C238 Match with Star Shadow(part Ii)

Arthur and the Red Fire Dragon stood facing each other in the night sky. The night wind of the Elf Kingdom set off this great battle that was about to break out.

"Roar!" As soon as the red fire dragon began to attack, it took the initiative. It threw out a huge fireball. The fireball exploded in front of Arthur!


His Dynamic Power was much higher ranked than the dragon's fireball. The moment the dragon spat out the fireball, he had already run and dodged.

The rider raised the Excalibur and slashed towards Malefic's lower abdomen!

The dragon knew the terrifying properties of this weapon, which could slice through metal like mud. He used his claws to block!

Clang! Covered in light, the incomparably hard dragon claw clashed against the Excalibur, ripping both of them apart!

"Ha!" "Arthur didn't seem to be particularly affected by the recoil. He immediately stabilized his body and raised his sword to slash again!

"Woo!" The clumsy Malefic could only tumble backwards and crash into the building behind him. Although the building had magic protection against destruction, it was still unable to withstand the impact of the colossal dragon and collapsed in half!

Pfft! Pfft! Facing the chasing Arthur, Malefic spat out three fireballs in a row.

Arthur swayed a few times as he avoided the fireball completely. The fireball exploded behind him and burned the building beside him.

The night was illuminated by the fire.

Slash! The golden colored sword beam was aimed straight at the dragon's throat.

Clang! The red dragon claw blocked the fatal blow! Arthur staggered back a few steps. Seeing the Malefic waving his huge claws at him, he immediately stabbed the sword into the ground and somersaulted through the air.

Swish! The golden sword drew a beautiful crescent-shaped arc of light in the air! This arc of light overlapped with the dragon's right claw, slashing the dragon claw in two!

"Woo!" The dragon endured the pain and waved his left claw, sending Arthur, who was still in the air and had no time to turn around, flying!

BOOM! Arthur crashed into a house 50 feet away, creating a huge hole in the wall!

Malefic endured the pain and flew up. He threw out a fireball into the gap of the house without hesitation. The fireball exploded in the house and the house was instantly engulfed in flames and smoke!

"Come out if you don't want to be cooked!" "Malefic was up in the sky preparing, preparing to burn the Knight to ashes with his raging flames as soon as Arthur rushed out!

However, there was no response.

Seeing that the house was about to be burned down and collapse into a pile of scraps, Malefic felt a faint unease in his heart. He knew clearly that Arthur was cunning and resourceful, he had probably already moved to another place and hid in another dark corner with the Malefic as an ambush!

Thinking of this, the Malefic made a (he thought himself) very smart move. He crouched in the remnants of the fire, using the flames and heat as a shield, and quietly observed his surroundings.

He was deceived.

By the time he came back to his senses, a golden light had already chopped off his left wing. When he felt the pain and knew that the situation was bad, he wanted to dodge, but another golden light chopped his left leg away!

"Ugh!" The dragon, unable to fly, lost its balance and fell with a thud, crashing headfirst into another house.

Arthur did not pity the Red Fire Dragon. He made two more slashes from the back, one sword successfully flew towards the dragon's right leg, the other sword had already slashed towards the dragon's tail!

"Pah!" "Malefic's tail twisted at high speed, and in the instant that Arthur slashed it, it swept horizontally towards Arthur!

Bang! The knight crashed into another house, and he spat blood. The walls of the house were not destroyed, the sweeping power of the Malefic was not as strong as he imagined. But that was exactly what the dragon wanted. Using his only remaining right arm to crawl out of the ruins, he breathed out his most powerful flaming dragon breath towards Arthur who was stuck on the wall!

"Whoosh!" The flames shot up into the sky. Seeing that there was no way to dodge, Arthur could only raise the Excalibur in his hand. "Ha! "

The Third Miracle was activated. Countless photons appeared out of nowhere and gathered on the golden sword. They gathered together to form a golden colored light and shot out along with the sword qi!

The golden light and the flames collided!

— — Pound!

The atmosphere trembled intensely. The entire Elf King was illuminated by the Mega-light engaged in a fierce battle between the dragon and youth. The night sky had also become as bright as day!

"Wow, what are they doing?!" Bedivere who was practicing sword techniques with Tristan could not help but turn to look out the window.

"Foolish lads." Dragon Emperor Titans muttered.

After the Mega-light passed, Arthur climbed up from the ruins. His entire body was in throbbing pain, and the Red Fire Dragon on his body was already utterly damaged.

After using up all of his strength, Malefic Red Fire Dragon had no choice but to transform back into his original form, like a decadent little lizard, lying on the ground motionlessly.

"I've won, Malefic." Arthur raised his sword and slowly walked towards the Red Flame Dragon, ready to make his final attack.

"That's — not necessarily!" The dragon slowly crawled to his feet with his remaining arm.

"Still trying to struggle?" I advise you to forget it! Arthur said disdainfully. The dragon had already lost three limbs and one wing. It had already lost a lot of blood, and it was already difficult for it to even get up. If they continued to fight, the dragon would really die.

However, the Malefic was not as weak as Arthur had imagined. Although he had always been unlucky since meeting Arthur and had always been clumsy to the point of being laughable, dragons were still dragons.

The dragons were destined to fly in the sky, and even if the shadow of death covered the sky, it would not be able to stop their dream of soaring!

With his last bit of strength, Malefic pushed his palm against the ground and pounced towards Arthur!

"What?!" "Arthur, who was shocked, subconsciously raised his sword and slashed! By the time he felt that something was amiss, it was already too late! This sword force will definitely hack Malefic into two!

Just as the Excalibur was about to split the Malefic into two, the dragon's remaining right wing suddenly flapped! His small broken wings only allowed him to change his trajectory slightly, but it also allowed him to avoid this fatal blow!

The golden colored sword light had cut off the dragon's right arm and right wing. Blood gushed out, but it was unable to stop the dragon's momentum! The dying dragon bit down at Arthur's unprotected throat!

— — Losers' final counterattack could break the king's throat!

"Bang!" "Arthur thought that he would be bitten to death. However, Malefic only smashed head on into Arthur's body, causing Arthur to be knocked onto the ground!

Woo — —" Arthur felt a wave of dizziness at the back of his head. When he felt a little better, he only felt a heavy weight on his chest.

Malefic Red Fire Dragon had long since lost consciousness. Before he had bitten Arthur's throat, he had already lost too much blood and fainted.

Or, on the contrary? He chose not to bite it, crashed into Arthur clumsily, and then lost consciousness?

Arthur looked at the red dragon that was riddled with wounds from having its hands and feet broken, and sneered.

From the first day that the youth had met this dragon, he had known that he and this dragon were inextricably linked (Karma). They were so different, yet so similar. As long as they held onto the determination to die, they could touch the instant when they attacked their fates.

Back then, the youth that was reflected in the eyes of the colossal dragon was none other than himself, the colossal dragon.

The young man at that time, was also the young man himself, reflected in the eyes of the colossal dragon.

— — When you examine my heart, you should tremble.

— — The mirror reflects your true nature!

"It's a draw again, Malefic." The knight rose slowly and held the dying dragon in his arms. "You have done well, in the case of a [bastard]." "

(You don't need blood to prove your greatness, Stupid Dragon.)

You've already done well.

The warmth of the dragon spread in the knight's arms. The dragon seemed to be dreaming with satisfaction:

He soared into the sky, looking down arrogantly upon the entire world.