutomu returned a stern expression.

Howd you know that, Teach!?

Anyone could tell. Just try not to overthink things too much.Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

Listen to him, Hannah, Leleia interrupted, holding the Gnomes main body in her arms, You leave too many of your choices to instinct you ought to put more thought behind your actions.

Oof You really just had to bring the Gnome along, huh Hannah groaned, quite visibly weak against the Gnomes innocent gaze.

You may think the Magic Fist is a shortcut to advancing your career, but its actually a detour. Why arent you focusing on honing the capabilities you already have?

T-thats because Grandpa Melchor said to

Dont blame your own faults on him.


Afterward, Leleia continued to lecture Hannah on the latters behavior and lacking performance in Gods Dungeon. Tsutomu decided not to add to that conversation.

[I should explain myself to everyone, and pay extra attention to Hannah, just to be safe]

On this occasion, Tsutomu had chosen not to participate in the cities recapture due to not wanting to risk his and his friends safety for the sake of the townspeople, a decision that Garm, Daryl, Xeno, and Korinna would likely be bothered by. However, they were not the type to act spontaneously. If he explained, they would probably understand.

But Hannah, being impulsive, might act without warning to help someone. So, for now, Tsutomu made sure not to lose sight of her and also asked Diniel to keep an eye on her.

And so another day passed in Sentrea without any particular events, and Leon returned from the Royal Capital. However, there seemed to be no abnormalities in the capital so far; it was perfectly peaceful. The Labyrinth Conquerors and the Scarlet Devil Squad secured one deserted citys safety and proceeded to relocate those who had evacuated from the south.

Naturally, there was resistance from them, but they were the ones who had not complied with the evacuation advisory issued from the Capital in the first place. Under the semi-coercive leadership of the Labyrinth Conquerors, the evacuees were quarantined in the walled-off southern city.

During this time, Tsutomu had the opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with the head of House Babenberg, so he asked about something that had been on his mind.

What impression do you have of the suspect Orbis, sir?

Although Tsutomu had already received information about Orbis, he wanted to hear the impression from the head of House Babenberg, since he had met the former in person before. When asked, he placed his hand on his chin, looking thoughtful.

Ive met Orbis three times. The first was back when he was an artist he had already made a name for himself by then. The second was when he became the vice president of the Monster Safeguard Association, and the last was when he protested against access to the Gods Dungeon as the Pope of the Orbis Church. Throughout all these encounters, Orbis seemed gentle.

Gentle, you say?

Despite some members of the Monster Safeguard Association holding radical beliefs, Orbis didnt seem influenced by them. Even when his wife fell victim to the blade of a criminal Clan, he managed to pacify the extremist members of the Monster Safeguard Association.

Miss Christia also mentioned this, but do you think hes doing this out of personal vendetta?

[She has this down to an art form]

For anyone capable of sensing magical energy, the density of Shields within the room would be overwhelming. These Shields rivaled those painstakingly erected in Dungeon City by House Babenberg and, moreover, were constructed solely by Brooklyn herself.

House Babenbergs Shields were crafted primarily by the head of the household, with some being done with assistance from his eldest son and daughter, Smith and Biancaea. The Shield layers created by the threes combined magical energy were strong enough to nullify even the attacks of the Devourer Dragon, but in terms of defensive power alone, Brooklyns efforts alone could achieve the same result. And even though their variation required vast amounts of magical energy, House Kantjelucia required less time to construct them, too.

The moment Orbis stepped into the room with her Shields, Brooklyn ensnared him within. Unusually pristine and devoid of even a speck of dust, this room had been used for the executions of revolutionaries, yet it gave no hint of the bloodshed that had occurred within.

Now, lets hear your proposal, Brooklyn demanded.

Yes, of course. I believe you are already aware that I am orchestrating this Stampede. And my ultimate goal is the regulation of the Gods Dungeon. The current situation is dire. Do you not agree? Orbis spoke calmly, despite Brooklyns piercing, discriminating gaze. In the current state, individuals gain immense power far too easily. Furthermore, the conquest of the Gods Dungeon has progressed alarmingly, and overall power levels have risen. Gaining power in the Gods Dungeon is remarkably simple. It pales in comparison to the rigorous training ordinary knights undergo or the discipline practiced by the nobility.

So what?

At this rate, we will inevitably repeat past mistakes. Therefore, the Gods Dungeon must be regulated immediately. Master Brooklyn Kantjelucia, I implore you to stand with me, Orbis concluded, extending his hand.

Brooklyn glanced down at the offered hand before emitting a disdainful sigh.

Is that all you have to say?

Hahaha That is a yes, I assume?

Dont be ridiculous. Ive lost interest.

Gazing at her ring for a moment, Brooklyn then cast a sidelong glance. Instantly, the Shields surrounding Orbis contorted menacingly.

Consider yourself lucky for being able to speak this much and still live.

Ive heard that House Kantjelucia has an execution chamber utilizing Shield magic. Its said to feature Master Brooklyns finest Shields Is this where we are?

Right, it is. Here is where your insignificant life will meet its end.

Is that so? Orbis replied calmly, reaching out to touch the shrinking Shield layer.

Instantly, the Shield began to melt like heated glass, eventually turning blackened like charred remains. As the putrid liquid dripped onto the ground, the Shields beneath also began to dissolve with a sizzle.

Would breaking this suffice as proof of my strength?

Hmph. Dont get ahead of yourself. Youre already surrounded by thousands. Theres no escape.

Are you familiar with the monster called Devourer Dragon? Orbis asked, ignoring Brooklyns words.

Pulling a Magic Bag hidden within his formal attire, Orbis dropped a massive organ-like object onto the ground. Resembling a heart in shape, it was known as a magic sac.

This replicates the attack from the monster that caused heavy damage to Dungeon City.

Sensing the immense energy emanating from the organ, Brooklyn moved to destroy it with her Shields, but Orbis, suddenly turning his arm into one resembling that of an Orcs, prevented the Shields from crushing it.

Ive put considerable effort into making this, so please refrain from crushing it prematurely. House Babenberg took it head-on, you know?

Ridiculous. What nonsense magic is this? Its impossible!

Oh my, you dont sound too well. Look, its about to explode!

Youll die, too.

Dont mind me youd be better off worrying about yourself. After all, didnt House Babenberg gather their Shields in one place to defend against it? Perhaps you should do the same?

Struggling against the unprecedented amount of magic, Brooklyn attempted to crush the magic sac, but Orbiss strength proved too formidable to overcome. Realizing she could not destroy it, Brooklyn mobilized all the Shields in the room to defend herself.

Now then, until we meet again.

With that, a massive surge of magical energy erupted from the magic sac, causing Brooklyns estate to tremble violently.
