Luo Han, long Jingfan and Mrs. Luo are all nervous when they hear the autopsy results. That is to say, the police station has got the cause of Du Yaru's death and knows how she died.

Bai chuxia licked her lips with a heavy tone. "She said that when she was violated by human nature, she strangled her neck and choked to death. So when she died, her eyes would open so wide. It is estimated that she was resisting. The Forensic Medicine found male liquid in her lower body, and there was a pinch mark on her neck. The police said that the murderer should be a man." she heard on the phone I said it.

She was surprised because she didn't think Du Yaru was raped to death. She thought that he Zhiqi had killed her. Her conclusion should be that she was hit on the head by a hard object. She never thought it would be such a result. It is more cruel than being killed.

Luo Han was very shocked. He died because of this.

Mrs. Luo held her chest and said, "my God, she just had a miscarriage and took out her uterus. She is so weak. Which inhuman person has done such a thing? It's better to be an animal than an animal.".

"There are all kinds of people in this society. In the past few days, there must have been a lot of things that we don't know. Assuming that he Zhiqi intended to kill Du Yaru, he would not use such a troublesome method. Therefore, I wonder if the person employed by he Zhiqi has made mistakes. You think, although the mastermind behind the scenes is her, she has never been herself Once upon a time, Du Yaru was taken away by her, and there were always people watching her. Then somehow, those men moved their lust. In the process of rape, Du Yaru resisted. When the man was excited, he pinched her neck and killed her by mistake. There are many reasons why Du Yaru is too weak. I don't think that the man would think of this. He watched people killed by himself, didn't he The solution had to be left in the sewer and run away by myself According to the clues under his eyes, long Jingfan boldly speculates on this possibility.

"This can also be said, he Zhiqi has no motive to kill, but the reason why people died" Luo hanshun thought to analyze.

"Cousin, in this case, will he Zhiqi be guilty?" Bai chuxia looks at long Jingfan and asks.

"The crime of murder certainly does not constitute, but if she instigated the murderer to take Du Yaru away, she certainly can't get rid of it. However, if the woman asks a strong lawyer, she can get away easily. After all, Du Yaru volunteered, so she can't even count the kidnapping crime.".

Bai chuxia heard that he Zhi didn't have to be responsible for this matter. She was annoyed that her conscience would be disturbed all her life. If she had not let Du Yaru get away from the hospital, she would not have been killed. The most hateful person is her.

Mrs. Luo sighed, "Du Yaru has come to this stage, she has the responsibility. If she is not so greedy for money and does not cooperate with he Zhiqi, she will not be like this.".

"Mom is right, a slap can't make a sound, he Zhiqi certainly has the responsibility that can't be shirked, but this is Du Yaru's voluntary, there is no coercion, she also has to bear half of the responsibility for her own tragic fate," Luo Han agreed with her mother.

The servant put the dumpling on the tea table for a long time. Bai chuxia and Luo Han did not move.

He family there, early in the morning, he Zhiqi called the lawyer, two shut in the study to discuss.

He Zhiqi did not expect that the man would be a beast and do such a thing, and now he died. Yesterday in the police station, after careful consideration, she has admitted to the police that she sent someone to pick up Du Yaru. She said that they were friends. They were afraid that Luo's family would do harm to her, so she helped her out of the hospital. Later, because of the busy work, there was no time I often went to see her, but I didn't expect that the people who came to take care of Du Yaru would do such things.

Luo Han and Bai chuxia point their spears at her, and she can fight against her. Now I'm afraid that the escaped man will wrongly punish Du Yaru, who she ordered to kill. That's bad.

And the police station, relying on the evidence of Luo's family and he Zhiqi, targeted at the man, issued a wanted order and searched him all over the city.

It's sooner or later to catch someone. Now I see what the man said.

For now, they are all safe.

Du Yaru's parents came from the United States to claim the body. Luo Ruiyuan's mood also plummeted, thanks to Mrs. Luo's patience every day.

Later, he Zhiqi bribed the dead to make a big wedding, and walked around the city. Others could not help wondering whether the scene of carrying the coffin was also miss he's masterpiece. So far, he Zhiqi's previous denial of Luo Han was defeated one by one.

Originally, her image has always been very good in the outside world. After this incident, others finally know what is the most vicious woman's heart. It's really terrible to retaliate in this way because she can't get a man.

On the other hand, even if Luo Han is not under pressure, the frequent negative news will be like a vicious circle, dragging he to the end.

He Zhiyue knew that Luo Han didn't care about his old love, and wanted to cross the family. He was angry and made trouble to the Luo family several times. However, the strict Luo family was not as easy to enter as the Jiang family, and failed several times in a row.

On the tenth day of the first month, the police station has not caught anyone. Bai chuxia's holiday is full and needs to go to work. These days, even Bai qiuwan has stopped, and Xiaoyi has no more trouble. She thinks that it may be because she is frightened by Du Yaru and ready to stop.It seems that the weather will clear up after the rain.

"Xia Xia Xia, my cousin is going back after five days. Why don't we go to the bar tonight?" long Jingfan's stay at Luo's house is about to grow worms.

"This evening, I made an appointment with my colleagues in the hospital. If you don't mind, come and join the party," Bai chuxia said casually.

Well, I don't mind. I'll pick you up at the hospital that night.

"OK, I'll introduce you to a beautiful woman then, and I'll be a wife in Hong Kong.".

Long Jingfan smiles and pats her head, "my summer finally grows up, will think about the life of my cousin, happy, very happy.".

Luo Han came down from the stairs and saw his wife and her cousin "kiss me and me". The spring breeze on his face suddenly turned into a rainy day. He could not help reiterating that he really, really, really did not like the relationship between his cousin and cousin.

"Cough" he coughed hard. He walked up from the back and held Bai chuxia to his side arbitrarily. "I said cousin Jingfan, is the Hong Kong police station so free? You should go home.".

"I'm thinking about whether to transfer to the mainland to work, and live in your parents by the way." long Jingfan said solemnly. His stomach was filled with laughter. This jealous man is quite bloody and cute.

After a burst of laughter, Luo Han's face suddenly lengthened. "If you don't want to die, come and live for a long time.".

"You're not going to let me live in your backyard for a long time, are you?" Long Jingfan shrinks in fear.

Luo Han Yin Yin smile up, "will give you a good piece of buried."..

"Summer, your husband's possessiveness is too strong, can you eat it?" long Jingfan couldn't help laughing.

Bai chuxia stood on tiptoe and pulled Luo Han's tie. He trampled on his red lips and said with pride, "it's better than him.".

"Well, truth, personality." long Jingfan thumbs up at the beginning of summer.

"Wife, today's clothes you choose are too tasteless. Let's go upstairs and change another one." he hugged her and forced her upstairs.

"Hello, I'm too late to go to work." Bai chuxia doesn't know what he's crazy about.

Long Jingfan smart to the upstairs called "brother-in-law, remember to help her change underwear.".

White early summer suddenly understand come over, small face a burst of pretty red, straight want to a left hook punch in the face of this demon.

As soon as he entered the dressing room, Luo Han couldn't wait to kiss him. His tongue squeezed into her mouth and found the source of the sweetness. He tried his best to suck it and played with her.

"My husband, I'm really late for work." Bai chuxia felt numb and half hearted.

"It doesn't matter, how much salary will be deducted from my husband to supply you. Don't say these now, just tell me you want it!" Luo Han used his waist to support her, and his posture was pornographic enough.

Bai chuxia hugged his head, pressed down his chest and said, "honey, I want to"

How could he refuse such a wonderful invitation.

When they fall on the carpet, they go crazy, regardless of whether the time is passing too fast.

It has always been obligatory to enjoy sex.

…… It was only at 10 o'clock that she arrived at the hospital and lied that she was in a traffic jam on the road. She could not help thinking that she was blocked by Luo Han.

A new year, a new beginning, Bai chuxia told his colleagues that the new year was happy, and began to work happily.

At noon, colleagues from cardiology department and brain department made an appointment to have dinner first in the evening. Singing in KTV is more lively.

Bai chuxia made an appointment with Luo Han in the morning. He had a party with his colleagues in the hospital this evening. He was not interested in participating in the meeting. However, if he knew that he was with Ji yeche, he would come. She didn't want to make a joke in front of her colleagues, so it was better not to tell him.

After work, I meet Cheng Yuqing, Bai qiuwan and jiyeche in the elevator. Cheng Yuqing is still very happy. Ji yeche, the director's call is sweet.

Ji night Che see white early summer pressed the first floor, can not help but ask "do not have to pick up the car?"

"My cousin said that he would return to Hong Kong in a few days. He had to go with me tonight. I asked him to join us. He said he didn't mind. This will be waiting for me at the door." in the speaking room, the elevator door opened, and Bai chuxia waved to them, "see you later!"

"Early summer, remember to sit with me later!" Cheng Yuqing's voice came out from the elevator.