Chapter 1600 postscript to Dabi (39)

Ji Ao in the stands laughed: "Mingtang, you lost! Ha ha ha ha! "

"But it's also good. I saw not only the excellent disciples of brother Xiao Hai, but also the disciples of your Ming hall!"

"All the outstanding talents of Daqi should be rewarded!"

However, Ji frame said with a smile, "long live, you are in a hurry again, the battle is not over."

All of a sudden, it's the top of Ji's frame again, which makes Ji Ao's mood disappear again. When it's cold below, but he hasn't waited to speak, Luo Qianxing laughs.

"Four offerings, are you talking a little too much?"

"How can Helong Zhong resist such a powerful force as Wu Xing?"

But jiframed replied, "Mr. Luo, who said that your explosion just came from Wu Xingzhi?"

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Luo Qianxing said scornfully, "what do you mean! Do you want to say that he Longzhong was responsible for the combination of fire and earth? You're a bit of a joke! "

However, Ji frame no longer speaks.

Jiang Zhenfeng and others in the next song also didn't speak and stared at the challenge arena closely, because their ideas were the same as those of Zhiji frame.

They, who have experienced martial arts for a long time, naturally see that they are much more than the half hang of Luo Qianxing.

All the remaining powers on the challenge arena below have disappeared, and the shabby challenge arena is once again in front of everyone.

At the same time, there was a scene that surprised everyone.

Only to see in has been completely destroyed in two half of the arena, Wu Xing pale face quickly forward.

He Longzhong, however, stood there undamaged, as if it were just a breeze, and only shook his skirt, which could not shake him at all. The only Chinese website

is the sound of cool breath. Countless people around the audience are shocked.

They could not believe that even he Longzhong's hair had not been hurt under the powerful attack just now.

It's not going to work!

Even if most of the audience are civilians under the martial arts realm, they can also realize that the attack that can nearly destroy the entire imperial court just now has exceeded the acceptable range of the martial arts realm.

But he Longzhong can still stand there intact. What does that mean?

Is it he Longzhong's realm that transcends Wuling realm?!

No way! Wuzong, less than 25 years old, is impossible!

Most people still find the scene hard to accept.

But some people can see through the secret quickly.

It's needless to say that Jiang Huan, who has Jingtong eyes, knows what happened in the moment of the meteorite eruption just now and how ingenious he Longzhong's means are, which makes him feel palpitation, and even disbelief. He Longzhong, who is the same age as him, is so ingenious in the use of martial arts.

In fact, it's a very useless saying to say that you can defeat gang with Rou.

The old saying is that in the face of absolute power, all intrigues are in vain.

But he Longzhong's behavior just now completely disproves this view.

Perhaps it confirms another sentence, which is "who will use the strength if it is stronger."

The butcher who has no accomplishments gives him a spiritual weapon, which is nothing more than sharp when killing pigs and sheep.

Powerful people give him a common weapon, but also can kill countless butchers with spiritual weapons.

He Longzhong is such a person.