C233 Surprise Attack on Dark Cloud(part Ii)

There was only one harsh sound, and then, rustle, rustle, rustle, rustle! — and the sound died away and was no longer heard. Malefic thought he saw an illusion before he died. He looked at the white-robed girl in disbelief.

Was that a ghost? Was there such a beautiful ghost?!

— — The girl was singing loudly. No one could hear her voice, but she was definitely singing.

What she was emitting was an ultrasound. Her ultrasound dissected the black Dragon Flame that was going to devour Eavan!

— — It was a high-frequency vibration. It instantly destroyed the Darkness Particle!

"Eh, what happened?" Eavan asked the Malefic. His eyes were still blind. He could only feel that the crowd had seen something amazing.

Malefic did not answer. He was surprised to see that the Darkness Particle dragon was struggling painfully in the sonic wave, temporarily losing its ability to move.

A huge figure dropped down from the sky, crashing down onto the colossal dragon!

Bang! The huge tremors caused everyone to fall to the ground, leaving a huge crater in the ground!

The other silver-white dragon had completely suppressed the Darkness Particle Demon Dragon on the ground!

"Father, Royal Father …?!" Malefic and Xian Wei cried out at the same time.

"What?" Arthur was also surprised, "That can't be -!" "

This dragon that had lived for tens of thousands of years already looked a little old, but his demeanor was still the same.

His majesty was like that of an emperor, and his dominance was like that of a monarch.

This silver white dragon was the King of Ten Thousand Dragons, Dragon Emperor, Howling Star Dragon Titans!

"Dragon Emperor Titans shouted loudly!

Thus, the entire world trembled violently! The Darkness Particle Demon Dragon began to slowly crumble under Titans's thunderous roars! This is a super vibration magic with the Dragon Emperor as the center, it is the superposition of countless high frequency vibrations … In short, it happened in an instant, causing countless violent shockwaves!

"Woo!" The crowd was dizzy from the shock, as if they were seasick and had lost their minds. It was as if they were rolling in a storm!

After a while, when Arthur's head was no longer affected by the dizziness, Titans shouted at Arthur: "What are you waiting for?! End this poor creature! "

"…." Yes! Arthur endured the pain in his leg and rushed over, using his Excalibur to stab the Darkness Particle in the demonic dragon's head. One hit kill! Golden rays of light gradually spread over the dark dragon's body, purifying the Darkness Particle and Demon Dragon.

"I can't believe they sent a kid like that." "Dragon Emperor Titans looked at Arthur and said in disappointment," I'm afraid there's no hope for the Eliason anymore. "

"…." Malefic? Xivia? The Dragon Emperor noticed the two little dragons on the ground again. "Why are you guys here as well?" Was he chasing after the Queen's scent? This is none of your business, go back! "

Malefic Red Fire Dragon bellowed: Royal Father, you have no authority to order me! We brothers can go wherever we want and do whatever we want! "

"I am your father!" The Dragon Emperor roared as well. The roar from his huge body was as shocking as a typhoon or a tsunami!

"You have never done your duty as a father!" he snapped.

Dragon Emperor was stunned and speechless.

"In short, if This Emperor wants you to leave, then leave!" This is not a place for you kids to play! "

"We're not children anymore!" Malefic roared. He and Xian Wei had already lived for more than ten thousand years, and they had already grown up to be young and strong dragons. — Of course, that was before they met Arthur, the god of pests. It was also true that most of their energy had been drained from them and they had become extremely weak.

"I don't know how many years have passed in the outside world." The Dragon Emperor sneered. "But you look exactly the same as you did when you hatched out of the egg!?" Or was it that he never had a proper meal? "

"What?!" "Damn you, old man!"

Arthur saw that they were arguing non-stop and immediately replied. "Stop it!" "I think I should leave this place first, in case there are more Darkness Particle monsters attacking me …"

"Don't interrupt, human!" Dragon Emperor and the two small dragons called out together.

"Ah — the stars in the sky —" A melodious and clear song echoed through the crowd.

Why did you narrow your eyes?

It was to find the flickering hope, the bright light.

Light shines upon the earth, and the light of God whispers,

If there was hope, there would be a moment when he could see through the darkness.

Ah, wanderers,

Why are you looking around?

It was to remember the feeling that passed in your life.

You stand on the ground, you walk all over the world,

If you have the courage, you will have the moment to find the light.

— — "

Eavan felt that his entire body and mind were immersed in the beautiful voice, the pain on his body was no longer there, and he could gradually see.

The boy opened his eyes. In front of him was a girl as pure as a spring, and as dazzling as the morning sun. Her beautiful golden hair fluttered in the night sky without any restraints or modifications.

Apart from her refined temperament and her smooth, egg-like, white, and rosy skin, the only difference between this girl and a human was her long, pointed ears, which matched her standard oval face in elegance and harmony.

Her clear blue eyes were like water droplets, her pink and tender lips like petals. The scent of jasmine emanating from her body was naturally elegant and extraordinary. Every part of her body had become one with nature, and could be described as the beauty of nature; and she was far more beautiful than any part of nature, and the beauty that could describe her had been overshadowed by the beauty of nature.

Eavan looked at the girl and swallowed his saliva.

"Are you all right, BalanceKeeper?" the elf girl asked. Her voice was like silver bells, clear and distant, elegant and noble.

"You …." You treated me? "Eavan blushed," "Thank you."

Arthur watched from the side. This Elf Girl was a wandering poet. She had infused her own voice with the power of magic, being able to kill enemies and heal teammates. She could even use magic to control the scope of her song, allowing a particular person to hear a particular song.

The sound wave attack that blocked the Demon Dragon's Dark Flame was used by the white-clothed Elf Girl. High frequency vibration could restrain Darkness Particle, so this girl was very clear about this matter.

She and Dragon Emperor were on the same road. In this pure land, they had probably already fought with countless Darkness Particle creatures.

This Elf Girl knew about the changes in the Pure Land. Arthur knew who he was looking for.

The young girl's singing not only cured Eavan, but also stopped the quarrelling between Titans and his son. It seemed like the singing had the effect of soothing their hearts.

"[The World Changers] is right," the girl said. "We are too dangerous here. Let's return to the barrier." "

"If [AstroInter] says so." Dragon Emperor Titans was obviously respectful to this Elf Girl, and the arrogant Dragon King rarely listened to the words of others.

"What, what is your name?" Eavan stammered as he asked. As soon as he said it, he felt extremely ashamed of his clumsiness.

"Eliason." "I was born in this pure land, and I was the last elf to be born." The elves gave me this sacred name. "

This girl had the same beautiful Pure Land Ellison. She was incomparably beautiful, but also incomparably sad and beautiful.

As the dawn broke on the Pure Land Ellison, Eavan saw the girl illuminated by the dawn. The gentle face of Eavan, which had originally been illuminated by the night, now had a kind of unswerving beauty.

Eavan faintly felt his [fate] — protecting his Eliason. Protect this pure land, protect this girl.