Chapter 394 the situation of mutation (3)

At this time, a line of military officers, from behind Jiang Zhenfeng, an old general in purple robes and tiger patches walked out and bowed to the Dragon chair!

"The old minister, Julian, has a beginning!"

"Say it!" As soon as the emissary left, Ji Ao's face was ugly.

The old general, Julian, spoke slowly.

"Long live! As you just said, although you are appeasing the envoys of the East hooligans, you are actually bowing your head to the enemy state of the East hooligans! Lose my dignity! In my opinion, I don't need to pay attention to him! Why should the world's martial artists not die! A little emissary would dare to roar at our great Qi court. Our national law is not allowed, and our ancestors are not allowed to restrict us! "

"If you think about the war between the two countries at the beginning, how many of our generals and men died in Nanguan. Compared with a small emissary, which is more important? Long live and think twice!"

When herrian's voice fell, Ji Ao's expression was still ugly, and there was no expression for her words.

It's such a standoff for half a pot of tea that Ji Ao looks back and asks the two princes participating in politics beside her.

"What do you think of it?"

Ji Mingzhong, the second prince, said.

"Father! It's better to get rid of enemies than to get married. When the two countries were fighting, how many samurai were killed and injured by my great Qi! So we can't fight any more! "

The third prince, Ji Xiaofeng, said with his head held high.

"Father and emperor, according to my children's opinions, since we have made friends with dongbangjian, there is no bow to show our good will. It's nothing more than the normal etiquette of the two countries. Don't listen to the sycophants and temptations! There are no undead in the war. They died for my Ji's imperial power. They also died with pity! But it's not the war period at present, so it's more important for the death of the East rogue emissary in my territory than the so-called war death of soldiers! So I hope that the father and the emperor can send someone to find out the matter as soon as possible and announce it to the world, so as to ensure the stability of the two countries! "

Ji Xiaofeng's words just finished, the old general hereon's whole body was shaking!

"Your Highness, why do you say that?! The death of soldiers, for the country! For the people! What's more, I will not be bullied by the enemy! If only for the sake of an emissary, wouldn't it discard my dignity, make the people cold and the generals cold? "

However, Helian's words were not finished, and Ji Xiao Feng on the Dragon stage suddenly said.

"This is my Ji family's world. The core of everything is my Ji family. How dare you contradict my prince, old man? Isn't it chilling my Ji family?! Yes? Do you want to rebel? "

This sentence is hard enough, the top of the Helian's face is red, and can't speak.


However, Ji Ao didn't seem to see his son scolding the courtiers. Hearing this, he still reclined on the Dragon chair and kept his eyes closed!

Finally! Julian can't help it! Suddenly I shake the sleeve! The whole body suddenly erupts a strong momentum, sweeping the whole golden palace!

For a time, the wind and cloud changed color, and the pressure in the hall was as low as the extreme!

Look at hrian again! The old face is still red, furious!

The official robes on and off the whole body vibrated with the uprising of vitality, which was very awesome!

Seeing this situation, Ji Xiaofeng's face on the stage became very ugly!

Although he is the first one of the so-called young generation of Daqi, he is still a young generation, just breaking through the middle level Wuling.

In the face of a town general who came down from the battlefield with countless corpses, there is still a gap between him who was in the early stage of Wuzong!

Fortunately, at this time, a man suddenly jumped out of his side and stopped Ji Xiaofeng. He shouldered all the pressure from wulizong of Helian!

This is eunuch he an Xi!

See he Anxi step in front of Ji Xiaofeng, also a wave of blood red robe, then see a scarlet vitality barrier in front of him, just to cover the reclusive Ji AO and the two princes!

The sudden scene in the court made all the civil and military officials feel shocked!

Or only ouyangfei, Ji Tingjin, Ji Mingtang and others are looking at the next development with great interest!

At this time, there was a man behind him, stretching out a hand and gently resting it on his shoulder.

"Don't be angry, old general!"

Hearing this, Helian turned around and saw that Jiang Zhenfeng was blocking him with a dignified expression.

Only then did Helian realize his gaffe. He quickly regained his power, fell to his knees with a plop and shouted.

"I lost my temper! be guilty of a crime for which one deserves to die ten thousand deaths! Long live and condemn! "

At this time, Jiang Zhenfeng also bowed his body.

"Long live, general he is a great Minister of our Qi Dynasty. He is a man of the people's livelihood. He may be a little impatient, but what he said is very true! If you give in blindly, you will only make one hundred countries of Youzhou think that we are incompetent. Then you will make one hundred countries of Youzhou invade us! What a worry! "

Jiang Zhenfeng's voice falls, Ji Xiaofeng snorts coldly.

"Don't be ashamed! Don't think that you are the leader of the military officials, and dare to question my Ji royal family. Don't forget that you are just the domestic slave of my Ji royal family! "

This sentence is cruel enough to make Helian kneeling on the ground unbearable.

However, Jiang Zhenfeng still pressed him on the shoulder with one hand to prevent him from making any excessive moves. After all, this is the golden palace. Whoever among the officials has a slight change will be irreverent and will be executed!

Finally, Ji Ao, who has been keeping her eyes shut, suddenly opens her eyes and stares at Ji Xiaofeng.

"Shut up! If you are not generals, they are the pillars of my great Qi! Is it your generation of yellow mouthed children who can abuse? "